Forum Replies Created
Memberblah blah blah…[b]KILLLLLLLL!!!![/b]
Yay! dinner time for Tizzy!
Member@Rosver: Back to warm cola (beverage, not user)
True, it must be cold to carbonate, but then once sealed in an air tight container, it can get warm. It’s stored warm in stores all the time, just drink it fast after opening it off the shelf.
NOW…technically we were talking about Cola…Dr. Pepper is very different.
Many people enjoy mulling Dr. Pepper (remember it has those secret spices–so technically heat it and it’s pre mulled). What many people do is heat Dr Pepper, like Tea or Coffee and then add a lemon slice. It is, surprisingly good.
Member@Jonnyboi: I hear that in August, the Southern States of America have a climate very similar to the Abyss…OK, maybe a bit soggier…
MemberHere is a link discussing the history of hot Dr. Pepper, prep recommendation and a suggestion for adding rum for a boomer!
Yes, much will be happening with the skyfleet/Rod over the next few books. In book ii, we have a lot of regrouping to deal with the new situation and positioning and alliances involving them and freehold…the problem is, as you point out, the target of their ire has fled the scene and seriously annoyed the Rod and in particular the other Knights Rampant who arrive late and are totally smoked about their missing “brother knight” who they are sworn to defend, one for all, all for one sort of thing.
T-A-G really had hoped for sooner, but editor and artist have their timelines that aren’t as fast. However, T-A-G say he can use that time to improve the book. Things start to get complicated in terms of the number of involved parties and which side they are on in book ii, so getting it right is important.
MemberMmmm tasty soul!
MemberYes, Demons are known to change their names pretty frequently, and they only talk about themselves, or me.
Talking about me is, of course, the best thing people in the Abyss can do, since, clearly, I am the most interesting person in the Abyss.
You won’t believe how many arguments I get over this one simple, obvious point.
As for other books, T-A-G has discovered that he only got about half as far as planned in book ii, so there is now an extra book and the story is at least 4 if not 5 or 6 books.
There has been a plan to do short stories or spin offs for some time. For example Tales of the Demon Bard which are the adventures of Antefalken prior to this book.
But there is also another spin-off planned based on a character (or two) in book ii. I can’t say much about that because it would give stuff away, but it would be a roughly concurrent story line in another universe that would have some character and event cross overs. Thing Flash/Arrow and similar TV cross overs.
Also, as mentioned before, one reason T-A-G is putting up so much world info is to at some point generate interest in reader fiction in the same multiverse.
MemberFine for beta…that should be starting soon according to T-A-G.
I am going to create a Beta Forum for him soon. He just wants me to hold off so people don’t get too excited too fast.
The beta thing is not for everyone. IN THAT: While anyone in the forums that wants to can be a beta demon, as T-A-G will explain in the opening to the beta forum why one might not want to be a beta demon, and why it will be locked to beta demons only.
Mainly, it’s because it exposes you to the “Infinite Worlds of Maybe” Beta demons may end up traveling down alternate–dead end–timelines that get wiped out by the ‘final timeline.’
E.g. when something bad happens and then someone from the near future goes back and makes sure that bad thing didn’t happen and then in the new ‘official’ timeline that bad thing didn’t happen, the time traveler ends remembering both realities.
In other words, being a beta demon may expose people to information/event/plot destroying horribleness that doesn’t actually ever happen in the real world (of Astlan/TheAbyss) but you just thought it happened for a while, like a bad dream.
This can bother some people. You have to be able to live with possibly having knowledge of these universes, but you can’t ever tell anyone because 1) no one would believe you and they would lock up and away from gen-pop and 2) My demon buddies would hunt you down and eat your soul.
Anyway, so as of last word on progress, that’s on the front page, there are now hard deadlines. Given that the deadlines are further out than he’d planned, T-A-G is taking time before the beta program to go back and clean things up/improve consistency and then optimize the ‘wrap up’ for Book ii
This is actually kind of important because what he had planned to do in book ii is now what is book ii + book iii, in that it turns out that in order to get to where book ii was supposed to go…has taken a lot more story than planned and the old end of book ii is now the end of book iii. I think this was bad planning on T-A-G’s part. But in the end, I think it has improved the multiverse.
To give you a hint of the detail.
Book I took place over a period of 30 Astlanian days. I.e. 1.5 Anuropian Quarter Months I am not sure how many people realized that.
Book II takes place over basically 10 more days. So Book 1 and 2 together last 1 Uropian month.Word counts are going to be very similar (Dead Tree page limit for on demand printing)
In other words, book II maintains the speed of action at the end of book I, we are not slowing down. Although [SPOILER]we did get to take a nice lava bath…and play some relaxing games of whist![/SPOILER]
MemberYeah, I will send out emails for people to confirm and then there will be a beta demon only forum for discussion, access.
He said mid May, but it will probably be end of May…timelines shifted when Editor said she couldn’t touch it until July 1….
So T-A-G is going back and filling in the timeline with more detail scenes etc.
MemberOohh Three finger is being sneaky and updated his 6 month old post to be in red so it looks like he was ahead of the game on the blood contract!
Got the email message of a new post and I’m like where is it? It was an edit….oooh very demonic trying to go back and change the past!
MemberUhm…maybe it was an example of a mistake?
Yeah, that’s what it is, an example of a mistake.
Congratulations! You are the first person to spot that and are thus entitled to a prize.
How about a day trip to Hell Springs Eternal for a nice lava bath?
You are starting to sound just like Talarius…
“I don’t want to go in the lava!”
“Don’t throw me in the lava!”
“It’s too hot!”
What a crybaby!
Of course it’s hot! It’s the heat that soothes the muscles eating away at the stress, tension and flesh….
MemberCool! or Hot, gotta sign in red though.
BTW once the beta is done we are all going to go party at Hell Springs Eternal –soothing lava baths and on the house massages from Grzzaazztquactl, she is wonderful, her 12″ claws can really get between your muscle fibers and open them up!
You got me!
I have been out demonized!
There is no ebook version! FedEx, UPS, USPS, DHL…they all refuse to deliver to the Abyss!! (Apparently they tend to lose a lot of delivery guys)
How am I going to get my claws on this incredible book!
I have an Internet connection (dial up I am afraid) so could download an ebook, but can’t get Amazon to deliver physical objects here…of course my home doesn’t actually have a street address…it doesn’t have a street either…or a city…or a state…or a country