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MemberMy pleasure!
MemberHaving read the books gives me more insight into Tom than I get hanging around him…which seems odd, but then I can’t read his internal dialogue without a copy of the books.
But I think many people arguing that he’s not acting like a teenage boy is sort of missing a few points. The big one being that he’s no longer a teenage boy, he’s an immortal and there are other factors at work.
First though, his emotional state has been anywhere from freaked to depressed to paranoid and anxious. Right now he feels that he is perpetrating a huge lie, first to the D’Orcs, then Orcs, and now to the Etonians, and he’s scared he’s going to be caught/found out. He is also afraid of failing them all, particularly the little guys (he’s got some issues on this front–note his reluctance to break Rupert’s illusion about Tom being his father)
Fear and anxiety trump sexual desire in anyone of any age.
Also, you guys do know he is not a biological person right?
He’s (and me’s and all immortals) an energy construct, a being of pure animus that wraps itself in a material form?
He doesn’t actually have hormones…he only has them if/when he wants to have them, sort of like eating, pooping, breathing and sleeping (except at Mount Doom where competition for the mana generators sort of force the issue at least for sleeping and recovering mana)
Yes, by default, he previously had them, so they would be naturally turned on (plus everyone knows demons are sexual pervs so there is that component–>see volume 1, initial summoning, giant phalus and Jenn’s reactions) but…
The thing is, if his mental state is preoccupied by other things, other emotions, then any faux hormones that would normally be generated (because he and others thinks he has them) would likely be suppressed.
Finally, again book 1: Part of his form is determined by what other believe about him. People who convince themselves he is Orcus expect to see Orcus and while not like an initial summoning (where it is very intense) it does have an effect, albeit much smaller. Of course, I should note that this can be a real problem for some gods (more so than demons–people worshiping an idol and seriously concentrating on who/what they believe you to be, is pretty potent–particularly if you are sucking up their emotionally charged mana at the same–>hence the mana cleansing rituals the avatars do), and just thinking about it often makes them paranoid as to is it me, or what my followers expect?
But anyway, how belief shapes immortals will be discussed much more. Actually, Tom and a certain previously missing member of the Tartarvardenennead will be discussing it and similar topics in v.IV (very early on too)
But anyway, I digress, the point being is that Tom and other demons all have real emotional needs, however, physical needs are technically a luxury that we can choose to indulge in or not (mostly/sort of/sometimes–for example book 1, his rage and instinct to kill was that him or was that expectation)
The thing is, “it’s complex”
MemberLaibach! Every D’Orcs favorite faux fascist Slovenian industrial band!
Very surprised Melania didn’t invite them to play the inauguration, she’s a fellow countryman, and I am certain her husband would appreciate their style.
However, back to this song.
To truly appreciate what a fantastic job Laibach has done with this song, one needs to see the original Opus version:
[scared] Shudder
MemberDoes not exist!
Nope, not at all.
However, if it did exist, there are some “beings” in the Antilles Cluster localverse that have been known to practice it, so it could show up in OOA.
MemberYes, but if one is self-contained and pressurized, like a demon for example, such jumping can be a fun adventure, never know where you are going to show up. Although appearing in deep space can be navigationally challenging, trying to figure out where to head to, much worse than being lost at sea.
MemberWell, Reggie certainly lost no time. His urges seems to be in oversexdrive. But then he is an incubus
However, I will point out that Tom has not mentioned having a girl friend or much of any friends back on Earth, so maybe he’s like one of those guys living across the hall from the sexy waitress in Pasadena while working as physicists…
I can say that as a rule, most new demons don’t get much action. Most start off with pretty solitary lives for a few decades or centuries, hanging in their caves by night, slaving away during the day. It generally takes them time to meet other demons, particularly demonettes.
And I can categorically say from personal experiences that demonettes are very hard to get. I’m pretty convinced that demonettes don’t like sex for some reason. Trust me, I have tried just about every trick in the book and had very little luck.
And let’s be fair, if someone as handsome, suave and witty as me has trouble wooing a demonette, just think how many more problems someone without all my gifts would have.
MemberI refuse to comment on these speculations as I may, or may not, resemble some or any of the aforementioned accusations!
MemberThat lazy good for nothing author guy got very little done this summer, claims he was busy earning short term currency or something.
He has, however, recently been back to the grindstone and making progress on the three books, so the race to see which gets to beta first is back on.
MemberWell, technically, the pre-order is live now, for midnight tonight.
Tsk, tsk, Premature audulation!
MemberSummer was bad, then his hand broke (severe tendinitis) and he had trouble typing and went on an unauthorized 2 week vacation at the end of August. It was then make up work on the day job but late September he started writing again.
He is back and going again, did some major edits and a few more chapters and scenes to v.IV and is actively back to making progress on CoA:ITW which had stalled due to OOA and v.IV
Personally, I think he bit off a bit too much in trying to actively write 3 books at the same time…even if they do criss-cross at points (which is a major reason he is writing all 3 at once)
MemberT-A-G is being very slow, it will be a bit yet, summer was quite unproductive for him.
MemberI can guarantee you the waiting lines at this theme park are going to fantastic! They will put those as the Mouse House to shame!
MemberJust like with the sporks, he keeps going back and forth.
I would say they will be a little delayed, not sure if both will come out before 4, as was the plan, it depends on how the three stories go and the whole beta and editing mechanics. If it ends up that one is delayed until after v4, it won’t be hugely after.
MemberOh, he seemed to like Warcraft, I know he loves Vikingx.
MemberWell burning is pretty much what happens to most normal clothes in the Abyss. The place is rather harsh on them, as it is on flesh. You often get a lot of dried out and brittle clothes, (it is nasty on leather unless you really work to preserve it) and if you stand to close to an exploding ball of flame, there goes the clothes!