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The Author Guy
MemberThe next problem, however, is that avatars don’t die easily.
Now, for example, Beragamos is incarnated and his body can actually die. However, he’s powerful enough that he’d just reform a mana body upon death of the body, just like all the other avatars currently have.
They are pure energy beings, and centuries old, they regenerate and can immediately heal as Tom did. So you really need to get them down on the ropes or use soul sucking magic.
BTW, they will be vulnerable again, once this magic is known, people will keep using it. Exador will certainly be using this against his enemies. When he realized that people were relaying, he began thinking of using an oscillating mechanism that would flip between blocking local and off plane links. If you get the time right, the people inside won’t be able to reestablish their links fast enough. I.e. you break the connection, they try to reset to the other route and then it gets broken.
I don’t think he can realistically do it, live, in battle. He’s no Lenamare, after all, but he will be thinking about it between battles.
The Author Guy
MemberSomeone was wondering why Tizzy doesn’t like Reggie. Your theory would answer that.
Maybe it’s because he’s afraid that Reggie will recognize him as the guy in the dark, dark alley in Manhattan that sold him the joints? Reggie might out him as the drug dealer?
Assuming of course, that he is responsible for the demon weed that Tom smoked.
The Author Guy
The D’Orcs and everyone just assumed Rupert was Dis 2.0 so they didn’t feel the need to bring it up. They knew exactly who he was.
Yes, Dis was killed with the D’Orcs; however, we still do not know for a fact that it was EM following a bunch of links, that has yet to be revealed.
It is possible that some of the D’Orcs were imprisoned somewhere; killing 20,000+ by whatever mechanism would be very difficult, even for EM following links.
All we know is that none of them ever came back to the Abyss. The assumption that everyone (the D’Orcs) are making is that they were all killed permanently somehow.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Giwdul;4867]Here is a second bunch of little things I found.
Fixed all before this.M)had gathered for breaking their fast.
*)had gathered for breakfast. (Might want to separate ‘breakfast’ from ‘breaking their fast’ because these are religious/holy persons who probably do real honest to god Fasting)
*2)had gathered to break their fast.
took option 2
M)but the father does not infect the mother and is alive through the term
*)but the father does not infect the mother and she is alive through the termM)to find Talarius in his full armor—which made sense since the sitting room was not as cool as the knight’s bedroom—with his sword leaning against the arm of the chair.
*)to find Talarius slouched (or ‘sitting bolt upright’) in a chair with his sword leaning against the arm rest. he was in his full armor—which made sense since the sitting room was not as cool as the knight’s bedroom.M)After that they will discuss and discuss it.
*)After that they will discuss it.
*2)After that they will have a few rounds of discussion.
Fixed and changed to:After that they will engage in endless rounds of discussion along with tedious amounts indecisive whining
M)He cannot be a very trustworthy?” Jenn asked.
*)How trustworthy can he be?” Jenn asked.M)and two apostles to fill them in the first results
*)and two apostles to fill them in on the first resultsM)Vampires are tricky to capture, extremely hard to capture and generally resistant to Truth Sight.
*)Vampires are tricky to capture, extremely hard to contain and generally resistant to Truth Sight.M)Talarius voice boomingly echoed in the vast room.
*)Talarius’ voice boomed, echoing in the vast room.M)he could atone, cured and resume his life.
*)he could atone, be cured and resume his life.M)define known forms that we have paintings or statues of to help us remember.
*)define known forms that we have memorized and then have paintings or statues made to help keep them consistent.
*2)define known forms which we then have paintings or statues of to help us remember.[/quote]How about whole sentence going to:
Edwyrd grinned. “So as a result, I, and others that can do this, establish a set of defined, memorized, forms that we supplement with paintings or statues to help us remember finer details.”
The Author Guy
You should now be able to see The Heavenly Host forum.
Under that forum is a sub-forum called Latest Version and under that is a post with the link to the page with the PDF and Epub versions.
The Author Guy
MemberIn the Lesteroth scene they are surrounded, he let’s those who wish to go, go.
They then, [i]off camera[/i], have a quick swearing in and Tom creates bindings and then they all just file down tunnels into Mount Doom, the same tunnels the D’Orcs came out of. This is basically implied in retrospect and conversations.
Is the reference to the four lands from a book I haven’t read?“If I had to, I could, for example, get by in the Four Lands.”
Said by ragala-nargoloth
[/quote]It’s a reference to a series of books that I would suspect you’ve read. Unless you are really lucky. [biggrin] It’s also a TV series on MTV.
Actually some of them are quite good, others are slightly hacky money making retreads. The Four Lands are where the Shannara books take place.
While not obvious until much later, it’s a post-magic returned Earth.
The Demi-Urge doesn’t hang out much in Astlan, so he doesn’t mess with them too much.
Sammael delegates far better than Lilith, who is a control freak. He trusts his lieutenants to carry out their duty with very little supervision. They know what is expected and know the price of failure. He is, after all, THE DEVIL. Tizzy claims that Sam’s biggest problem with Lilith is that she’s a control freak and that drives him nuts. She’s also mercurial and unpredictable, vengeful, manipulative. I.e. a typical Ex.
The Author Guy
MemberLet’s revisit after Beta 1 so you will have a better idea where he’s going.
The Author Guy
I like that one; but may be better for book 4 or 5…but I like it a lot.
Will put it on the list.
The Author Guy
MemberWell, I think, historically it is hard to separate Coming of Age from Adventure in some ways. It’s also hard to take Adventure out of something like Game of Thrones.
The politics are not necessarily between kingdoms. It’s between factions of humans, elves, orcs, demons and gods.
Politics are huge:
We start with:
Exador and his allies vs Lenamare and Zilquar; then it expands to the whole Council, where there are politics but we don’t focus on that much.
We have Randolf who appears to be subservient to Exador, but is biding his time to stab Exador in the back due to Exador toasting Abancia.
We have djinn politics that will get more obvious later.
We have inter pantheon politics with the Nyjyr Ennead vs the Etonians; there are also intra pantheon issues on the Etonian side.
In the Abyss we have Lilith vs Sammael, vs Ramses, Exador, Bess vs it now turns out Orcus. The Courts of Chaos are all about political intrigue. We will learn more.
We have Lilith, Sentir and Aodh vs Orcus/Tommus;
The Grove is about to be split; we have already seen a split between Sentir Fallon and Tiernon. Do you think Tiernon is going to approve of Sentir Fallon working with Lilith? Or even Aodh? And what about the use of Antimus in the dagger? And the fact that the dagger has been corrupting the practices of the church?
Not to mention the alliance of Oorstemoth and the Rod? That’s tricky, and who are they against? Tom, but do you think Hilda or any avatars are going to be “good with” their followers invading the Abyss? That breaks a lot of longstanding rules and treaties between the gods and demons. There are various subtle references to this throughout both books.
The Author Guy
MemberYes, went back through, that is the case.
Actually, I would argue the case for Oorstemothian assistance is actually a bit weaker than I like.
The Author Guy
MemberGod, I hate that!
The guy with the answer is one village over in the middle of a multi-continent epic. And they miss each other. I think authors do that to torment readers.
SoT went 14 books? Wow, I think I did the first 3…
I think a real problem with the never ending series is that, particularly when there is a long time between books, you can only keep so many stories and plotlines in your head.
The Author Guy
Good point. Need to think about this and do some rereading and clarify.
But yes, as I recall, Volund is not much into the “damn cookies” I think was a phrase he used back when Orcus was alive.
The Author Guy
Memberyes, we are seeing eye to eye.
The difference is the terminology of the word video game. The phrase has meant a couple things over the years.
Originally it was Space invaders in an arcade and then Pong at home.
In “my day” when I was a kid a “video game” was the thing in a box at an arcade.
Then we got the video game console (Atari, Nintendo, Coleco) that worked much like video games in the arcade.
But actually all of these are computer games. The boxes at the arcade were just dedicated computers with very narrow specialization, but if you look at Space Invaders, it’s stuff that was first done with mini-computers 5 to 6 years before. So before arcade style video games were released they were preceded by computer games using somewhat specialized monitors (I can’t remember the exact name but the way the electron guns were controlled was different than on say a dumb terminal–more complex)
And computer gaming logic actually started in the 50’s and 60’s on mainframes, but they generally weren’t “video oriented” in anyway until the CRT monitor came around. Most were text on teletypes. Punch card games were really just programming exercises.
Anyway, in “general” when someone says “video game”, I think/mean computer game, because they are all the same, some just use more special purpose computers. Consoles are computers, and in theory, if one wanted to, one could write a spreadsheet for a PS2,3,4 or Xbox. Someone may have, but that’s a bit crazy. They do all surf the web though now.
So, I think you are using video game to mean non-RPG and non Simulator or what we used to call “Arcade Style Games” Tetris, Candy Crush, etc. Vs about anything else. A FPS is technically an RPG, a very violent one but…I like my DOOM to come with a good story (of sorts—doesn’t gotta be too deep) Of course, look at the crazy back story they do with Wolfenstein
Anyway, that’s a pretty common interpretation for video game, I’m just a bit more generic
Other people say “video game” to mean something on a Console (including RPG’s) vs something on a PC…but I prefer arcade style=video game
The Author Guy
MemberSlower than I want; mainly due to work.
However, it gives me lots of thinking plotting time for the finish up. I am assimilating ideas/complaints from alpha read, thinking about how to spruce up earlier stuff and how that affects the last chapters.
So while not much typing progress, there has been plotting progress.
In particular, more thoughts about Ruiden and Talarius, more thoughts about Tiernon & Torean and how that may shape things.
Also more thought on Net and when he enters the picture which is in the last 20%.
Also more on Exador & Ramses and their interactions.
Big thing is still working out details on the timing of the siege.
2015-12-08 at 21:00 in reply to: Beta 2 – Murgatroy: DOA + 3, Late Third Period is now too infodumpy #7645The Author Guy
MemberIs this the HALO discussion with Stevos and Teragdor?
See the topic on that.