Forum Replies Created
The Author Guy
MemberYou are correct. Thanks!
I originally estimated correctly for the regular risi and then sort of assumed I had the room for the bergrisi
People who draw use “heads” for basic proportions and a heroic figure is 9 heads, here is a chart I just created based on this.
So the Bergrisi himself is at least 59 feet wide.
My original estimate of 35′ for the little guys’ sarcophagi of 35′ would be correct, but the bergrisi would need to be more like 65′ or 70′ across.
So make the Tomb Portal 75′?
The Author Guy
MemberWell, not inspiring, but it pays the bills. And a lot of times, that’s very important to restoring balance in ones life.
If I’m really involved in a project, doing the lead design as is my want, I tend to get too wrapped up in all facets and it sort of takes over my life. I enjoy it, but suddenly I am obsessing over it. Now this is great if they are willing to pay for 80 hours a week, but many times this freaks people out because, while they get stuff sooner, the upfront cost is high, and my compatriots start keeling over at their desks. Where I am on a budget of like 172 hours/month, I still obsess by thinking about stuff in the shower, brushing my teeth, sleeping, driving.
I love that sort of thing, but it wreaks havoc on other parts of my life, like writing. That was the big reason that book 2 took so long and got rather rushed at the end, I went on a 3 month contract to do specs & design, ended up rebuilding the entire thing myself dragging their team along and it went 9 months, but we got the thing done. However, almost nothing happened on the book for much of that time.
They were budgeted on hours, but it kept my mind occupied off hours such that shifting gears to write was just too difficult.
So like, this year, I am very specifically NOT doing that. It’s just short projects, advising and systems work. Well, except that I got sidetracked in the spring by setting up my own cloud service company, becoming a registrar and ssl reseller and all the stuff that goes with hosting VM’s and VPS. Still only doing existing client hosting because I am behind on documenting all the instructions on how to drive client’s VM’s, firewalls, etc.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=EyeDeKay;4585]Dang missed opportunity for kangaroo demons or D’roos. Hmm maybe they have one of the city that’s not the courts of chaos.
Interesting thought if the city of lilith is called “courts of chaos” what’s the Baron of chaos’ city called. Hir city can’t be “courts of chaos” also, because of copyright.
Oh yeah not sure if this was talked about or not, but random text throughout seems to be bolded. Not sure if it’s purposeful or not. Thought it was just in the “new” parts, but just not reading and scrolling through it is all over. Might just be pdf version.
Edit: won’t let me read epubs on my kindle 🙁 y Amazon YYYY?[/quote]Hmm, very odd on multiple formats. Not sure I used bold anywhere, will search on bold format.
Epub should work on kindle. Last time around people said the epub version looked better on kindle than the Calibre mobi version so I cut out the mobi version
There is a small possibility that I might be able to use the kindle/amazon converter, would require some testing. It would work if I were ready to prepublish, i.e. setup pre-order; might be able to do that without pre-ordering not sure.
Is that something people would find useful. Let’s talk about this vs other formats that might not be on a kindle but on PC/Mac and comment-able.
The Author Guy
Also thinking that more of this will be explained with the discussion between Tiernon and Torean. Demonstrate their frustration with Sentir Fallon, explain their logic.
The Author Guy
MemberI have about 100,000 such things….
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Iume;5308]The big things that still need to be handled in this book:
– Talarius’s final resolution
– Jenn
– Inferno (unless moved to Bk4)
– Tiernon’s choice
– Doomalogue journey (unless moved to Into the Wilds) need to actually reach the base of the volcanos.Maybe not restart, but at least reach and find occupants.Then in Tom needs to make a choice.Support his own people or support deals/oaths made with allied forces?[/quote]I am not sure on the Talarius final resolution, or what you mean specifically, I sort of see that as hanging. He’s battling things out, but I would see aftermath in book 4
Yes, Jenn and the Tal Gor wrap up. Do we want Jenn’s epiphany in this book? Or should it slide. It almost has to happen during the battle or close to it.
Does the Inferno need a wrap? At this point, they are off searching again. Do they feel like they are hanging too much, assuming they stay here.
What was Tiernon’s choice? You mean on Sentir Fallon? If so, that’s going to get complicated by Sentir’s storyline, he may be need to find a new employer….
Doomalogue Journey is Book 4…CoA:ITA is a completely new story line that intersects with this story line. The first intersection of which has already happened in this book. There will be more interaction in Book 4. I see it as intersecting and then maybe splitting off, criss crossing.
Unfortunately, the real Apostles of Doom story sort of got away from this book. Stuff that was supposed to happen here is getting postponed by Nysegard and the Storm Lords.
As far as sliding things, at this point, if it helps us build a better climax to stay focused on the battle, I am willing to let concurrent stuff elsewhere (like Jenn, Inferno) slide into book 4 and back date those sections like I did at the beginning of those books.
Lots of options on the table.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Iume;5267]Basically the Rupert/Fer Rog, the Tal Gar, and Ragala-nargoloth parts.
Also, the Inferno scenes unless it is actually going somewhere in this book.I presume it meant to be part of an as-of-yet unread cliffhanger but since that cliffhanger moment hasn’t happened…
Basically these journeys happen and only minimally intersect with Tom’s story, and then…they just end.Right now they are more like separate stories rather than an interwoven tale and that was RJ’s sin.I skipped the boring stories a character had within each book and stuck to the interesting ones.[/quote]
I agree on RJ, it really drove me nuts, and I am having trouble keeping it together. There are reasons for all of these things, but making them relevant in any single book is very difficult.
This is one reason for CoW:ITA, move some stuff into separate books.
The problem with this is making sure readers know what books go where, and what order do you need to read in?
Plus, the other point to these stories is so you get the other side’s perspective.
So in large part the Jenn & Hilda stories are to show you what “the others are doing”
Jenn/Tal Gor etc that will come in to play the next book as the battle with the elves heats up. Something that I had thought would be more in this book (hence Apostles of Doom).
However, in the HH Beta, we moved both the Storm Lords and Knights of Chaos up to inject excitement, that pulls the Dark Apostle story forward and pushes the Nimbus/Elves back.
So, this answers the other thing people don’t like: The short attention span/short sections. This is designed to avoid RJSyndrome, and not let people zone out due to impatience.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Iume;5234]I’m starting to get a WoT vibe that makes them drag and are less interesting to read.[/quote]
Which parts are giving you WoT feelies? Specifically, if you can. I need to avoid those like the [size=6][color=green][b][i]plague![/i][/b][/color][/size].
The Author Guy
MemberSnarg. You are very right.
Please reply to keep this as an outstanding item for when I get back into editing.
I’m with family for TG until late Monday and getting “quiet” editing time is difficult.
I am saving all editing issues until I get back home.
The Author Guy
MemberYes, and whether or not they died at that time, they’d have been de-powered and eventually died of old age by this point.
The Author Guy
MemberWell, this is an interesting question.
They are no different than anyone else in the Abyss. They would need to Phoenix cycle as well since they are immortal.
The presumption is that demons power up and that by the time they reach an age they need to Phoenix Cycle (however old that is, say 50 to 100,000 years) they are presumably either an Arch Demon or Demon Prince or done for.
And that is a big unanswered, and for that matter, unasked question in the Abyss.
All the lower level demons (not D’Orcs) we have run into are relatively young, a few thousand years at most.
Exador and Ramses are both less than 4,000 years old, yet are archdemons (however, they presumably came in at a pretty high level to begin with)
So the question that is not asked is “shouldn’t there be a surplus of really old demon princes and archdemons?” I mean, conservatively in just the span of Doom there should have been a lot of sprites growing up to be archdemons and demon princes. At the very least a lot of greater demons.
Where are they?
The best example we have is Tizzy, who is, presumably over 72,000 years old, since Vosh Anon was D’Orc’d 72,467 years ago. I think one could guess he’d have been at least 73,000 if not older…
But he’s still a Fiend, hasn’t progressed, and hasn’t Phoenixed.
Of course, that may explain his mental state, if you hadn’t slept in 73,000 years, you’d probably be a bit wacky too.
So one question is “how long do immortals go between Phoenixing?” or “how long can they go?”
Obviously it varies, but I am thinking that 100K or so is probably the limit. Maybe a couple hundred K.
And that’s where things get unfathomable. If a being lives for 1 million years, that is still only 1/13,000 the time of Earth’s Universe…the multiverse is much much older, if not infinite. Again, time is actually only something that applies to the material planes so saying the multiverse is older does not make a lot of sense.
So yes there are some serious questions here and I think the real answer is that none of the characters really know all of the answers. They have opinions but that is about it. Now, if and when, we get to the story of the Magineers who became gods…we might get a better clue, but for now we mainly have speculation on so much of this.
The Author Guy
MemberExactly. Nasty place…but…
Let me throw another Nysegardian denizen into the mix, one which is discussed when Teragdor goes to the walls to help out.
Jiangshi. Chinese Hopping Vampires, they are basically a cross between a zombie and a vampire, they are very stiff and ungainly like a zombie, but they can leap tremendous distances in a split second and are extremely cunning and dangerous and the know Kung Fu
The Author Guy
MemberIt is still in the system Lenamare, just not in YAF. I have not lost your picture.
I find it odd that you have ignored this place for a long time and only when you get the idea that something of yours is missing do you show up.
Anyway, I have cleared your avatar and my avatar from the forum; hopefully when the random job/task that syncs the main site with the forum runs, it will replace the now blank links with the main sites images which are still there.
The odd thing is is that the forum had the avatars as being
which if I do from outside the server works just fine. But if I do it from a web browser on the server it says that it things a DNS Rebinding is occuring.
Now OK, the new site/cloud has a fairly traditional firewall/NAT thing going on, so that would make sense. The original site did not have a firewall, other than windows firewall, so that made sense. What is odd is that while at Azure, there was a firewall, a rather wacky cloud one, and that did not give problems…unless it had and I just hadn’t noticed, but I don’t think it had.
What I still can’t figure out is how some still work and others don’t.
Other than for those that are system default avatars
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Malacai;4164]Honestly, I feel like Ruiden probably never talked before. After all, nobody that Talarius knew knew that Ruiden was sentient, and I think Talarius would mention it somewhere, perhaps in a report or in confidence, that his sword could talk.
As for Ruiden’s personality, rather than child-like, I feel like it’s someone intelligent but simple who just had their worldview challenged. He lived all these years as an anti-demon sword, made by the greatest smith and used by the Forces of Good. Now, though, he finds that his maker/father is also friend with demons, that some demons are good, and that he was made in the Abyss. Thinking about him, I feel like he would be trying to leverage his sharp calculations to make sense of this new information, especially when Talarius talks to him and tries to get his input as well. They are actually very similar, even if Ruiden is smarter and less indoctrinated, while Talarius is more charismatic and socially adept. (Though, being more socially adept than a sword shouldn’t be that hard.)[/quote]
Excellent points. I need to go back to the beginning and reexamine all of his dialogue after the battle.
And then there is the “demon slaying” vs “D’Orcs” they really are the same thing. This should be as shocking to Ruiden as it is to Talarius. In Ruiden’s old world, D’Orcs were good because they worked with/for his dad. Demons were bad because they made his dad mad, caused him problems. But D’Orcs and Demons are made the same way.
Except? How much/what distinction does Ruiden make about orcs and humans, they are fleshy beings to him.
The Author Guy
Member[biggrin] [thumbup]
I like that! -