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  • in reply to: Demon power ups #1838

    You do know why they call it Sprite, right?

    The Abyss is a very dry place, there are very few demons with much moisture content (Sprites are it), and torturing, raping and ravaging is thirsty work, so when a Greater Demon finishes it’s chores for the day, he/she reaches for the first Sprite they see, opens their mouth and squeezes pure refreshment out.

    Hmm, if you guys lick your underarms, do you get a sweet lemon and lime taste?

    in reply to: Killing Demons #1981

    Exactly, I lull them into complacency before I suck their souls with one of those curly sippy straws!


    in reply to: Killing Demons #1983

    I keep them somewhere cool and dark.

    How do you think I keep my smoke stash from spontaneously com busting down there in the Abyss? Almost don’t need a lighter.

    Would you like one? I could pull one out of my cool dark place.

    They smell a might bit funky, but they work fine.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2297

    That sounds logical to me, and that’s what my limited experience with the deific ones implies.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2903

    I’m a fiend, I can’t see power levels or whatnot, at least not like the mirror.

    I can see auras and overall brightness of mana etc but the best way I have of knowing a demon’s level is by how much it hurts when they whollap me.

    And believe me, I’ve been whollaped by some big ones.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2905

    I don’t think either of those would be pleasant.

    Have you seen the size of Tom’s claws? Have you seen what he did to that dragon? Nope, don’t want that.

    As for stealing the mirror, it’s in the Rod’s camp, surrounded by Rodlings, so far every demon that’s gone into that camp has had problems.

    Rupert was killed once, and almost killed again. He, Antefalken and I were captured and almost sent to the True Death, and Tom, I swear he was a goner…but he pulled it out, but we escaped by fleeing into the Abyss….

    So, no, don’t think I’m going to be doing that.

    I’m starting to suspect you are trying to get me killed, or worse!

    in reply to: Dragon’s Horde #3239

    Hmm, very odd.

    in reply to: Dragon’s Horde #3241

    I’m just agreeing with you.

    I have no other knowledge on this topic. See, I can be honest about what I don’t know.


    Very interesting that they got through….

    they have to have a real email address and break through it.

    going to obliterate them!

    Actually, the forum has spam bot detection, need to see if I need to ratch it up!

    in reply to: Spammers are thrown into the River Styx #3272

    Well, knowing which Anti-spam gods to prey to is a big part of the problem.

    The old gods: Norton, Kapersky, Avg, Trend don’t help as much with spam as they do with viruses, and of course there is the great Anti-Spam god Barracuda but he doesn’t deign to visit me…nor does he stop forum spam…

    So I just do general please to whoever the YAF Anti-Spam god is (YAF is the forum software–Yet Another Forum)

    I don’t remember anyone ever reemerging from the Styx, but of course, I also don’t remember throwing anyone in there before and whether or not the water splashed up on me.


    in reply to: Killing Demons #1978

    What goofy guise?

    Never been to Disney Land or World.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2293

    I can certainly get on board with that idea.

    However, I will be standing on a rubber mat a couple hundred feet from a large metal pole, while boarding.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2901

    Ooh, I like that me being an Indigo idea!

    Woo hoo!



    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3048

    I love loaded questions, they tend to go off in people’s faces!

    in reply to: Killing Demons #1974

    Well, I’m thinking you’d have to have a blind demon hitch it.

    Or you could have a stone golem do it. They’re already stoned, hmm, I wonder if that would let me hitch one up?

    I’ve never seen basilisk poop. I wonder if it’s rocks, or maybe bricks. I wonder if they’d bounce off the street pavement and hit the driver in the face?

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