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  • in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4808

    Well fortunately, not a lot of wizards summon D’Orcs; not even sure demon summoning is legal in Oorstemoth.

    Seems like the demon would have to get a visa before it could enter the country. Would a customs agent have to be standing beside a wizard every time he/she summoned a demon?

    So we won’t have to worry about D’Orcs meeting Oorstemothians, because it’s not like Oorstemothians are going to just charge into the Abyss trying to press a lawsuit or anything like that…..


    I mean what? Just walk up to the Doom’s front door and try to serve a subpoena? Seems like a really good way to get eaten!

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4776

    Haven’t been to the continent of Mylon in well over a thousand years.

    It’s actually relatively self reliant; it worked pretty hard to stay out of Eton and Norelon’s affairs. It’s actually a pretty long haul out there by ship.

    I would probably ask Captain Asmeth about it. So Seas of Astlan is more likely.

    There are/were some other non-DOA stories out there at one time; have to ask T-A-G if he remembers what happened to them.

    As far as the Doomalogues. Yep, and and that’s a very good question, which is why one only wants to bring them back up one at a time and secure them each before going onto the next.

    I can tell you, since it’s actually happening right now as I speak. It will be covered in Book 3; or at least the start of the process…

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4782

    Ruling an entire country sounds like it would take up too much time. Quite a hassle if you think about it.

    All these whiny subjects always wanting something.

    If I were interested in that, I think I’d setup a figurehead or something, you know be the power behind the throne!

    But even then, I’m betting figurehead would be all needy and wanty.

    in reply to: Ravenous Gelatinous Cube Spotted Having Dinner! #5114

    Hey all,

    So I’m out on my normal travels around the multiverse, and was on one of those low mana Earth places, and what did I encounter?

    A relative of our member GelCube who was eating dinner!

    From the look of the Gelatinous Cube and it’s diet, and its speed of eating, it is probably not a close relative, but still interesting because I did not know that Earths had [b]ANY[/b] gelatinous cube people.

    Click on the image to watch it eat!


    BTW this fellow is named Magnetic Putty! [url=]Magnetic Putty[/url]

    in reply to: Ravenous Gelatinous Cube Spotted Having Dinner! #5116

    I wonder if they can be turned into demons or D’Cubes….

    Not sure what a gelatinous cube with gelatinous wings and hooves would look like.

    But I think the idea of a flying gelatinous cube that could simply drop itself out of the sky onto its dinner would be pretty awesome…although if they fly as fast as they slide/slither not sure how they would stay airborne….maybe it would work more like a parachute if they like slid their way up a mountain and off a cliff, the D’Cube’s wings could glide it onto its prey.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4760

    I wonder if he would believe me if I told him that?

    It would be fun.

    Of course, as everyone knows the Concordenax looks nothing remotely like Tiernon.

    But then, there was a discussion in another topic about how the Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars VI looked nothing like the Emperor Palpatine in Episode I so who knows?

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4763

    Well, I have never seen the Concordenax change shape or form.

    Always looks the same to me, leathery hide and all.

    But then as I’ve observed, the Concordenax has been missing for some time now and perhaps that’s why no one can find the Concordenax?

    There are certainly a lot of people looking.

    On other fronts, Tom did mention something about trying to shape change into an orc form. I.e. an Orc version of his Edwyrd form.

    Outer planes are seriously over rated btw. They require a lot of work and effort. Guessing that’s why Phaestus and Sekhmet’s buddies are holed up on Uropia. And down in the Abyss….hmm…I suppose no one is living on Anuropia at the moment.

    Then of course, there are the Doomalogues, those will start repowering up once Doom has the energy to spare. Somebody will probably have to have a plan to start D’Orcing those. But I’ll leave that to Darg-krallnom and the other commanders. None of my business.

    Actually, that’s a good question. What happened to the D’Orcs that had been stationed at the Doomalogues?

    You guys haven’t seen any D’Orcs wandering around your plane have you? They’re pretty easy to spot, large burly orc like people with wings and hooves. Pretty sure you’d recognize one if you saw one.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4765

    Cool idea!

    And not completely far off.

    Doomalogues were Doom Analogues; local Doom outposts on the Planes of Orc. (Always a large volcano) That’s where the major “Temples to Orcus” were, so when possible that’s where the D’Orc ascensions occurred. Of course, that often wasn’t possible, combat wounds and all. In which case, hope for a shaman with an anima jar or one who could summon a D’Orc shaman, quickly.

    Interestingly, if there was a high probability of death coming soon; great warriors who had been “pre-approved” would mount an expedition to the Doomalogue on their world to be ceremonially inducted and given a linked artifact that would transport their soul to the Doomalogue upon death.

    The big problem is that there was only one Doomalogue per world and so the journey could be pretty long. Hence the shaman with the anima jar capturing the soul and then escorting it to the Doomalogue.

    There were also cases of field promotions; but that was rather risky because you a shaman had to be able to contact Orcus in the middle of battle and pray for ascension. I don’t really know all the details/options; just stories I’ve heard from various D’Orcs. I mean, I’ve obviously seen ascensions but not every possible variant.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4771

    I’ve always that to be a very impressive argument myself.

    Of course we might be getting the opportunity to test that out.

    I was overcome this morning with the smell of spoiled milk. Not sure what that means, exactly, but it sure wasn’t… [color=red][size=4]b[/size]…[size=5]u[/size]…[size=6]t[/size]…[size=7]t[/size]…[size=8]a[/size]…[size=9]H[b]![/b][/size][/color]

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4774

    I am so happy to see someone remembers my old show “Coffee Talk”

    I had terrible syndication problems with it. The only way I could get it on the air was to package as if it were a skit on this late night show on a couple Earths.

    Now, if will excuse me, I’m feeling a little verkempt by this thoughtfulness.

    Talk amongst yourselves…

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4744

    Ooh–I like the female D’Orc Calendar idea. That would be really sexy. I won’t share it with Reggie though…

    How about a snow globe of mount doom to commemorate the day ‘hell’ froze over?

    in reply to: Rupert as a demigod #5070

    Yep, got some of those.

    I’ll give you one guess as to who likes to hire them.

    in reply to: Friendship: The Greatest Magic of All #5105

    Currently only available at http://www.Amazon.abyss

    Not sure if your Internet tubes go that far…

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4733

    You make it sound so simple and straightforward….

    Yes, I agree with all your points, but that is just the appetizer; may I remind you of the following:

    The Storm Lords of Nysegard are very pissed at getting routed. From their perspective, it looks like Excrement set them up.
    Of course, they are, or have, an Undead Army; and T-A-G keeps threatening more undead action.

    As far as I know, the Inferno might be able to get to the Abyss, but do you seriously think they are going to stop and ask for directions?

    My bet is that they might wander around for a bit trying to figure out where to go. Now presumably, someone in Oorstemoth knows where the Courts are, but they’ve been rather vague on that. On the other hand the Rod members or some priests will probably be able to detect Talarius, being the only current Tiernonite in the Abyss (except for visits from Sentir Fallon)

    Of course there is also Melissance, who was/is a former high priest of Tiernon. Not sure how she’ll show up on the radar. So I’m thinking it’s a crapshoot as to where the boat people end up.

    Then of course, you forget about the Lords of Chaos. They got routed and a very devastating secret has been exposed; their weakness to extreme cold was previously unknown. Clearly everyone that knows the secret (Doom, Lillith, Djinnistan–if the LoC know that Djinnistan knows) has to be destroyed.

    Plus once they figure out that Lillith used the Chaos Maelstrom to preserve the status quo rather than up end it they are going to be pissed at Lillith.

    And the Djinn are beefing up their presence in Astlan to protect Turelane from getting Abanciad by Exador–now that they are free to attack Exador/defend Turelane from Exador their presence will be known.

    Now, might I also remind you that the Alfar are in high freakout mode and are marshaling their forces on multiple planes to defend the localverse from the Return of Orcus.

    Of course, with Alfar Armies Assembling, the dwarves are going to freak the frack out and start marshaling their forces…

    Which puts the Grove in a very precarious position. which is why Trevin launched the Nimbus in the first place…

    Now, you may not have noticed, that while Tom has no plans to conquer the Planes of Man, the D’Orcs are literally ‘hellbent’ on the Restoration of Glory and turning the Planes of Man back into the Planes of Orc.

    Oh, and then there is that small problem in the sub-basement of Doom. But you don’t know about that yet.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4736

    Yeah, I don’t think all of it is getting resolved in v3. Actually I know it won’t because that’s a big chunk of the rest of the book.

    But there will be some big thunkings and booms.

    On your line up, you forgot Schwarzenfürze. Now, true, she’s not much of conversationalist, but if things got rough, she comes in handy.
    If nothing else she adds an air of … well something nasty….

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