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  • in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5401

    Well…pretty sure they were talking about the Inferno…so…:d/

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5403

    Well, if, as I suspect the scene was from the Inferno, it’s in the abyss, so your dinner will just keep regenerating.

    You may get a bit bloated from the infinite buffet.

    Hmm, wonder if you would outgrow the room, eat others, who would regenerate continuously.

    I suppose in an infinite amount of time you could take over the entire abyss.

    Fortunately, knowing what is going on, I will have time to gather my gardening tools and get the hell out of Dodge…

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5405

    The balloons drop after reading the [url=…stlesofDoomBetaBook.aspx]alpha [/url]

    Lazy T-A-G hasn’t got the final chapters done yet.

    He promised last night!

    I gotta find out if I die!

    Well, ok, since I really can’t die, I want to find out who else dies!

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5397

    Hey Gel-O!

    Just got to thinking, there is a dispute in one of the topics in the AoD Forums about describing the size of one small room.

    I think to settle it, we need a good volumetric measurement and it seems to me that you’d be perfect for the job!

    I assume you can resort/reform into different molds, and knowing your own volume you could probably give us a good estimate, and probably the best description of the room.

    If I can get you to the room, can you measure it and describe it?


    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4986

    You missed it because it’s not visible to anyone but Beta Demons. So if you try to tell any non-Beta Demons about it, they will think you are insane.

    Trust me, I’ve had lots of experience with this.

    T-A-G had earlier posted in the forums.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5385

    I really only need one provision, and its cooking utensil (my pipe). Fortunately I have a very large supply.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5392

    I don’t believe in Bogarting, share and share alike…if you change your mind….

    in reply to: Finally!!!!!!!!!! #5587

    I am a little confused. I understand you had torture performed on one shoulder, but you say you only have one good arm at the moment>

    What happened to arms 3 and 4? You aren’t one of those deformed two armed creatures are you? I feel so sorry for them.

    Even though that is most of the people I know. Reggie has the correct number of arms, but he is a suspicious character.

    Denubians on the other hand(s) tend to have a random number of limbs. Several arms, legs, tails, wings, tentacles, etc.

    in reply to: Finally!!!!!!!!!! #5590

    I love month long naps.

    As for handshakes, yes, you may have surmised that Denubians are rather contract oriented, and legalistic, much like Oorstemothians.

    I can assure you that with Denubian this is no “simple handshake on a deal” Handshakes are quite complex codes that are recorded and legally binding, just like a signature.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5373

    We can hope…however…

    I think he’s going to need the long weekend to get the book out…

    unless people want to start before the last few chapters are there…

    People can vote (in posts) on how “raw” they want their “meat”

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4982

    Yes, but was that really so much an invasion or a massive tailgating party?

    Remember, they brought their bbq’s with them.

    I love a good Mongolian Barbecue!

    Of course, I suspect that the slav’s in Eastern Europe didn’t enjoy it as much, seeing as how they were what was barbequed but…

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4984

    Seams very reasonable to me, but then I have spares, and it only takes a couple days to grow them back so…good deal!

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5359

    Yes, that will make you a Type II Beta Demon! A Beta Fiend!

    Yeah, it’s a different group for Apostles of Doom in order to protect the Top Secret Ruminations of the Heavenly Host Beta Demons. :^o

    However, since you’ve posted here, you will be auto redemonized.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5360

    [quote=Novykh;3785]Where can I apply to be a Beta-Demon for Apostles of Doom?[/quote]

    By posting in this topic, you’ve already signed up. I will be adding people to the actual group next week.

    I am running behind due to vacation (surprise) but really want to get started no later than right after Labor Day [color=darkred](meaning I am going to be hunkered down in Tom’s cave for the 3 day weekend typing furiously on my Underwood Underwood[attach]1[/attach] )[/color], so the first Beta Release may be missing the last chapter or two. There will be plenty of work to do before getting to the end, and I should be able to get there fairly quickly.

    As with last time, the official first beta will be shorter than the finished book, because I leave room for the Beta Demons to suggest additional content/backstory/improvements.

    As I recall, the original Beta for Book II was about 230,000 words and the final was like 270,000+ words. And that was after cutting out about 20,000+ words, things like Captain Asmeth and the “Interdimensional Book Bandits”

    Book 1 was about 250,000 so that’s kind of what I expect to average.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5362

    I will zap you on the verification.

    I really need to fix that issue (meaning kill/imprison/torture the wizards blocking my emails). It is very annoying….

    You shall be beta’d.

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