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Not to be mean Tizzy, but I’m pretty sure that it’s statements like yours (this one specifically, mind you) that really hurts the FoE PR department. I mean we all realize that you aren’t intending to sound evil or cruel… but it’s pretty easy to twist them into statements that people (I.E non-ascended/descended humans and other mortals) take as threatening or hostile.
[/quote]What? I thought ergonomic office furniture was a big plus? You know like these employers who give their peeps “standing desks” and expect them to stand all day long? Or how about those rolly ball things that they make people sit on?
Most mortals have this weird desire to avoid sensations that cause pain after all.
[/quote]But with no pain, there is no gain, yes? I just want people to be gainfully employed!
MemberHmm, so is there like a “Vending Core” sort of like a “Dungeon Core” or a “Monster Core” or is it completely different maginology?
And if so, is the core a jewel, or a very special candy bar?
Hope it’s not a Twix Core, the conflict between the Left and Right could produce a sort of dissociative identity disorder thing, which, is fine for your average demon or even human, but not sure its desirable in a vending machine.
So, we should defer to the desire for demonstratively destructive D’orcs to defile and debase those damned elvish demesnes in a way most diabolical with devices of devastation?[/quote]
Ack! Lume has been turned! He’s now an Asset of Oorstemoth!
Or was he all along?
MemberI think it’s because of those same wizards that block email from this site causing verification problems!
I think some of them work for NYT!
MemberTorture is what we demons do!
MemberWell, I am a demon after all! Bwah hah hah hah!
Sitting around granting true names to arachnid eggs….I wonder what poor schlub demon would get stuck with that unenviable task?
Seems like a good job for Bellyachus….
MemberBy and large, it’s only too late after T-A-G sends it to the editor–and even then, if one spots a big error–it’s only too late after published for logical/story errors and never for spelling/gramatical or missing TM’s on Denubian Choco-coffee(TM)
I don’t know. I had no mother or father, I had to be my own role-model. I’m a self-made demon!
And of course, I turned out about as close to perfectly well adjusted as anyone could ever be.
Now, that being said, would it have been nice to have a nice strong parent or two to literally “whip” me in to shape, preferably with a cat-o-nine-tails? Yes, that would have been fun. But not worth whining about.
I hate these whiny “oh my parents died in a horrible accident whent I was a baby and I was raised by heartless nuns, or that nice man Fagin” people.
Life sucks, you die, you go to the Abyss, you meet me, and have great adventures for thousands of years! Oh…and cookies…never forget the cookies…dip them in a bit of Denubian Choco-Coffee(TM) and it’s like being in heaven–well no not at all–heavens tend ot have gods and those fogies are all serious buzz kills…
You want something to whine about…try being stuck on a cloud with a god for a few thousand years listening to harp music. Eesh….
MemberT-A-G is behind schedule…hoping for first beta this summer.
Interestingly, you are the third person in the last week (and ever) to ask about Patreon. He is not there yet, but thinking about it.
Member[quote=Gelcube;7393]You know, Tom’s been doing much better than any PR team lately. If he keeps it up, he may have every FoE faction behind him, and maybe even some of the FoG.
You could call it the Forces of Tom, or maybe Forces Apart Ran by Tom.[/quote]
Or maybe the Forces Of Orcus: FOO!
FOO on You! if you attack us!
MemberI emailed you, directly, just reply to verify address is correct.
Actually rather impressed/surprised/shocked you were able to post a few months after registration…not really sure what the whole point of email verification is if it doesn’t stop posting etc..
Good for you though since I thus saw this post and could email you to verify!
2018-03-06 at 21:03 in reply to: What is it like to be human, but to live for millions or billions of years? #9546Tizzy
MemberWell, in some ways you are…your splinters keep going, not sure how memories get divvied up, and certainly memories diverge after the split, but some part of your consciousness keeps going….
Not sure if each child thinks it’s you or what?
Might make sense to break off smaller slices over the years to preserve a majority of conscious continuity over time–assuming memories are proportional to volume/mass.
It’s a very fascinating topic actually. I think I was a biologist for about a hundred years, a few hundred thousand years ago–pretty sure I’d have found it fascinating to study how memories are distributed through out your gelatin. You aren’t allergic to petri dishes and slides are you?
Wait–was I a biologist or did I just eat one? Hmm. Not sure now–but does it really matter if “you are what/who you eat?” I know that’s how it works for iZombies. Which, I think, are zombies animated by the ArchDemon Jobs…
Thinking of things happening right now in the Antilles Cluster and if they are partying…music yes, but not so sure everyone would be radiating a lot of heat. Although, I guess they would, since no one is at 3 degrees Kelvin, there is a limit to how quickly one can reach ambient temperature in outer space.
So, with sufficiently fine resolution, it would be possible to at least “see” the music.
MemberAll correct.
However, you have to recall, with these “guys” everything is personal. They change alliances over time. And as to who is a “God of Chaos” or a “God of Law” that is something of a matter of both perspective and circumstance. There are “people” who are permanently in the Chaos camp, there are many more who become aligned with it for their own purposes for various periods of time. The three gods at the end of Book III should not be considered a full set. It’s just a group of collaberators on a particular project, each with their own goals which happen to cross paths.
(such projects can easily last hundreds, even thousands of years–which are very small time frames for immortals. If you live, conservatively, to be 100,000 years old. Working with some other god for 1,000 years is like 1 year of your life at most. If a god typically phoenixs every 2 or 3 hundred thousand years, then a 1,000 year collaboration is like a six month or less gig).
AND ALSO “now” is later. Everything people from ‘Earth’ know about the Egyptian gods has already happened. Same with the Aesir. In fact, by the time the Earth scandinavians like Ragnar Lothbrook were going a viking, Ragnarok was old news, the Ásbrú was shattered, they were worshipping their ancestors’ gods.
The “gods of Egypt” are so (currently) out of the picture, that Ramses the archdemon (The Damned/The Great/The Second) is so convinced that his old gods are toast, that he doesn’t even recognize Bess,his coconspirator to get the book, as Bastet from his home world.
FYI I should point out that Astet (Isis) is a member of the Nyjyr Ennead, and thus nominally allied with Tommus, which puts her squarely against Set. And all of this ties out to why and who shafted the Nyjyr Ennead in Astlan, and (elsewhere) and why they are living in Exile (a.k.a. hiding)