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MemberI have a small request. When you push the final out to Amazon, can you make sure Page Flip is enabled? I have an issue with my Kindle app, where sometimes it forgets to swipe to the next page, and instead stops in between pages. It doesn’t do that with Page Flip.
…unless Amazon charges extra for that, then don’t worry about it. :-s
MemberI really liked Holy Hell. Not just as a book title, but as a curse. You know, “Holy Hell!” You know SOMEone’s going to say it at some point. LOL
Member[url=]Ba Dum TSSS![/url]
MemberNo, fiends are Class II demons. Major Demons are Class III.
[quote]Lilith, meanwhile is preoccupied by a Baron of Chaos who wants to know where [u]is[/u] Maelstrom went.[/quote]
Switch Lilith and meanwhile. Get rid of “is”[/quote]
Actually, I think the “is”, should be “his”.
“Meanwhile, Lilith is preoccupied by a Baron of Chaos who wants to know where [b]his[/b] Maelstrom went.”
MemberHmm. I suppose I could, Tizzy. I’ve never done it before, but I don’t seen why not. An Ooze would probably do better, but to be perfectly honest, most of them are stupid.
MemberBefore I go on some random jaunt, I’ll need to attune a return charm. Luckily some adventurer “dropped” one…ok, well, she was quite yummy, and I got her stuff (swag, yay!).
Are there supposed to be any adventurers or anything in the room? If so, can I eat them? Is the room empty? If there’s any loose objects in there, that’s going to throw my volumes off.
…not to mention I’ll have to swallow them. If they’re delicate, they probably won’t make it.
MemberOk, well, I’m back. That was kind of interesting. I didn’t stay long. No PlanarWebs there, so I had to come back to report.
So I ended up outside this metal door in a hallway. No one was in the hallway, so I used a pseudo-pod to open the door, and ooze in. The door was in the center of the wall of the room. The whole room was made of some kind of metal. The floor and door tasted kind of like steel, but I’m not too sure. There was some kind of faded-looking rug on the floor just as I slid in, but unfortunately I ate a little of it, so it looks even rattier than it did before.
Also, there was some kind of thingy on the ceiling producing light. I closed the door, and started spreading out. Floor area-wise, it was about 12′ long by 10′ wide, so about 120 square feet of floor space. A little narrow for a room, but would be roomy for a dungeon. There were two low benches…or what do humans call them? Beads? That thing they sleep in? So there were two beads parallel to the left and right walls with the the ends against the far wall.
Like I said, the room would have been nicely large for a dungeon, but the ceiling was slanted from the far end of the room about 2′ feet from the floor, up to the ceiling, about the center of the room. That cut the volume of the room by about a third. Volume-wise, the room was only about 715 cubic feet. I don’t know about that slanted ceiling. Maybe it was next to the outside wall or something. The slanted part was really hot, so whatever was on the other side I didn’t want to see.
I kind of ate the beads a little as well, but I wasn’t on them too long, so not too bad. Wait, aren’t beads something humans wear? Whatever, I’ll look it up later.
Funny thing is, someone popped in as I was firming back up. Was mumbling something about someone needing the room for someone? I don’t know, I didn’t pay much attention. I grappled him, and started in on my snack. The jerk didn’t even say “Hi”, just started screaming. Why do they do that? Anyway, I heard some boots coming down the hallway (metal is much noisier that stone), so I activated my return charm to report what I found. The guy I ate was really annoying, too. Kept asking me about a permit for hunting in a restricted area? And something about attacking and eating a citizen? Was that one of those Oorstemothians you and TAG keep telling us about? No wonder you want to eat them all. How annoying!
Member[img=]Alpha/Beta Download[/img]
MemberHa! They probably go to the Orcs’ version of Hell. in other words, the Outer Planes, where they’re forced to sit on clouds, playing harps, and wearing white robes and singing hymns.
MemberNo problem! o:)
Member[quote=Puck;3706]Tizzy you wonderful wonderful demon you. I’m so happy I could get get gelcube to kiss you![/quote]
Well, I thank you for volunteering me, however “kiss” may not be the correct word. Maybe more like “engulf and digest”.
MemberOk, so, I suppose Talarius was fighting ghouls in Book 2, instead of vampires. I think he even said ghouls, but I didn’t understand how the ghouls worked.
So are vampires similar? Are they more or less powerful than ghouls?
MemberHmm, that’s fascinating. So those were ghouls Talarius was burning in Book 1, right? Not vampires? But it was a vampire minion of Smody’s that stole Millie’s soul?
I wonder if demon flesh will work for ghouls? You know, eat, regenerate, eat again? Kinda…”ghoulish”, eh? EH?!