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MemberYep. He expected that Tiernon’s holy grace could permanently slay a demon, not antimus.
Sentir shrugged. “A few centuries or so ago, I would have said none. A tremendous amount of his work was lost with him. Clouds Of Disintegration are very good at eliminating things.” Sentir sighed. “However, they have another ally who has considerable experience with the work they are interested in.”“Who?” Aodh asked.
“An archdemon named Exador.” Sentir Fallon said.
“The same archdemon involved in this whole Astlan—Lord Tommus thing?” Lilith asked in surprise.
“The same.” Sentir Fallon nodded
Lilith shook her head. “What an amazingly small multiverse!”
[/quote]I know you removed the bit about how Sentir knowingly worked alongside Exador 1000 years ago, but how does Sentir know that Exador is working with the Storm Lords? Did someone tell him and why would they?
2020-06-02 at 15:24 in reply to: Antimus vs. Animus – Why is only unlife affected by the Abyss? #7847Iume
MemberIn Beta 2 we now know that unlife needed to prepare and be careful of bring unlife to the Abyss. Their antimus is made neutral. In the Abyss the polarization is lost. Side-effects ensue if they stay too long.
However, animus is positively polarized N-mus (PN-mus is my term for neutral animus/antimus) and antimus is negatively polarized. If the negative polarization is lost why isn’t the positive? The whole designation of positive vs. negative is arbitrary. In a negatively-aligned localverse the standard is antimus and animus would be “negatively” polarized from their perspective.
If the unlife are affected by their transition why aren’t animus beings also affected?
If the unlife leave the Abyss why would their N-mus revert back to antimus?
MemberEh, but we have scenes where Rupert thought to himself. He truly considers himself a half-demon unless he somehow removed his memories for whatever reason.
MemberOostermoth accuses Lord Edwyrd of destroying their ship.
Oostermoth accuses Demon Tom of kidnapping Talarius and *possibly* of unleashing a demon army on Freehold, but the main thing is the kidnapping.
Oostermoth does not know they are one and the same.Iume
MemberMt. Doom just looks like a mountain. The fortress is buried inside so he’s never see things like massive walls even though *technically* the walls are just the mountainside.
MemberDamien told them Lord Edwyrd had left Freehold same as he told Jenn.
Actually, why haven’t the Oostermorthians pursued Jenn, Gastropé, and Maelen?
Member[quote=Iume;4002]So in truth, what I just told you were four meta-forces, are actually but two. Each anti-posed aspects of the other. Law/ Chaos and Positive/ Negative as one would expect due to the Laws of Bifurcation; but I digress.
The correct term is antipodal, not anti-posed.Also, by definition if Law is antipodal to Chaos then chaos MUST be antipodal to the other.To be antipodal means to be diametrically opposed.So saying “antipodal aspects of the other” is like saying hot lava.[/quote]
It still says anti-posed instead of antipodal as of Beta 2. Is it to stay that way or will it be corrected?
MemberThey still possess a godpool, so presumably yes they do have an outer plane. Given who they are I suspect each of them belongs to multiple pantheons so they have a personal godpool and outerplane somwhere even if it isn’t the shared Nyjyr Ennead pantheon outer plane.
MemberBeragamos remembers reading a report that their outer plane collapsed, but Bess and Sekhmekt have pools. Hephaestus has one as a dwarven god. They still have the souls of their followers, but where are those souls located? Presumably in an outer plane since the animus would not cease to exist (sort of).
Also, they seem to be signatories prior to their outer plane collapsing. That doesn’t abrogate their promise to adhere and they could establish new religions. Imagine if Tiernon had 2 religions going and he only signed it as a member of 1 pantheon. No way the Tribunal would accept that. Otherwise Tiernon could violate it under the guise of the non-signatory pantheon.
Member“[color=red]Woa[/color]!” Stainsberry yelled as they approached the command tower. “That thing is twice the size of the others!” –> [color=red]Whoa[/color]
Unfortunately, the giant undead beasts attacking the two knights [color=red]was[/color] taking all their attention. –> [color=red]were[/color]
A land of vast [color=red]planes[/color] and gentle mountains, there are many nomadic cultures on Romdan as well as a large number of sophisticated city-states. –> [color=red]plains[/color]
The Outer Planes: A ‘halo’ region outside of the Planes of Orc, it is very mana rich and animus friendly, these regions reflect aspects of the Material Planes and do so subject to the machinations and manipulations of very [color=red]power[/color] magineers—commonly referred to as gods. –> [color=red]powerful[/color]
MemberSo, I was making dinner this evening when I recalled that Tizzy had to remove pests from his garden. The garden presumably where demon weed is grown.
Then, I asked myself, why isn’t demon weed more common? Do other cultivate it? Were these pests in fact thieves trying to get seeds?
If so, where is the garden?
So I thought… what if the Garden of Eden is in fact the last world of a localverse. The only world where demon weed can grow and possibly the original localverse from which the first gods arose.
Bear with me.
Given that all localverses eventually die the original magieneers of Eden sought to gather enough mana to create new universes before theirs died. The developed demon weed as a tool to access the astral plane and from there eventually established the first outer plane. They gathered mana from worshipers and used it to spin new universes. This is the birth of the multiverse.
However, there is a problem. Demon weed is a very touchy plant. It can only grow in a specific universe made from a specific balance of Law/Chaos and Negative/Positive. Unable to replicate this effect the magineers (now gods) tried to find a way to preserve the last of their original home. In essence they attempted to time-lock Eden in order to preserve it and only allow time to pass in a small space-time where the demon weed is grown.
The attempts to time-lock an entire universe shattered the bonds of time and space failed. They thought they had it, but their failure led to the creation of the Abyss. Maybe the Abyss is the original Eden or maybe it was an experimental plane. Regardless of whether the Abyss is Eden or not the truth is that they did not completely fail. A portion of the Eden universe was preserved and one of it’s original gardeners, no one special — just a gardener, was assigned to it. This is Tizzy.
However, Tizzy cannot undergo the Phoenix Cycle. The Eden gods bound Tisdale to the garden in order to guard and preserve it. However, should he undergo the Phoenix Cycle then there is a time when it would be vulnerable. So Tizzy has lived for countless cycles, slowly going mad as he serves his original masters as the Gardener of Eden.
MemberOh, and does anyone else thing Tizzy is Gandalf?
“As we discussed we have staged the D’Orcs in Nysegard to take advantage of the time difference. Behind the five of you, I will follow my link to the horn and open the sky portal below the storm clouds and allow the full light of Atun to bathe the field of battle; the Forces of Doom, both demons, D’Orcs and D’Wargs shall come through behind you.” Tom explained for the benefit of those that had not been at the planning table. Which would be the [color=red]four[/color] demons, Mufasa and War Arrow.
[/quote]There are three demons: Talgorf, Bellyachus and Lesteroth Garflog. Who is the fourth?
Although Iskerus had probably shattered that illusion, Talarius [color=red]suddenly[/color] thought to himself.
Perhaps “[color=red]sadly[/color] thought to himself.”? He is feeling regret.
“How on Nysegard are they opening an Abyssal Gateway inside the beacons[color=red]?”[/color] Exador shouted at the expanding ring.
Added missing [color=red]”[/color]. Also, changed [color=red]![/color] to [color=red]?[/color] for a question even if it is a shout.
MemberHe tried to reestablish the links through the Etterdam Doomalogue, but it was broken, something was wrong with it and he was having problems. He then tried to connect via other Doomalogues, such as on [color=red]Astlan[/color]. For those, all that he tried, he got no response, nothing.