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  • in reply to: Alpha 3 – The Inferno pacing #6779

    Plus the day never ends. *bum dun chaaaa*

    I mean three days in the abyss is like what eternity in astlan. They should negotiate until the fierd sets in the abyss. 😉

    in reply to: Speak up! #6797

    TAG just made all the updated versions highlighted in the TOC (table of contents).

    in reply to: Beta 1 Status #6802

    Ok so just finished re-reading bk1 and the fight between Tom and Talarius, and the point I want to bring up is about Tom possessing the Rod members.

    He essentially sent enough mana and animus to put an image into a third of their minds roughly saying “Talarius evil shoot with bows and fight with other soldiers who try to subdue you.

    Anyways long point shortened is that a way for Lord Tommas to help the D’Orcs fight harder than by themselves?

    They have enough fighting skill. A “rage” mode could turn the tide of battle.

    in reply to: Alpha-3 small things #6828

    So in the beginning of alpha 3 Talarius gets the “drinking with, 2 gods” shock and a kinda memory dump.

    He called them heathens and “he was fighting along side a pagan deity.”

    So my thing is, Talarius is a follower of Tiernon who is “a god of the five siblings.” Isn’t that technically a pagan god?


    We haven’t really seen where both the mirror and ruiden came from.

    Also, a question, ruiden didn’t talk to Talarius until after he golemized and was more vague feeling type of communicator right?


    Hmm did ruiden not see EM as a corrupting and what not.?

    I mean he could recognize saints and djiin.

    Unless it was affecting ruiden as well!

    Gasp! Evil sword of demon slaying!


    AND the nearly 100,000 mortal forces. They also had links to Orcus.

    in reply to: Alpha 3 – The Rede Scenes #6622

    Tizzy left after Tom opened the portal in grizor del to, as he said, kill his current AM.

    Unless his real AM allows others to think they are his AM so tizzy isn’t always trying to kill him or something.

    Also when the wards went up around freehold to kick out the demon horde, only tizzy was unaffected.


    When Rupert was in the rod camp he was found out from the mirror.

    What happened to that mirror? Did barabus end up taking it with him when he was kidnapped?

    Anyways Talarius cut off Rupert in mid change from human to demon. Then faded to the abyss.

    So other than killing a demon incredibly fast and aiming for the neck we haven’t seen much about what ruiden can do.

    Oh and golemize? Become a golem? Not sure what the correct term is in astlan.

    in reply to: Alpha3 – Bunch of little things 2 #6698

    I’d say based on the whole “demons are just energy patterns and therefore immortal” from bk1, I’d say they have brains the don’t function for anything because their energy patterns does?

    I don’t know, we’ve seen demons being beheaded and moving only being able to move their head.

    (Scene where Rupert dismembered a squat kinda far demon in bk1.)

    *The demon was guarding Exadors door*

    He was only second order so higher level could manipulate their bodies independently of their heads.

    in reply to: Alpha3 – Bunch of little things 2 #6699

    Ah well I’m reading bk1 again and I think I found a mistake. Not sure what to do with it actually. Post it or leave it alone no idea what TAG wants.

    It was so out of place it just felt like it was glaring at me.

    What let me know if this is a mistake in bk1.

    So as a refresher ill explain the context of this scene. Talarius had just finished flying around Freehold with his demon spotting mirror and is telling Barabus about the halls being lined with demons.

    Oh and the one greater demon and three arch demons.

    Anyways so Talirius is talking to barabus’ finishes talking and it says
    “the wizard said.” It’s only 2 people so no wizard. Unless barabus is a wizard then never mind.

    in reply to: Alpha3 – Bunch of little things #6633

    Oh man love the Lucifer tv show. I disagree I think his real name is tisdale. 😉

    in reply to: The Wedding Party #6659

    Oh the dome is much better than what I was thinking. I must have skipped where they talked about it.

    I had originally thought they did some kind of huge scale abyssal switch spell.

    in reply to: The Wedding Party #6666

    I was thinking of abyssal switch because it just came up in bk1 with Exador using it to ease travel time for army.

    After ante’s first meeting with Tom and Rupert, Tom pretends the abyssal switch spell was common.

    So Ante discusses with damien, Damien saying he has heard of the abyssal switch spell in ancient texts.

    Damien said it was used to “switch, a piece of land in the abyss with astlan and leave it there in till it’s occupants are dead.”

    in reply to: The Wedding Party #6651

    Wait, so we learned from Hilda going to “The Front” that saints can teleport if someone prayers directly to them. So if Talarius knows this (he probably doesnt) he could go to nysegard pray to a specific avatar and have them teleport to him.

    And Talarius now knows about all the stuff ruiden was getting up to in bk2 with the saints so he could (not anymore because of plane blocking spell) pray to a specific saint.

    As for the earlier theory of release the kraken now mostly dead from the plane blocking spell which needs a awesome name.

    As for Talarius knowing who Edward is:
    Can’t find it but Tom and Talarius had a conversation somewhere in bk2 where Tom tells Talarius about him being Edwyrd to not scare people.

    So Talarius still wouldn’t recognize Edwyrd in his animage robes because he hasn’t seen what Edwyrd the animage looks like.

    So unless Talarius saw the portraits in the library of doom, he won’t know who Edwyrd is.

    If you make the scene from Talarius’ Pov he might recognize an older Edwyrd, meaning Orcus.

    Wait if Orcus’ human form is older Edwyrd does that mean Orcus’ son is a younger Edwyrd.

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