The Wedding Party

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    Fixed this in the discussion during the wargames along with the discussion of his form after battle which sort of looked like Paul.


    If you did an Abyssmal shift spell, do you control what part of the abyss gets switched. It might be inconveinient if someone cast that spell in battle and a big part of the battlefield became the courts of chaos. Is there a Heavenly switch spell?


    I dont understand how the family connections didnt come up in the earlier discussion of who the 5 had locked up. The scene bashed Eris as the original evil stepmother, while Orcus had an even closer relationship. Even if Phaestus was trying to avoid connecting Orcus and Eris, i cant see Tizzy staying quiet about such an important, and inflamatory bit of info.

    Also Tom knowing and not saying anything could also push Talarius even farther around the bend after the big reveal.


    I was thinking of abyssal switch because it just came up in bk1 with Exador using it to ease travel time for army.

    After ante’s first meeting with Tom and Rupert, Tom pretends the abyssal switch spell was common.

    So Ante discusses with damien, Damien saying he has heard of the abyssal switch spell in ancient texts.

    Damien said it was used to “switch, a piece of land in the abyss with astlan and leave it there in till it’s occupants are dead.”


    I’ve been thinking on the wedding reveal and how to build up to up when I realized, there wasn’t. If you didn’t know of Orcus IRL then you wouldn’t make the connection to Eris and the reveal become a poorly done insert.

    Could you work some allusions to Orcus into the conversation between Tiernon and Torean? When they discuss why Ex. Dagger shouldn’t have killed him you can work in an allusion along the lines of “It couldn’t have worked because of who he is really is.” This is alongside any plans to have Hephaestus dropping hints as to his relationship w/ Orcus. It seems like most of the gods [u]including Bess/Bast[/u] should know of Orcus if they know of the Olympians.

    Wouldn’t everyone who knows of the Olympians and Orcus’s heritage also view the killing of Orcus as another bit of that family’s constant drama? Since that hasn’t been worked in then maybe the big reveal should just be dropped until it can be more gracefully woven throughout the book / series. At the very least I’m surprised Beragamos (sp?) didn’t know or inform the other avatars when chatting with them in book2 and book3.


    If the wards are like a dome, why not just aim up above them?

    Tom: I hope we don’t all regret this too much.
    Phastus: Regret what? Drop[ing a 23.5 billion ton rage monster on those Storm Lord characters from 8 leagues up? Yea, we probably will regret it sooner or later.
    Arg-Nargoloth: Super awesome though!!!
    Tizzy: “Yeah!!” Claps hands.

    Storm Lord 1: What is that up there?
    Storm Lord 2: It’s a cloud.
    Storm Lord 3: No, it’s some high flying bird.
    Storm Lord 1: Actually, it’s coming down really fast, it kinda looks like…… OH CRAP!



    I love the eject button idea! I literally am LMAO at the thought of doing that with the Kraken.

    Uhm, no the Dark Apostle would not have taken that into account. At a guess, something like the Oubliette would overload the beacons and bring them down.

    Shooting a kraken out of infinitely long rifle barrel would generate a lot of momentum. Bust the crap out of the spells and possibly do damage to everyone around the beacons.

    Not sure whether or not it would alter the kraken’s trajectory causing to veer off and fall into the Nysegard Doom or even rebound down the tunnel

    For safety’s sake, I think I’d aim to send the Kraken outside of the beacons.


    As far as the wedding photo reveal went, I liked that scene. I think a big bomb like this dropping on Talarius is just the thing to finally kick his butt onto a completely new track (apostle of Doom).

    As far as using the kraken to fight the storm lords. I am not clear on exactly how they ‘release’ those things. Couldn’t they pop the kraken into that wormhole thingamajig, set the coordinates and just hit the eject button and launch him out wherever (onto whomever) they want?

    BTW. Would the dark apostle character (or exador) have taken something like the Gateway to Tartarus into account when designing his wards? Would it be possible to somehow open the wormhole to the oubliette inside the wards?


    Oh the dome is much better than what I was thinking. I must have skipped where they talked about it.

    I had originally thought they did some kind of huge scale abyssal switch spell.


    Interestingly, I was thinking about that spell when writing Exador and Ramses parts in this.

    Ignoring for the moment, the dome, if you could do an abyssal switch spell, it would be a great way to end a battle with bunch of priests.

    Of course, it’s a very complicated spell and impossible to do in combat, but if you had people protecting you while you did the spell.


    [lol] [laugh]

    You are kraken me up!

    You do know that this would cruel and unusual punishment for the Kraken right?

    What did ever do to deserve this? Ok, yes, it sunk Atlantis, drowning everyone on the continent, but other than that…


    First thing I did with Alpha 3 was to use the ‘compare to another ebook’ feature in Calibre so that I could pick out and read all the changes since Alpha 2.

    Generates a bunch of near-false positives but I can still page through and get all the updates pretty quick.


    Read that part yesterday was gonna post about the expanded Tiernon scene.
    to bring it to the attention of topic but forgot.

    any way reason for posting on this topic is.

    Talarius really needs to learn or suspect that Orcus and Tiernon were close family.
    before the big reveal.
    maybe tizzy egging him on.
    that they used to have regular meetings.
    since they did for payments and such.

    or maybe a dream from tiernon hinting that he and orcus were close.
    maybe that he got along with Orcus more than his step mother.

    you know Talarius could pray to Tiernon suddenly “you got prayer mail”
    Tiernon checks his mail.

    sends a cryptic reply by dream.
    because you know after a few hundred thousand years.
    you standardize a lot of replies.

    also since Tierhallon has bank cards.

    he can also checks on what Hilda’s been charging to her account finds out that 80% seems to be booze.


    Of course now in beta 1, it will probably seem like I am hitting people over the head with this family relationship thing.


    You would have had to go back to that chapter and read it again being aware that it was there, so you didn’t miss it in mind numbing mode.

    I should have told people that it was there, and to explicitly read it…but I forgot.

    I wrote the new lines, specifically to setup the Wedding Party, and then completely, totally forgot that I had done so until I was reading through looking to see where I could foreshadow.

    If the guy the wrote the lines can’t remember he wrote them, how is someone re-reading for the umpteenth time going to know to look.

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