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  • in reply to: Beta 0 Released #6925

    [quote=The Author Guy;5185]Atum-Fierd is also known as Amon-Fierd aka Amon-Ra or Aton/Aten, Ammon, Ra. The variances in names are due to both cultures/languages and the Phoenix Cycle, he’s been through it more than most.

    The first paragraph of the book:

    I, SINUHE, the son of Senmut and of his wife Kipa, write this. I do not write it to the glory of the gods in the land of Kem, for I am weary of gods, nor to the glory of the Pharaohs, for I am weary of their deeds. I write neither from fear nor from any hope of the future but for myself alone. During my life I have seen, known, and lost too much to be the prey of vain dread; and, as for the hope of immortality, I am as weary of that as I am of gods and kings. For my own sake only I write this; and herein I differ from all other writers, past and to come.

    “Minä, Sinuhe, Senmutin ja hänen vaimonsa Kipan poika, kirjoitan tämän. En ylistääkseni Kemin maan jumalia, sillä jumaliin olen kyllästynyt. En ylistääkseni faraoita, sillä heidän tekoihinsa olen kyllästynyt. Vaan itseni tähden minä tämän kirjoitan. En mairitellakseni jumalia, en mairitellakseni kuninkaita, en pelosta enkä tulevaisuuden toivosta. Sillä elämäni aikana olen niin paljon kokenut ja menettänyt, ettei turha pelko minua vaivaa, ja kuolemattomuuden toivoon olen kyllästynyt, niin kuin olen kyllästynyt jumaliin ja kuninkaihin. Vaan itseni tähden minä tämän kirjoitan ja siinä luulen eroavani kaikista kirjoittajista niin menneisyydessä kuin tulevaisuudessa. ”

    The last paragraph of the book:

    “Sillä minä, Sinuhe, olen ihminen ja ihmisenä olen elänyt jokaisessa ihmisessä, joka on ollut ennen minua, ja ihmisenä elän jokaisessa ihmisessä, joka tulee jälkeeni. Elän ihmisen itkussa ja ilossa, hänen surussaan ja pelossaan elän, hyvyydessään ja pahuudessaan, oikeudessa ja vääryydessä, heikkoudessa ja väkevyydessä. Ihmisenä olen elävä ihmisessä ikuisesti enkä sen tähden kaipaa uhreja hautaani ja kuolemattomuutta nimelleni. Tämän kirjoitti Sinuhe, egyptiläinen, hän, joka eli yksinäisenä kaikki elämänsä päivät.”

    It’s so much better in the native Finnish. The official English translation is kind of pretentious, while the original text is written with sadness, resignation, the acceptance of reality, pathos.

    Let me try to translate the last paragraph.

    “Because I, Sinuhe, am human, and as a human I have lived in every human who came before me, and as a human I will live in every human who comes after me. I will live in human crying and joy, in his sorrow and fear I live, in his goodness and evil, in justice and injustice, in weakness and strength. As a human I shall live in the humankind forever, and for that reason I do not yearn for sacrifices in my tomb, and immortality for my name. This was written by Sinuhe, the egyptian, he, who lived alone all of the days of his life.”

    in reply to: Beta 0 Released #6921

    How about Aton and Ammon? I suppose you’ve cast Ammon as Ra, though.

    in reply to: Saints of Tiernon #7029

    One question is, if the 5S have these shock troops who can be deployed for free, what’s the backstory for not using them to just roll over every Unlife-infested world to gain Lebensraum and keep them trained up and sharp?

    in reply to: Beta 1 Status #6820

    [quote=Iume;5090]Get thee behind me, Mikey, thou art an offense unto me for thou savourest not the things that be of The Author Guy, but those that be of insanity.[/quote]
    You don’t think books 2 and 3 were about politics and power?

    in reply to: Beta 1 Status #6824

    [quote=The Author Guy;5099]I haven’t had time to watch the whole video yet, but is he the guy that does the “Give it to me straight, like a pear cider made from 100% pears” bit? Mainly just about his taking a wee.

    I remember that pears bit from several years back…very funny.[/quote]

    Yeah, it’s the same fellow we discussed on the Amazon boards, and you did mention that the topic of “pearie” was close to your heart.

    Too bad the Amazon boards don’t have a search functionality, nor do they allow Google to index them.

    in reply to: Beta 1 Status #6825

    [quote=Iume;5092]I think it happened. I don’t think that’s what it’s all about.[/quote]
    If there ever was a theme to these books, it’s that there isn’t much consensus to the consensus reality.


    [quote=Giwdul;5071][quote]When did he weather control outside of the abyss?[/quote]
    Not outside of the abyss, in it.

    What I meant is that Tom can do weather control, in the area surrounding Mt. Doom, in the abyss. So, it naturally follows that the Doomalogues should be able to do some level of weather control as well.[/quote]

    What he did in the abyss was much less complex conceptually, he was removing heat from a system, to the extent where a doomalogue would look like the liches had gotten there first, since dropping the temperature to a few Kelvin would kill everything in a wide radius.

    I think.


    in reply to: Alpha-3 small things #6848

    [quote=Ben;5068]He must call the planes of humans the planes of meat. As in humans are meat?[/quote]
    Well, that’s jumping to conclusions. Maybe he just enjoys a nice rare steak?

    in reply to: Beta 1 Status #6811

    [quote=Ben;5057]Am I the only one hoping for the scene where Lennamare finally discovers Tom is the Demon Prince Lord Tommus.[/quote]
    How about Lenamare’s extra A-bomb he handed off to Jenn under the guise of some instruments? Think it has a god trigger? Were Jenn and Gastrope wily enough to stick it in Lenamare’s laundry basket?

    in reply to: Alpha-3 small things #6841

    [quote=The Author Guy;5043]First, do I spell it different in the two places?[/quote]

    [quote]Stainsberry nodded. “I am a Knight Magus of the El Ohîm.”
    Talarius blinked and shook his head in surprise. “Knight Magus of the El Ohîm? I don’t believe there have been any of those in Astlan in thousands and thousands of years.”

    Sir Stainsberry laughed. “As a wizard, I would like to agree with that. A clear head is required for wizardry. However, I know from my mother’s people, as well as from other members of the El Ohîm, there are many paths to truth and the Light.”
    “Alvar and the El Ohîm use drugs?” Talarius looked at the knight magus in shock.

    “Indeed, in theory, the last battle was but a few hundred years before Orcus was slain in Etterdam. Some, among the El Ohîm, suspect that his slaying may, in some way, have been the true last battle, or at least in some way connected.”

    He knew the fellow, he was a knight magus, one of the El Ohîm? Stainsberry. That was it.

    Other than Stainsberry, who was also a knight, one of the El Ohîm and thus not a traditional, shifty, wizard—he had a code of honor.[/quote]
    … but then …
    [quote]Talarius looked to Stainsberry, who smiled and said. “Born and raised in Avalon, which is also where I trained as a Knight of the Elohim.”[/quote]

    in reply to: Alpha-3 small things #6844

    [quote=The Author Guy;5052]This book/series came up on the Amazon forum but since that is not particularly searchable, as far as I know, I can’t find what was said about it.

    Given that you think it’s a stupid idea, I am guessing you weren’t thrilled with the series?[/quote]
    I *am* big fan of that series, as well, although its mission execution modus is very different from your discovery one.

    The idea is stupid because unless you have a previous relationship with the author, the transactional overhead costs (in spent time) of collaboration might be incredibly high.

    [quote=The Author Guy;5052]Now, to be clear as Net and Danu have said, Tomorcus doesn’t want to kill any deities, he just wants to lock them all up in his basement like a creepy guy in a horror movie.[/quote]
    Tommus Fritzl?

    in reply to: Beta 1 Status #6804

    Are there perhaps some unexpected people on the battlefield, waiting for a wakeup call?


    in reply to: Alpha-3 small things #6837

    [quote=The Author Guy;5034]And as you probably have all figured out, the burning bush is the Demi-Urge, and Sammael is The Adversary of the Demi-Urge; and he’s the guy that kicked the Nyjyr Ennead off of Earth.[/quote]
    But Stainsberry introduces himself as a “Knight Magus of the El Ohîm”, and later when discussing Avalon, as a “Knight of the Elohim”.
    I assume that in the Astlan universe, Demi-Urge and El Ohîm/Elohim aren’t related?

    in reply to: When will then next Doomalogue turn on? #6861

    Aren’t there D’Orc forces on Etterdam on a recon mission near the doomalogue mountain there? Search for “Nart”.

    in reply to: The Wedding Party #6683

    [quote=The Author Guy;5006]All we know is that none of them ever came back to the Abyss. The assumption that everyone (the D’Orcs) are making is that they were all killed permanently somehow.[/quote]
    How about Orcus’ plan-Q fleet of suspended-animation reincarnation incubi?

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