Time Frame on next book

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    Hmm. You did not tell me what the method was. It would have given me an advantage.

    I also guess Tom is independent also?


    I should think you could have both faux ruins and real ones.

    It’s really a mixed bag, to be honest:

    In reality, there are true ruins that are most likely because there was a fight or battle in that building and it was damaged/brought to ruin and no one has gotten around to clearing them ore rebuilding them. I would not assume destitute, perhaps they are just lazy, but they may very well be broke.

    for example say you are a mid level demon who toils for centuries to make enough money/favors to buy a house, a store or a condo and it gets destroyed, we don’t have insurance (or rather we do–but it’s more mafia style insurance) so it could take you another couple centuries to work up the money to rebuild your house or your store or whatever it was.

    In some cases the owner might actually live in the ruins because they have no where else to go or to protect their land. And this, for me is a very sad and depressing situation. I have some friends like this. They are squatters in their own ruins because they got in huge fight with their neighbors and well…things came crashing down.

    Now on the other hand, because there are styles, there are some buildings that are built to look like ruins, (or illusioned to) particularly during post apocalypse phases (.e.g. Mad Max Decor) in which case you will find bars and such that look ruined but are more like functional set pieces in a movie.


    TAG/Tizzy, any updates on the books progress or the beta?


    This is true. Maybe could make it a fun show similar to “blue mountain state” series but with a demonic twist.

    I shall sip on my whiskey and ponder this dilemma.

    Questions: (may have already been covered)

    why did tizzy sell demonic weed to toms friend?

    I think rupert is toms half brother it ties In nicely with them looking alike. Since it has been stated no time travel by TAG. Also the fact that the weed Tom smoked only affected him and not his friends as stated in the beginning of the book.

    I am very patient except when I have to wait.


    Its one of the best perk of being a demon. You are not a demon if you take no interest in such stuff. Even Tom, softie as he is, killed and tortured humans.



    Let me think, well he is indirectly torturing a number of people who he continues to freak out with his actions.

    I have to say it appears Lilith is starting to flip her lid as is another party that must remain nameless.

    His actions last book have sort of sent the expected tidal waves of over reaction and panic among those militia’s you’d expect to get upset, causing them to take seriously stupid actions that will be revealed in book ii and carried out in book iii.

    Oh, and he’s also been enslav…I mean befriending numerous individuals and persuading them to join his cause. Although he is not quite sure what that is yet….

    He is causing Talarius all sorts of indigestion, anxiety and unwanted self reflection.

    However, while he has killed quite a number of non-people he hasn’t killed any of what you or I might call people, yet…(and yes by people, I obviously mean demons…)



    Any update on the second book would be interested in becoming a beta reader



    We are most grateful your T-Rex majesty!

    Hey anybody out there ever have roast dinosaur?…oops…that was a spoiler from book ii…(it really is–I didn’t realize it until after I typed the joke)




    I have tried to give feedback, but many just make me give negative feedback. I don’t think they would like to hear that.


    [quote=The Author Guy;1755]
    When I first started writing, this was a very select crowd of readers, but I’ve sort of been surprised how much this crowd has grown over the years and how many people that would have not been in the crowd are now at least conversant enough in the lingo and archetypes as to still be able to read it and get it.

    Long live internet, LoftR movies, and electronic books 😉

    @Rosver: I actually like ME3. Hack, I even enjoyed DA2 despite its rather glaring flaws (and with DA3 they certainly recovered that franchise). I have trained myself to ignore certain holes in the story, mostly because I don’t want my experience with game and story development to ruin my enjoyment of games, books and movies. I simply fill in plot-holes and inconsistencies subconsciously with my own explanations or shrug them away unless I am actually actively looking for them mostly when working on a project as an adventure designer/developer or when having fun discussing them. Of course, sometimes that bites me in the behind when I either focus too much on what never was even intended as a red herring or jump to the wrong conclusions. Finally, I refuse to let hours upon hours of fun to be ruined by a rather crappy 30 minute ending and a rather unnecessary Deus Ex Machina 😉



    I think your fill in the plotholes is a good point across the board for modern story telling in general.

    it’s what media folks call “shorthanding” like writing in shorthand.

    When an storyline or plot archetype is incredibly well known to the audience, the writers can skip a lot of details and the audience will assume the rest because they get the situation

    It happens a lot with modern sitcoms and all sorts of TV in media today.

    A few years back I started watching TV shows, mainly sitcoms on my ipod and then ipad at the gym because I could attach it to a TV on the equipment.

    One HUGE thing I soon found is that the pacing of TV shows has increased dramatically since the 70’s until now, and it’s pretty much straight line compression.

    I could literally measure it because the rhythm of the show was reflected in how fast I walked/ellipticalled/rode the bike and how many calories I burned in the course of a couple shows. Try watching Barney Miller and then watch Marry Me (which is the fastest show on TV today…I think) It’s literally insane.
    Watching WKRP in Cincinnati is like pulling teeth…it’s funny but slow….

    Part of my “select audience has grown” comes from looking at modern shows on MTV, like Teen Wolf…they shorthand like crazy because everyone know werewolves and everyone known “TV High School Dating” tropes and archetypes.

    Now taking this back to the bard…Shakespeare, despite the fact that his plays are insanely long (the versions you see today are almost always abridged) he still did a lot of shorthanding to the audiences of the day. This is one reason so many literature professors have been able to make a living off the guy for centuries…


    Lots more fantasy races will be showing up in book ii, mainly because we will be getting people outside the very human oriented city of Freehold and into the rest of the world.

    Tom was seeing the people, he just didn’t always recognize who or what they were or wasn’t paying enough attention. And everyone was tightly focused on what they were doing. Now as Gastropé and Jenn and others get out and about (book ii), they recognize the different races and deal with them more as they encounter them. I should also note, they will find some wonder in this as at least Jenn has led a somewhat sheltered life, but she has book knowledge of these races.

    Gastropé of course, used to work for Exador, who’s army did have ‘regiments of evil’ in addition to humans: Dok Sidhe, Orcs, etc.

    Going back to Tom, recall he did notice a lot of odd shaped/weird looking people, but it’s unlikely that when he sees short people in a crowed he won’t automatically know what they are

    Dwarves, Heartheans (hobbits), Forest Elves (short), Gnomes, some other fae, etc. If he had had time to stop and stare, he’d probably have figured them all out, but he didn’t and was rather hurried at the time, and stressed about losing his shape.


    I do indeed relish the screams, how else would I fall asleep at night?

    It’s very hard to fall asleep when you are a demon, unless you’ve really exerted yourself or are regenerating. You need to be able to really truly fully relax, and your screams are one of the few things that truly calm me.

    T-A-G is saying he’s close, he just hasn’t got much closer since last week….he keeps saying one more week for the first draft. That was last week, and instead of doing this, he’s been unnecessarily occupied in accumulating wealth via his “day job.” Sheesh. Talk about lack of priorities.

    The break point is known, everything to get to the break point is known, it’s not that much, and then there are a few back parts/scenes to go back and fill in and then that’s draft one. He will probably then do a full read/edit and then it’s Beta time.

    Beta time will hopefully be only a few weeks, then its editor time, which is probably 4-6 weeks assuming editor is not overbooked.

    Then there is also the cover (for B1 2nd Ed, and B2 1st Ed), which right now is posing a bit of a problem as the artist keeps going MIA for weeks at a time….hope to have this done in parallel.


    Eh, I’d reserve judgement on that. He hasn’t let me proofread it yet.

    I’m pretty sure he’s got the whole thing wrong…I think he’s deaf or something doesn’t seem to hear half of what I tell him…


    Well judging by the fact that T-A-G seems to be spending a lot of time staring into MS Word and typing, ignoring this forum and others, I’d say he’s probably close to being on schedule, it may slip a bit depending on how much pre-beta full review/rewrite he does.

    E.g. he tells me that he writes, then next day edits what he wrote yesterday before continuing. Doing that he’s pretty close to on schedule, but if he does a full book run through, then that could add some time.


    Tizzy and/or T-A-G could you perhaps answer this.

    Now that Tom could take over the priests through the mana-links from the blessed arrows can he not take control of his accursed master through their link? I started reading the book again, to prepare for the beta(when? soon?) and when he discovered the cord between himself and Lenamare it got me thinking.

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