Forum Replies Created
MemberAs it gets closer I’ll create a sign up list.
This topic can serve as “proof of first come first serve”
OK, ran across a confusing point. The forum is a module of the main site that inherits user settings from the main site, but also has some settings of it’s own.
In order to modify your user profile, and for example upload an Avatar you need to edit your “Site” profile.
To do this, go to the “top most menu” underneath “The Council of Wizardry Welcomes You To Astlan”
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From there you will see an edit profile button.Clicking on that will allow you to upload an avatar and add any personal information.
Hollar in this forum if you have questions.
MemberIt is a designation of where you rank in the new demon army I am creating with my payment from the author.
I plan on invading Tiernon’s home plane and you guys are going to be my [strike]pawns[/strike] [u][b]Storm Troopers.[/b][/u]
More seriously, Ranks are based on the number of posts you’ve made.
Reputation: “should be” a user voted reputation of the poster’s helpfulness/correctness/accuracy. It’s more often used for technical discussion forums and such. However, I will be using it to alert people to the opinions of any Astlanian wizards so that people know that they can’t be trusted.
MemberFYI…there are multiple features on the website for users to upload images. And we will be doing much more with it.
But for the moment, the Forum has user Albums for images that you might want to include in your posts…so if someone wanted to make a drawing for this topic…they could upload it to their album to share with others.
Of course, we already know what the Demonic Ideal is, what the most handsome and perfect of all demons looks like.
You only need to look at my Avatar.
MemberOh, and conveniently for my treasure horde.
The understanding/digesting of all this by the Archdemons will require lots of drinking, which will mean lots more product placement for:
[i]Denubian Choco-Coffee[size=2][b]TM[/b][/size][/i]
I am very pleased to have worked out a sponsorship program with them. It’s notoriously tricky to deal with them. Their CEO, Sjobs is a huge perfectionist and very protective of his trademarks and patents.
I’m trying to get a distributorship for Earth…I’m just not sure who’s going to be able to drink it…or at least drink it more than once. I’m thinking I won’t get a lot of repeat customers….
MemberSo many questions…so many answers to with hold as torture!
Bwah hah hah hah…
Actually what gods are is a somewhat complicated question that will take at least 3 if not 4 books to work out…
BTW for your own safety Maou…I wouldn’t say things like “if Tiernon was a true god” it’s liable to get you a divine intervention…say a lightning bolt in an unpleasant location.
Also, given the way the gods like to cause misery for humans, particularly those of other religions…my suspicion is that Tiernon doesn’t care what you were, so much as what you are now. Who’s side are you on today?
–my perspective in those two sentences is sort of from the agnostic point of view: pointing out “facts” that in the minds of most are incontrovertible to “some” group. So the first is from the perspective of demons, the second wizards…i.e. everyone has preconceptions that get in the way of reality.
I think…across the board you would find (will find 8-[ –if you’ve read the really long discussion on the author’s author page at Amazon you’ll know what I mean by “will find”) that there is a pretty broad range of emotional responses from demons towards humans. Most from purely self interested points of view.
The good example here are the 3 ArchDemons in the peanut gallery for the “final conflict.” They don’t particularly hate humans, no more than you or I hate insects and assorted vermin.
Which is also the way that the very human Lenamare feels about pretty much everyone except Jehenna and himself…others are pawns/tools.
A huge part of book 2 is the fall out from that final battle…and how perspectives shift after a first set of revelations…i.e. we’ve now played the opening hand in the poker game. Did it change Tom? Does it change how others see and treat Tom? Where the “hell” did Edwyrd and Rupert go, by the way?
MemberBTW…rereading to make sure I caught everything…
“the pursuit of non-boredom” is very very important.
Demons like myself have been around for a very long time, and most of us will be around for a lot longer.
While “existential dread” is not that bad for demons, we plan to be here in a few thousand years, and maybe a million or more…
But that’s a LOT of time to fill. A LOT of what what Immortals (or near Immortals) do is motivated by amusement, and non-boredom.
I mean, seriously? [i][b]Who wants to be sitting on a fluffly cloud playing a harp for the next 13 billion years?[/b][/i]
MemberYou express “Thoughts that make one go: hmmmm.”
MemberHe put the link on an existing “Holy Artifact of Tiernon” that was the key (shhhhhh don’t tell anyone). It’s what allowed him to penetrate the mana stream, in a manner similar to how those arrows could affect Talarius’ armor.
Pretty sure Sir T would object to calling him and his friends mana sucking vampires. Talarius knows about vampires…ahh Melisance…boo hoo already so you lost someone sheesh, what a windbag…
the energy blasts vs Lenamare were pure spirit blasts on the astral plane. Lenamare’s wardings and spells brunted most of the damage, but he felt it, bad.
Sort of like a “Spirit Wrack” that those nasty wizards use on us demons…
MemberI wouldn’t mention that to Tom. I’m not sure that’s fully crossed his mind. It might freak him out.
But yes, if the dragon had been able to keep enough damage coming faster than Tom could regenerate, and exhaust his mana, he’d have died for good.
Memberyes, it’s body will take a long time to regenerate.
I have no idea “where” it is regenerating at; I suppose if I did, I could go and kill it again every few decades to keep it from coming back.
The only way I can think of, off the top of my head would be a Cloud of Disintegration cast in the Abyss. I “think” that would do it, but I won’t bet my immortality on it.
Memberyes, they spoke his name correctly. Jehenna misspelled it on the ring. It’s from a different language easy to do.
Of course, neither will ever believe this is the reason the ring didn’t work. The thought that either of them could have made a mistake like a “spelling error” is just inconceivable to them.
You can’t actually cast the spells on yourself. The “spirit” has to be dis-corporeal on the astral plane and the caster has to be in Astlan using/manipulating material components, vocalizations and somatic gestures (to borrow from AD&D terminology) so someone else would have to do it.
Next, there may be other factors. Astlanian’s can see people from other planes of man that have relatively close sets of physical laws/mana levels. It’s only certain “Earths” where the rules and mana levels are so far different that the wizards see “glowing balls of light” rather than people like themselves. It “may” also be related to the difference in the laws of nature on the different plane.
Not saying that this is the case; but something causes people from those planes to look different than people. That might play into it somehow.
Of course. I know the truth. The author doesn’t. Yet. he hasn’t arranged to pay me for the next couple books yet. However, he is, now, finally, making good on his payment promises to me for the first book. :-”
Also, the wizards don’t “now” know anything. The only two wizards that know about Tom/Edwyrd and Rupert are Damien and Gastrope’ the general assumption they had when they found out (and that the Rod has), and what others will realize in book ii about the ArchDemons is that some demons can shape change into humans.
Occam’s Razor…simplest answer. Clearly the demons can shape change. If a wizard can turn someone into a frog, then big, unfortunate, surprise that some demons can change into humans.
Member–As for 1st Generation Demons. Very interesting question. The only person I can think of to ask about that is Lillith, and I’m not sure I’d live through the question once it became clear that I was implying she was THAT old. (even though she is)
If Tom’s link was broken, he would be free until someone else found out his true name and summoned him and rebound him (or tried to).
This is basically what Verigas did. He found the name of a demon who’s master(s) were long dead written in a book and summoned and re-bound him.
As for the spell, there is only one person I can think of who knows enough wizardry, and who knows the truth about demons that could try to create that spell. Or tell you what the “problems with it would be.” However, he’s a bit preoccupied by having his plans thwarted by Lenamare and his demon. He’s also not the most even tempered person…
I suppose you could ask, was he a wizard who became a demon or a demon who became a wizard? I, Tizzy, had assumed he was a demon that learned wizardry, but…I could be wrong.
MemberI’d like to run for president, but there are already so many demons lining up for 2016 that the race is going to be just too crowded!
Everyone wants a toke from my pipe! It’s a bit powerful for humans. Not sure that’s a good idea.
At least not until I get around to collecting those 100 “payments” from the author!!!!!
Member=p~ Well…I can tell you why YOU will vote for me.
Be sure to read about how the author is “paying” ME for the story at [url=]Amazon[/url]