Tizzy for President

Welcome To Astlan Forums Into The Abyss Tizzy for President

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  • #2074

    A) Why do you want to know, are you planning to steal them? No one gets to my private stash!
    B) Bess is crazy, and rude. Apparently she didn’t like my friendly advances, so she had her goons grab me.
    c) Have you seen Lillith? She is hot! Smoking! And she’d pretty decent looking as well having a really high body temperature. As for a relationship with Bess, well Lillith wouldn’t go for me so I went a couple levels down, figuring I had a good shot with her. Boy was I wrong.

    —sounds to me your big into class and social status…love/lust ignores the limits of class and social status…or at least it does in the books. I’m still working on it in real life…as you know from my fun with Bess–but I’m an optimist!


    Where do you stash your weed and pipe when you aren’t using them?
    People truly wish to know the answer.
    Your answer is either ground braking or mad.
    Also please elaborate on why Bess chose to pour acid on your balls, why you are still alive after annoying Lilith, and why did you think sex with an attractive arch-demon was a good idea as a Fiend?
    Please ignore the success of Antefalken as he is apparently quite the smooth talker, highly experienced, and plays an instrument as the penultimate bad-boy musician that parents would disapprove of their “little girl” from having sex with. One exciting night with him and their parents won’t care who else they see as long as its not him.


    [quote=Tizzy;115]Yeah…I can see you are going to be dangerous as a demon, after I collect my payment from the author. =p~ [/quote]

    This is an confirmation, of my suspicion, of Demons making new Demons out of souls?


    We saw Tom remotly moving some Arrows he had object bound.
    I would theorize that Tizzies pipe is object bound to him and he moves the pipe from and to a stash in the abbys.


    So if Tizzy is possessing people on earth can we get a site set up to vote for Him in the next Presidential election he is obviously the best candidate though i do wonder if he would b better off running for an environmental office to better distribute his demon weed PS hay Tizzy send us a pipe full would you thanks from a faithful Minion


    I’d like to run for president, but there are already so many demons lining up for 2016 that the race is going to be just too crowded!

    Everyone wants a toke from my pipe! It’s a bit powerful for humans. Not sure that’s a good idea.

    At least not until I get around to collecting those 100 “payments” from the author!!!!!



    Why should we vote for you as opposed to one of the other demons (politicians)?


    =p~ Well…I can tell you why YOU will vote for me.

    Be sure to read about how the author is “paying” ME for the story at [url=http://www.amazon.com/gp/forum/cd/discussion.html/ref=cm_cd_pg_oldest?ie=UTF8&authToken=&cdForum=Fx3RI7J5FDSG4QJ&cdPage=1&cdSort=newest&cdThread=TxKNM2O0F9QECC]Amazon[/url]


    That sounds interesting, if one could stash bound objects with enough proficiency you could bind objects from a distance and stash them, like arrows shot at you, objects of value, artifacts, …etc you could be then a thief without the goods on your person and a demon with objects blessed by multiple religions, hell most churches will bless things for you if you ask them to for a donation or for free. Blessings are good thing that were not hoarded, and so long as they don’t know how he took their mana, will likely not be hoarded in the future.


    Yeah…I can see you are going to be dangerous as a demon, after I collect my payment from the author. =p~


    Well…I’m not sure I’d take it as confirmation that demons are doing this.

    There is no question that “wizards” are doing this.

    Now, Exador is a “wizard” and an ArchDemon, so assuming he’s summoning new demons (again no visible evidence but if it quacks like a wizard…)

    So technically that would be confirmation of your premise.

    Certainly, everyone assumes that Exador “the wizard” is more than capable of binding new demons, he has demons that work for him, so “obviously” as a conjuror, he can and probably has.

    However, given that he knows the truth, and is presumably a victim of “the truth” it would be an ethical dilemma for most demons…perpetuating the slavery etc. etc.

    However, as far as anyone can tell, ethics are not a huge “issue” for Exador….

    As for what this is a confirmation of…well, the author has promised me “souls” to do with what I please. Demonize or just “eat.” So, yes, I am planning on doing this, but have not done so yet. Don’t know about other demons.

    Now there is, of course, the slightly tricky issue of delivery of said souls and where I stage them/what do I do with them.

    To be honest, I’m having trouble squeezing the necessary bindings into an e-RuneMail so that I can send you a spellvirus to grab your souls…it’s trickier than I expected.


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