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Excellent reasoning. Yes, that would make sense.
Actually, in point of fact, most of these methods for links are just different perspectives/flavors/variations on the same basic thing. It’s really a question of how deep the connections go, how two way they are.
One big difference with the deity to cleric link vs the familiar link is how “personal” the link is. The familiar link, and the warlock link as you described it are very much a one to one link. The deity links are much more a group link. Much less personal and much more complicated because deities have so many followers and they offload to avatars and there are lots of people in the link Deity<->One or more Avatars<->Maybe High Priests<->Priests<->Worshipers
And the deity links are more fluid. A worshipers mana feeds will change, dynamically, automatically, depending on who the local priest is, etc. So the deity links are vastly more complicated webs (much like the super links required for the city’s Wards vs the Schools wards) than what a warlock’s link would be.
MemberWell fortunately, your soul is already taken thanks to the authors payment to me of the souls of the first 100 people to sign up on this site. I’ve got the mailing list and am working a Runic Email to capture your souls.
Now as far as relatives. Quality control. You see, that’s the thing. A demon’s gotta have standards and all.
If you just give me random “stranger” souls, I might end up with a Kardashian, or worse…like David Hasselhoff or something…So that’s why I’m thinking a relative, someone with good genetic potential, since obviously they are related to someone sophisticated enough to read Into The Abyss and know the importance of signing up on the website.
MemberDefinitely will do. It’s war you know.
Going to finally get back at the DemiUrge for kicking…oops…sorry…that’s very late Book II, mainly Book III and IV info…
MemberWell, to be honest the map making follows more the “fantasy novel” approach to what’s shown and not shown.
It’s also because these continents are BIG…(see Oorstemoth example below)
In books, the details on maps tend to fade off at the edges and then in volume 3 or 4 the map magically gets bigger, even though what was in the blank lands was “known” to people.
Although I point out, as you said the “Here there be dragons” quality of real medieval maps where the cartographer just sort of made things up because they didn’t know what was in a region.
The only real, truly, blank regions are down near the bottom (and I notice a bit in the far North East.
And that’s really the style of fantasy novels that don’t expand the map until the story extends.
I didn’t put much down in the South East because it’s going to get covered up by the legend, and the story doesn’t go there yet. The bottom edge in the Southwest is purposefully left blank, because there is stuff down there that most people don’t know about and won’t until Book II when that region actually gets people visiting it. It’s also in “dramatic flux” cities might move for plot development and I don’t want to nail them down quite yet.
—Now, as for “wilderness” regions that have plants but no cities??
Those are literally what they appear, there are no “human majority” cities there. There are members of the body politic in those regions, and they have maps of trails/roads/cities, but they generally don’t share them outside their community.
Also this map is not all that detailed, and the cities you see, even the small ones, are actually very good sized. There are lots of villages and hamlets you don’t see. Each square is basically 100 miles on a side, or 10,000 square miles (about the size of New Hampshire)
So Oorstemoth is about 700 miles N/S and 600 miles E/W, so 420,000 square miles. Which gives Oorstemoth a total land area bigger than Texas, but smaller than Alaska.
Maou asked about where the non-human races are, so I’ll answer that here:
1) The Mogradin Association, north of The Council States is about 80%+ made up of Modgriensofarthgonosefren (Dwarves)
2) On Eton, the Vizenheim Empire was also dwarven and was in the Eastern mountain range, Vizenheim mountain is straight south along the coast from Gizzor Del. Gone now, but there are some Modgriensofarthgonosefren villages in the area, but aren’t on the map.
3) The Modgriensofarthgonosefren also have several mountain strongholds between the Council States and Oorstemoth (anywhere near volcanoes is a good bet)
4) Gnomes also have several mountain strongholds, as do Goblins and Ogres and some Giants. Some Orcs as well…although there are Orcs all over the place, including nomads on the plains. The Aetos arealso in the mountainous regions. Particularly on the mountain islands between the continents.
5) In the South west, in that very weird swampy region? Lots of I’iskatha
6) Elves are most often found in the woods, or mountain regions in areas without a lot of human cities.
7) Centaurs are in wooded and plains…actually more the plains.
8) There are Satyrs in several different forest regions, generally not near Elves. (who find the Satyrs boorish and primitive barbarians) I note that the pub that Elrose and Trisfelt meet is near a good sized Satyr village/grove.
9) Several desert regions also have I’iskatha
The Gleg’ren are thought to mainly be in the shallower regions of the ocean, the Sea Elves have numerous small islands that are too small for this map.
MemberYes. There is something weird with that.
I had that problem for a very long time…and then it just started working.
I think there is something odd about browsers recognizing the “page” in their password dictionaries. I’ll take a look in the documentation for DNN (which is what this is) Something called Dot Net Nukem just had Lenamare written all over it…Maybe if I don’t use a pop up for the login box, it will work better.
MemberI didn’t look too closely at the pop up box to see what it’s doing, I use DNN so I can concentrate on the content rather than the code. I worry about code at work…don’t have the energy outside of work…
I can tell it to switch to a logon page, or just put the logon box on the main page.
DNN is an Open Source CMS for ASP.Net. It’s actually pretty cool, supports CSS skinning extremely well, and it’s pretty easy to write modules for to add custom controls for. The default html content module supports version control, and an end user can define a page layout and drag content boxes around.
Glad you liked it. If you’ve read the Amazon Author blog, then you will be aware that you are in the first 100 members so you will be getting an all expenses paid trip the Abyss with “recreational visits to Astlan” Just as soon as I figure out how to get some stuff I have through customs and enroute to your mailbox.
MemberWell, that’s a risk, Starbucks is owned by Lillith through proxy agents.
Not sure I want to compete with her. She’s not really “good” with competition.
Maoo is correct in his statement.
At the end Tom shapechanges to a variant of his human self to talk to Talarius…which is when he gets stabbed.
However there is even more evidence of this that is exposed by the recording that you basically have to wait for in Book II
(which is not really on the site)
MemberCool let me check out the M4D…there may be some good overlap…I am at a “day job” at the moment so can’t do much with the maps until tonight.
MemberThe big problem is that each deity has their own “signature” that identifies them and their representatives.
In particular, we know from historical experience that holy artifacts are not generally cross religion usable, except for some minor ones.
Meaning that for Holy (magic) Armor to work, you have to be of the same religion as whoever made the armor.So to do the same thing for/to another deity would require an object made by a priest of that other deity.
MemberNo…I think I said they do advance, or can advance..typically they just take a really long time to do it but they have time. And a great number of them never do, just like many humans never rise to become CEO’s, Senators, Presidents, Sultans, Cardinals and Popes..
I wouldn’t go so far as to say there aren’t some demons who do exactly what you suggest i terms of sould consumption. However, most would have no real idea of how to do so. Remember animus and mana are not physical, so it’s not going to be clear “how” one would consume or assimilate other’s animus or mana. There are a number of creatures, particularly undead that do this naturally as part of their design…but it’s not something demons come built in with. If they could figure out how to do it, or someone taught them, they probably would do it.
But remember, assuming some super high powered demons have figured out how to do this, legends say that they do know how and do do this, they aren’t going to share this information with others because it’s a race for power. You don’t want to give the other demons any advantages.
MemberVery observant point…and there are some other interesting points about how the abyss works that Talarius will find out about in Book II.
Humans do come to the Abyss, and they can be tortured there for centuries, and they can suffer…and you are correct there is not much for human food or water and this is often used as part of the torture….
His reaction to the upcoming events will be to say the least…complex and probably mercurial. It’s going to be a wild ride for the guy.
MemberIt can be used for possession like things and possibly true possession, but also a lot of other things, triggers, compulsions and memory alteration etc.
Think of some of the nastiest things that either a bad Deryni might do (See Katherine Kurtz) or the sort of mental manipulation that Jack Chalker might do to people.
But again, like the 21st Discipline, those authors are just writing fiction. Doesn’t really exist. And if you ever found out that it existed, you would shortly forget that it existed and realize that it could never have existed and that you’d just been joking around trying to scare people.
MemberYeah…I can see you are going to be dangerous as a demon, after I collect my payment from the author. =p~
MemberWell…I’m not sure I’d take it as confirmation that demons are doing this.
There is no question that “wizards” are doing this.
Now, Exador is a “wizard” and an ArchDemon, so assuming he’s summoning new demons (again no visible evidence but if it quacks like a wizard…)
So technically that would be confirmation of your premise.
Certainly, everyone assumes that Exador “the wizard” is more than capable of binding new demons, he has demons that work for him, so “obviously” as a conjuror, he can and probably has.
However, given that he knows the truth, and is presumably a victim of “the truth” it would be an ethical dilemma for most demons…perpetuating the slavery etc. etc.
However, as far as anyone can tell, ethics are not a huge “issue” for Exador….
As for what this is a confirmation of…well, the author has promised me “souls” to do with what I please. Demonize or just “eat.” So, yes, I am planning on doing this, but have not done so yet. Don’t know about other demons.
Now there is, of course, the slightly tricky issue of delivery of said souls and where I stage them/what do I do with them.
To be honest, I’m having trouble squeezing the necessary bindings into an e-RuneMail so that I can send you a spellvirus to grab your souls…it’s trickier than I expected.