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  • in reply to: Time differences between planes #2829

    I don’t.

    I don’t know anyone that does. Other than maybe a god. But I am not sure that even the gods do.

    They can travel among the planes at will, but I’m not sure how many, if any, of them are splitting up and acting simultaneously on multiple planes. Not saying they can’t or don’t…

    The closest I’m familiar with is when a very powerful Time Warrior (animage) splits him(her)self temporally to surround their opponent.

    I’ve seen four or five splits; I’ve heard of six splits. It’s pretty awesome, unless you are their opponent.

    However, these are generally of short duration (objectively to observers) of a few minutes at most, typically less than a minute–it’s very depleting.

    When Ramses (for example) get’s going with both blades and starts splitting, it generally doesn’t take him long to finish his opponent, especially since some of the splits know what his opponent(s) are about to do, before they do it.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2886

    He was attempting to summon a bound demon that wasn’t under his control. I.e. a previously bound demon, not currently bound to him.

    He had, however been doing it in a fuller more exploratory manner, looking for “previously bound demons to capture” It was a training exercise in locating previously bound demons that you don’t know the name of. I.e. demon hunting on the astral plane. He didn’t expect to find anything because it’s hard to find unbound, previously bound demons this way, (albeit easier than searching through books). Basically it’s a fishing expedition.

    The key, the Astral Journey part is the same for finding totally unbound demons, and previously bound demons.

    however, low and behold, they found a completely unbound demon. These demons are all from distant planes where the laws of magic operate very differently, or don’t work well. The Astlanian spells and magic are such that any higher powered sentients from these distant planes appear similar, colored balls of light, animus and mana. For whatever reason, the Astlanian’s don’t recognize these as humans/elves/etc, which they do for the planes closer to them.

    I some ways, you could say these beings from the far end of the universe have been redshifted (not literally Rosver–but something similar) to the point the Astlanians don’t recognize them as people. From experience/training/history, they interpret these beings as demons that can be bound.

    Typically, most of these beings, when found, which isn’t very often, are sprites, imps or shadows, occasionally a fiend and very rarely a major demon. Almost never would you find a greater demon, although it has happened. Theoretically, you might find a Major Demon, but no one has ever located and bound one. Presumably, the wizard(s) ends up dead in such a situation. And usually end up dead with a Greater Demon; unless they are planning to look for a Greater Demon and are thus super prepared.

    Jenn discusses what happened in more detail in her diary, which will at some point make it to the website.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2888

    Yes, although it’s a fairly minor difference of a few words, and the confusion over never bound, unbound, bound…I wish the terms were clearer, but it’s the wizard’s fault.

    What they thought was that it was a “minor never bound demon”

    If it had ever been previously bound, they would have recognized it as a demon and have been able to get a better handle on it’s power level and if it was currently bound to someone (with a bit more work, Lenamare would have shown them how to see the binding and see if it was frayed or still connected to a master: like in the bar in the courts).

    So anyway, what they thought they saw was what appeared to be a minor never bound demon. And so they adjusted tactics to get that, and then it fought back harder than expected and they had to seriously up their game and the level of the spells they were using.

    in reply to: Demon power ups #1785

    Not clear to me. One presumes that one would need distinguishing parameters of some sort or you could end up with the wrong person.

    However, if the demon is initially bound by a name and one does demon summoning rituals (even if the demon isn’t summoned to you) the true name used in the initial binding works as expected with no additional parameters being needed.

    Now, what happens when you attempt to bind a new demon for the first time and their name is already taken?

    you can’t have 2 demons in the abyss with the same true name. That we know. Does the binding/incarnation then fail? Or do other parameters get bound into the name.

    If I were to guess, for lesser wizards it would fail, for greater wizards with really powerful spells, they can probably work something out that alters the name enough to force the binding. Remember, spelling is also important and this presumably has some leeway given different alphabets/runes etc.

    Not clear to me at all. Speculating here.

    in reply to: Killing Demons #1941

    Yep, I am going to build myself an ark to haul anybody that wants to get away from Maou and his crazy plans as fast as possible.

    in reply to: Killing Demons #1942

    Maou and I posted at same time.

    Gods don’t like the Abyss. God’s can’t do a lot on the Abyss. More on this and what happens to clerics and knights rampant when they go to the Abyss in Book II.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2259

    I think Maou is a secret Necromancer who wants to kill a god and then resurrect it under his control.

    in reply to: True Names #2455

    I don’t think you’d find a demon summoning a necromancer very often.

    Necromancy is a bastardization of a lot of other forms of magic. But in particular they do have to know summoning/conjuring spells to call the dead back from beyond. All the summoning and conjuring stuff is related, whether you are summoning the dead, a demon, a djinn or bunnies from the forest.

    So, pretty sure there are necromancers who can summon demons. Almost positive.

    And…well, on this other plane, there was that one Necromancer (who used to be here) that was playing around with a Balrog…but that was in a cavern and I’m not sure it was the Necromancer that put the Balrog in the cavern to try and stop the old wizard.

    It did scare the wizard pretty bad, turned his hair from grey to white. And his clothes too. Now that’s what I call a scary demon!

    in reply to: Theory Crafting #2769


    Seems like there should be easier ways to do this.

    For one thing, I’m not sure, will have to ask Lenamare, but I think there is a wizard “Clone” spell. It’s very difficult, up there with those youth spells and such. Probably higher. Of course, you’d need to wait for the clones to grow up. You could age them magically of course using a SORAS spell, however they’d still have the minds of baby clones. Not sure why there aren’t a bunch of youngsters on Soap Operas wearing diapers and sucking on their thumbs, now that I think of it.

    It is probably necromatic though. Maybe thaumaturgic, in case Trisfelt would be better, but he’s not online. :-s

    in reply to: Killing Demons #1938

    Yeah, let me know when you plan to do that and I’ll be on another plane on the far side of the multiverse.

    in reply to: The reactions of Ramses, Bess, and Exador #2257

    Yep, sounds like a Necromancer to me.

    Wylan! Wylan where are you?

    in reply to: Staying Logged in? #2402


    Specifically what problem are you having? The old one shouldn’t be there. The login page is now a normal separate page right now. I’ve had no problem with Chrome remembering me. (Across multiple machines with google/gmail password synching)

    The only problem I have is that for some odd reason it also remembers all these other people too, like Wylan, Lenamare and that Author Guy. I wonder if they are using my mind as a conduit to this website?

    what browser are you using? I’ll check that out.

    PS. You can’t “stay logged in” for security reasons it logs out sessions. But the username/password boxes should work with browser save functionality.


    in reply to: Staying Logged in? #2404

    No, we have to kill inactive sessions to keep them from being hijacked.

    However, with the remember me check, and your browser, if you bookmark that page, you just go to it and click the login button because everything is remembered, that then takes you to the main page.

    Surprisingly we’ve had a bad time with people trying to break into the site, we’ve had hundreds of fake accounts/profiles created and a ton of bad logins. Fortunately, because they use faked addresses, they can never verify and get access. However, some of the people owning the addresses used have gotten a lot of registration messages from us.

    So we had to redo the login process and add other security.

    in reply to: Staying Logged in? #2406


    We’ve only had 2 posts get through…so that’s good…so far…

    The poster was tracked down by IP and is now roasting slowly in my fire pit at home in the Abyss. It’s been about 3 weeks, he should be done in a few more.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2882

    This is actually a rather good question.

    It’s not clear.

    If you were going to summon a Greater Demon, particularly for the first time (e.g. say you found the name in a book) only a fool would go it alone.

    There are couple accounts of the First Summoning as one might call it, one in Jenn’s Diary and one in an instructional discussion by Lenamare or maybe Elrose that go into detail.

    In particular when you read it from this perspective, different senior wizards were responsible for different aspects of the spell. For example, I believe (and I may be wrong) that Trisfelt was responsible for maintaining the Wizard Link and channeling energy from the students and other wizards.

    I think Jehenna did the Astral Journey and Seeker Spells and Hortwell did the pentagrams and runes for the most part.

    The big key, they were all taken by complete surprise and they had the energy of several Master Wizards and a lot of scared to death students, some of which were reasonably powerful.

    So this certainly would have helped supercharge things.

    TAG is reviewing the various “First Summoning Accounts” and will be posting them on the website at some point in the near future.

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