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Number 1 gets answered in the opening of book 4.Things ALSO addressed in Chapter 1: 3, 4, 9, 11, 15.
Everything else happens in the later chapters.
And of course, “addressed” is not the same thing as “resolved.”
MemberIndeed, and indeed.
The PLOT thickens….
MemberAhhhh, if only things were so simple….bwah hah hah, there is even more afoot than meets the eye…..
Things will be getting a wee bit more complicated than they are now.
MemberSure, he can do that, but at this point, wouldn’t it be a little “me too” (and not the Weinstein kind)
In what I call the Warnerverse corner of the multiverse, on Earth-ZS (Zach Snyder) Superman uses laser eyes quite a bit, and in the planes of the Arrowverse, Supergirl and Superman both do laser eyes a lot.
And then those supes from the Vought Corporation, good grief! Homelander uses his laser eyes for pretty much everything! I’m betting he slices cheese as often as he slices humans who get in his way.
And heck, how can Tom compete with this from the Voughtverse?
MemberYou’ve missed half the dialog!
It’s unfortunate, but evil lawyers in your world refused to grant me rights to my OWN jam during the battle in book III, so we couldn’t play it in the background while Stephen was reading.
What sort of world grants song copyrights to electrical currents?
Otherwise, your jello would be jiggling at my rendition of Thunderstruck!
MemberYou are excused. Although, acknowledging your age, or lack thereof is agist, and we at Doom try to be non-agist.
Agism is a central conceit of the gods, and we don’t like them. “We’re immensely older than you, so worship us and give us all your mana or we squash you like insects.”
We at Doom are to the gods, what “The Boys” are to Supes in that crazy jungle on your planet. I really can’t understand why anyone would open a store in the middle of a rain forest, you’d think all the moisture would be bad for the boxes of products.
BTW am I the only one a bit concerned that Amon Amarth sounds like the name of a lich? Are we sure they’re on our side?
MemberYou know we do not talk about that incident.
On the other hand, if they had been referring to the real Mount Doom instead of the hijaacked one that would be OK.
Very nice in fact.
Hmm, Google translate doesn’t have a translator for Sindarin so I can’t verify.
Big problem with Universal (and why isn’t it called multiversal???) is that everything sounds the same to me, “spoken” that is. Written is a bit more complicated.
In this case, it’s Sindarin, written in English text and that completely foils my innate translation ability, so I can’t translate it and will have to go by Wicked Pedia, which to be fair, since it’s Wicked, should be trustworthy.
T-A-G claims the same thing, and the more he dithers, the more he has to go back and re-remember what the heck is going on.
For me, on the other hand, since I’ve lived it all, it’s pretty fresh, but for some reason he doesn’t want to just ask me, he says me hovering over his shoulder makes it hard for him to concentrate. So I recite events while he sleeps and then he regurgitates onto a computer what I said the next day, then I read it and tell him how he got it wrong.
No one has ever mentioned my aura, they just tell me I am awe full.
And a few other words that I choose to ignore do to their nonsensical nature.
MemberThe question of who broke what Oaths is a bit complex because the avatars are sworn “Avatars” and thus representatives on a god, working on his or her behalf.
Based on my studies of mortals (and for that matter demonic politics—where this happens a lot):
It’s pretty feudal, so if a lord’s vassal breaks the lords oath, it would be the responsibility of the lord to make things “right” with the offended party, if the lord failed to do “make it right” the oath would be considered broken.
So given that Tiernon failed to punish Sentir Fallon, nor did he compensate Orcus’ people, the oath is most likely broken.
But, that is for the Lord of Oaths to decide. And I am pretty sure that’s why Tiernon and his siblings are nervous, particularly if Orcus has been plotting for the last four thousand years in secret. His retribution would be expected to be epic.
As for KoC’s. Have not heard any reports of them, but then I don’t get over there that often. Last time I was there, a quarter month or two ago, I didn’t notice any, but wasn’t looking. I should ask Sam. He would know, he spends a lot of time there, but at the moment he’s stuck in that floating tin can from Oorstemoth. Not sure they’d appreciate me dropping by to chat.
T-A-G is moving along, I suspect the next beta should occur with an average (alvaren) lifespan.
MemberI, of course, can wholly agree with your assessment.
I am thinking involuntary cycling is definitely in order!
As to the course of appearances, well that depends on the localverse. In Astlan, definitely, in Nysegard definitely not. Also in localverses with more Olympian influences, Orcus is still recognized as a god. In fact, on Tom’s Earth, he was still worshiped as a god after he was killed by Sentir Fallon, as recently as a thousand or so Earth years ago, certainly 1500 years ago. Same with Dis Pater.
[SPOILER]More fun coming on that front! Tom is not going to be happy.[/SPOILER]
He (even though dead) was eventually recognized as a demon on that Earth, but that was basically the demiurge’s people demonizing local gods and such. Although the Norse also had something to do with that…[I point out that Orcus was on Loki’s side during Ragnarok, so you can guess why they were demonizing him]But yes, in a large number of localverses where they both exist, they appear to be diametrically opposed.
Also even within a localverse it can vary down to the planet level. I point out that Nysegard and Astlan are in the same localverse, just different planets orbiting different stars.
And, it can also vary among the races.
But this is very common for gods, a god might be evil to some people and good to others and depending on which pantheon they are working in.
This is why, for example, we demons scoff at the idea of good and evil. It’s all just narcissism vs altruism. And the second, in my experience is just the absence of first.
Another video for T-A-G to stare at for hours on demon weed instead of writing. Why? Why? Why? Did I think that a few astral adventures might inspire him to write faster?
I should have known better, it works exactly the same for D’Orcs and demons at Mount Doom.
It’s unfortunate that Dargh-Nargoloth signed up for Google Play with YouTube Red, now they all just watch and smoke! What if we get invaded again?
And of course, Doom being one of the major hubs of the Internet can get far better speeds than I can in my cave.
I am limited to my AOL Dialup, but Mount Doom can get 2 channel ISDN! (I mean it is the Abyss, you are supposed to suffer there)
The Courts get Time Warner Cable, but that’s because Lilith owns the company. However, I hear the service reliability isn’t as good as ISDN so…
MemberIt would be very hard, since there isn’t much other than radiation and very scattered infrequent matter.
Sort of like trying to order the very last 0.01% of matter.
And there are some details missing from that description, where was the maelstrom? Was it in M-space, Ӕ-space (or the ӔV) or ??
That might make a difference. In particular, as we know, there is no Ӕ-space in the Abyss and thus of course no ӔV either, of course the interesting thing then would be with no ӔV, you can’t travel faster than the speed of light in the Abyss. So, assuming it’s infinite, it could take a really really long time to get to the most remote locations. Unless of course, the speed of light is much faster in the Abyss, or, maybe there is no speed of light? But that seems like it would really screw up the physics of the place, so I would have to assume there is a speed of light in the Abyss. But I suppose it could be as fast as in Ӕ-space. Or could it? It’s the unique dimensionality of Ӕ-space that allows one to go exponentially faster than M-space light, not a per se very high speed of light, and the Abyss does not appear to have that dimensionality, so you couldn’t create the same sort of Abyssal Vortex.
Hmm. Well thank goodness for boom gates and teleportation etc. If we know where we are going, we can just hop gates or create a new gate.
Of course, if we don’t know where we are going, we can’t ever get there that way. We’d need to “know” the place to get there.
Hmm, seems like it would be mighty easy to hide in the Abyss. Who knows what’s out there?
MemberVery good point.
But don’t forget the 3 degree background radiation!
It’s not that warm, both those 3 degrees of kelvin can almost fry bacon, which is why you hear about “3 degrees of kelvin bacon!” It’s just not the necessary 6 degrees of kelvin bacon that you need.