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  • in reply to: ETA: Next book #3098

    I’m not really sure, but that’s what the Astlanian’s say we do, they like to talk about selling their souls to us all the time.

    I’d ask Lillith, but she doesn’t like me that much and is liable to show me by example. If she’s eating the souls then that would be bad.

    I, on the other hand, am collecting souls via email address on this site, and I am going to use those binding links to summon people to be my demon army so that I can take over the Abyss and establish myself as Despot Supremus! I’m going to need a lot of canon fodder.

    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3472

    I think I have commented before the GRRM appears to be a demon.

    Who else would be so cruel and heartless to those who follow him religiously?

    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3474


    Difficult question, does the term “human” include Nathan Brazil from the Well World Saga? Cause I’ve known him a VERY long time….

    in reply to: What you look forward to in book two? #3710

    Personally, I am looking forward to getting out of this stupid cave with the Tin Can, the Incubus, the bard (who is threatening us with a 34 hour long ballad about some silly event from 4000 years ago), Tom, Rupert, Boggy and Boggy’s buddy Estrebrius…

    Tom really needs more furniture, he’s like the only one that can fit in his chair the rest of us just stand or sit on the ground…

    Boggy and I have been talking about organizing a tour of the Abyss for everyone. I’m thinking we’ll head over to Hellsprings Eternal and maybe soak in the lava flows for the afternoon (such as it is with no way of measuring time here). I’m sure the Tin Can will enjoy that, I’m thinking he’ll boil in his own perspiration inside his can and then we can all enjoy some boiled paladin.

    I’ve never tasted boiled paladin, so maybe that’s what I’m most looking forward to.

    in reply to: What you look forward to in book two? #3713

    What do you mean if I had a point of view I would not be interesting anymore; I have lots of points of view! Most of them contradictory!

    The bard is named Antefalken, he was most recently working for this nosy Damien guy. He and Boggy are pretty tight. I don’t know if he composed that 34 hour Balladae Orcusae he keeps wanting to play, but apparently he has played and sung it before the Triumverate and others…

    I’m not that much for music, but I suppose he must be decent enough if he plays the Courts…if they don’t like your work, well, they will pretty literally tear you to pieces…

    FYI a Host is not a person, well, I suppose it could be, but in this case Host as in Hosts I’ve Heard on High, as in host of angels, the female members of which (Hostesses) are as in Twinkie salesmen, although I’d rather have Ding Dongs or Cup Cakes….mmmhhh Hostess Cupcakes!

    But I digress, in the case of Vol II, it means the Host of Avatars descending on Freehold….no stress there….apparently they want to find out how the Rod screwed things up and lost their prize knight in shining armor.

    The incubus, ehh, I mention him in some other posts in this forum. He’s annoying, I don’t trust him. I don’t think you should trust him either, so when you read the book, take everything he says with a grain of rice. Salt grains wouldn’t be big enough for this guy.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2998

    Yes, and unfortunately, on that front Lenamare is about to get a huge ego boost by having successfully kicked upwards of a thousand demons out of the city along with 3 arch demons with a single spell. It was a very impressive piece of spellmanship and his fellow councilors, and everyone in the city of Freehold will know it, and know it was him and he’ll bask in it.

    Thinking that won’t help him…

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3094

    Well, if you believe in a god enough to make an enemy of them, they probably won’t stand for you trying to dissolve yourself on death and will put a lien on your soul.

    If you are an atheist, then you aren’t going to have another god there to fight the lien, so by default, the deity will get it.

    So your better bet would be to align yourself with a rival god who would be willing to fight for your soul upon death…

    You really don’t want to be all alone in the afterlife, even if you plan to dissolve, you won’t be able to do it fast enough to not be captured. For one thing, most people have no ability to control anything once they die, so they can’t speed up their dissolution….

    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3461

    Hmm, not sure what your blood will do to me. Since I am, after all the purest incarnation of sanity, the baseline by which it is measured everywhere, it could have the interesting affect of shifting everyone else insane.

    Speaking of selling ones soul at a booth, up above, it really reminded me of a very cheesy 70’s sitcom that lasted less than a year called “A Year at the Top”

    In it the Devil was an agent (mainly for musicians, but presumably others, I don’t recall) and in exchange for your soul, you got a year at the top of your field, mainly the Charts. I really enjoyed it. If I hadn’t been buying and selling souls for several millenia, it might have inspired me to get into the business.

    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3463

    Not sure on how bad your show would be.

    I UTubed it and wow was it far far worse than I remembered even.

    Your show might be a lot better, not sure it could be worse.

    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3465

    I am not a drug dealer. Will not even comment on such dastardly allegations.

    Are you ready for the BMS: The Rise of Thadland? It’s coming this year (in theory)

    Go Thad!!!!!!

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2983

    I can see where it sounds like he deviated.

    But the key is that he took a different route back, but assuming the two routes (follow a road or go as the demon flies) will work within the time frame, I’d say he’s within the rules of the order.

    For most demons, if the demon thought/believed/knew that the other route was definitely longer, then they would feel a compulsion to not take it, or shorten it.

    Given that Tom did have a very strong compulsion on the time element, and he didn’t seem to feel one on his alternate route, I would say he was within the rules.

    I would think that if he were overriding the rules due to being more powerful than expected, he’d have at least felt the compulsion, resisted it, and did it anyway.

    Now, of course taking a nap was not directly back, but depending on how you read “directly” as in does that imply a time constraint? That would be a point of contention, however Lenamare did give him a time constraint, so in that case “directly” would allow for the nap, if there was no deviation and he stayed within the overriding time constraint.

    Now…popping that soldier is definitely harming someone else…however, that wasn’t so much willfully harming someone as it was horrified reaction/response that ended up gutting someone, e.g. an accident.

    Compulsions about not killing people don’t apply to accidents, unless the demon is specifically creating an accident with the purpose of killing someone.

    So, in short, I probably wouldn’t read too much into the rules thing making him higher level, in part because he wasn’t purposefully trying to disobey, and the compulsion did hit him when he did run late. If he’d been able to resist the compulsion at the end of the journey, then that would be a sign. If he doesn’t really test the boundaries of the orders, then we can’t know much for certain about his strength.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2986

    I think you are now seeing that if not for the good grace of us kind and loving demons, most wizards would be toast in an instant!

    As I’ve said before, Rosver clearly thinks exactly like a demon. Unfortunately, everyone in the Abyss has to use a demonic proxy to reach Earth’s Internet, so I wouldn’t be able tell if Rosver is reading this forum from the Abyss.

    That would be a clear indication of demonhood. Other than the Tuna Can over here in the corner yammering about not being a paladin, there aren’t that many non-demons in the Abyss.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2988

    Ah hah!

    See! I told everyone so!

    I’m glad you finally admit that you are a Major Demon pretending to be a human/earthing/reader.

    I’ve been suspicious of you since you sound so much like all my demon friends, or acquaintances since my only demon friends are really Boggy, Tom and Rupert, and maybe, someday Antefalken…

    For some odd reason, most other demons want me dead or to torture me. Not really sure why.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2990

    Hmm, I like your theory on other demon’s nastiness.

    The purge thing again. Really didn’t notice it over the normal ruckus going on in my head. Just saw everyone fleeing the city and wanted to know what was up. So I can’t say for sure. From the description, the compulsion was like an overwhelming anxiety, a panic attack or something that forced them to flee. Which is pretty much my normal state so, again, didn’t notice. At some point you just have to learn to live with being in a constant state of anxiety, paranoia, panic and fear and just learn to embrace it, to revel in the anxiety, uncertainty, unease and queasiness and go with the flow.

    in reply to: Tom’s power level #2994

    How does it clash?

    The mirror shows a spectrum, which is sort of what demons see/think, but we demons also take into account brain power and cunning as well in terms of social structure. I.e. the mirror might show someone a slightly more powerful shade, but in terms of social pecking order/seniority/political power, they might be lower.

    I don’t think the mirror judges intelligence or cunning. Just raw mana/animus or something.

    It’s the choice of 6 and only 6 levels that is the wizard digitizing things, so to speak. They bin demons in to 6 categories, but even they admit there is variation within the level/category

    The reason they do this, I think, is for their spells. How much effort and oomph needs to go into a spell to capture a demon of a certain range.

    So I think, they classify a demon based on how powerful a spell it takes to bind them. Now of course, the danger is, if a more powerful demon doesn’t resist fully and allows a lower level binding to take place , then the wizard might be screwed later.

    However, no sane demon would want to be bound, so the probability of this happening is very slim…unless said demon didn’t realize their full power (and in fact most don’t when first bound) Typically though it would take several accursed masters and a few hundred years for demons to realize their full potential and thus from a wizards point of view, a named demon might get more powerful over the centuries and requires increasingly difficult spells to bind.

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