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  • in reply to: Being There, In Abyss #5141

    Or is Tizzy and agent of Law?

    These questions and more coming in Book 3 as we see more of the multiverse and how things “work?”

    The plot shall thicken, the book(s) [Remember DoA is a single book in multiple volumes] shall complicate even as more curtains are drawn back.

    And very oddly enough, mentally coincidental, the post I just did with the spoiler, with which you replied here with a Latin lesson by the ArchDemon Cleese, was started (in the book) by a question Tom asked as to how someone in Mount Doom could know Latin, when Doom had been offline/offgrid for 4,000 years, the entirety of Roman history.

    I think we have completed a circle with that, which is odd, because that is…I am starting to sound like Tizzy, this is dangerous. Agh, I think he’s trying to possess me!

    I think Tizzy’s standard line about his internal conversations is that he is talking to us. People on earth. You and me, the people on this site.

    in reply to: Being There, In Abyss #5143

    It says that NBC has blocked the video content in my country on copyright grounds!

    That is preposterous, we have no copyright laws in the Abyss. You steal my original work, I eat you, nibble by nibble!

    Sort of like a gelatinous cube…

    in reply to: Being There, In Abyss #5144


    What’s going on up there! It look like T-A-G hijacked my account and was blogging as me, claiming I was possessing him!

    This is intolerable! We’ll see how he likes it if I blog as him…

    in reply to: Being There, In Abyss #5146

    Afraid not. It still says copyright, but personally I think it’s because Lilith used to date Richard Belzar and the breakup wasn’t good.

    Not Adam bad, but not good. So maybe it’s her blocking it.

    in reply to: Being There, In Abyss #5148

    Very close, however I am actually using a Vintage Pentium 1. It’s got 4 Gb of RAM and running Windows NT 4.0.

    The Edison is basically stuck at 1 GB; but is newer and about the same speed. I do have trouble with some logic errors in my memory now and then, 20 years of cosmic rays will do that to one.

    But if the space shuttle could fly with the equivalent of a hardened 8086 processor, that’s good enough for me!

    Actually, my biggest complaint is flash. Have a terrible time with it on my Pentium; I have to use an old player on NT 4.0 so movie watching is quite a chore.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5169

    So this can be the un-official sign up list!

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4825

    Where do you think I am getting the upfront money for my friends, remember I have to send them money to get money, and don’t forget I am doing this on like an infinite number of Earths, so I should become richer than my good friend Midas! Won’t he be jealous!

    That is what it appears. So the merge will happen in Book 4. But I know T-A-G is doing some background stuff in 3 to setup 4 a bit more; which was going to be there but now a bit more due to timing.

    I think the plan he has is to devote more time to CoA while Beta and Editor things are happening for Vol 3. And since CoA is shorter (he thinks) it should be able to come out within a few months of Vol 3.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5165

    T-A-G seems to be going in short massive bursts, so date is random; however, v3 is moving fairly quickly; however, I think you won’t see anything before late April. That would be the earliest. It may be later than that.

    in reply to: Some thoughts about Book 2 #5028

    I could certainly join the Forces of Deliciousness.

    It’s been getting rather lonely in the F.o.B. (Forces of Butter). We’ve been closely aligned with the F.o.C. (The Forces of Cholesterol) so that helps.

    Our biggest opponent is the FoMTMO (Forces of Movie Theater Motor Oil—that nasty fake butter than so many movie theaters like to use to save money) Oddly, they are also aligned with the F.o.C. Go figure.

    Fortunately, the third F.o.D. (Forces of Doom) have plenty of enemies with more showing up in Book 3.

    Well technically I suppose it would be more correct to say that Doom showed up on their doorstep and not the other way around.

    in reply to: Some thoughts about Book 2 #5030

    Oh yeah, my bud Mani! Haven’t seen him for a while. He moved about a thousand years ago but forgot to tell me his new address.
    This is not the first time a friend of mine has moved and forgotten to tell me where they were moving to. Odd, how forgetful some of my friends are.

    Great guy; unfortunately for him he’s now down here in the Abyss, somewhere. Happens to a lot of religious figures for some reason.

    He spent his first century or two down here trying to figure out if the Abyss was a spiritual world of light or a material world of darkness.

    It’s actually a very difficult question to answer, as will become more evident in Book 3.

    In any event, my answer, which he was not satisfied with, was that since it’s always light down here; it’s a world of light.

    Yes, red light, but it’s still light and it never gets dark.

    Simple answers are always best for peace of mind.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4813

    It’s in a spoiler tag because in your timeline, it hasn’t happened yet.

    However, in my timeline, (and T-A-G) it has already happened.

    They don’t actually leave Oorstemoth until about 4 days after the end of Book 2. About 1/4 of the way into Book 3.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4817

    Yes, that makes sense for demon summoning. That is most likely how it works.

    That sort of reason is probably why it took the Inferno so long to launch after it was introduced. The launch paperwork and associated liability agreements about having non-Oorstemothians aboard the ship, etc. (All of which is on top of the agreement negotiated in Book 2)

    Naturally, I always make sense. Those who do not understand me are living on a tilted plane and so everything is a bit skewed for them.

    Or, maybe you guys are living on a rotating plane and every now and then your plane just happens to align we my very stable foundation and you can understand what I mean.

    Oooh, I’m getting dizzy just talking to you now. Stop your rotating!

    in reply to: Some thoughts about Book 2 #5026

    Yeah, not sure what I hear the orcs and D’Orcs talking about is going to line up well with what Tom is thinking.

    Thinking their idea of a Restoration of Glory goes a bit beyond just clearing one’s name and setting the record straight.

    However, some things are getting turned again on their head as we move along into Book 3 and then to 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and I have no idea…

    BTW. Noticed commentary about F.o.L. in another thread from last night.

    In book two we were more formally introduced to the F.o.G. and F.o.E. Forces of Good and Forces of Evil.

    The F.o.L. and the F.o.D. are coming in book 3.

    Of course, it will then start getting confusing because there are two different F.o.L.’s. One is opposed to the F.o.D. and the other is opposed to the F.o.C.

    We met the F.o.C. at the end of Book 2.

    And as my poor tuna canned friend is finding out, the F.o.G and the F.o.L. (vs F.o.D.) are not a union; they are more of an intersection.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4803

    Anyone that has seen me and the Concordenax side by side, will tell you that I look nothing like the Concordenax.

    I can also say, that yes, various entities have seen me and the Concordenax in the same room at the same time before.

    Unfortunately, this was before the invention of selfies, so don’t have any pictures of me with the Concordenax but…

    I really don’t know where these rumors come from. The Concordenax is a lousy conversationalist; and everyone knows that I am one of the best and most engaging!

    I am in high demand for cocktail parties and dinner engagements. People are so thrilled to have me at their parties, that when I leave, they always provide me with a personal escort to see that I get home.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4805

    Hmm, that makes a lot of sense! I will go with that then!


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