Forum Replies Created
MemberThat sounds like a much more alliterate name for the book!
Would probably help sales in Oorstemoth too.
MemberThat’s how it should work, but in my experience gods don’t like getting their hands dirty and so have their avatars duke it out.
MemberHmmm, again not commenting on speculation that involves things I don’t speculate about.
However, I must take exception to the fact that everyone, both on the forum and in the Abyss, keeps saying that I’m crazy.
Has it not occurred to anyone that I am sane and that it’s the multiverse and its denizens that are crazy?
MemberNow I’m experiencing agism?
I can’t seem to catch a break! Do you know how hard it is for demons to get a job? And then you throw in the age card?
And for your information, people who know such things assure me that I don’t look a day over a million!
MemberWell, I was sort of speaking about demonkind in general, but also, it’s about the title.
However, I do like Stashmaster of Doom!
Hmm. Yes…
MemberI like carrots.
They are pretty tasty, although I do have ethical qualms about eating them as I have discussed previously.
I feel much more comfortable eating a politician, even if their sliminess reminds me too much of oysters.
MemberAer-ki Jyr, clearly the name of some sort of exo-Terran…sorry as you guys call yourselves, Earthlings, so this fellow is an exo-Earthling based on his name and his triangular shaped skull.
Was just thinking about this some more.
You know what the perfect meal would be?
If you were to eat a gelatinous cube (e.g. our friend-fellow-forumer [USERLINK]GelCube[/USERLINK]) then both would be dinner and diner!
You eat the gelatinous cube and then it eats you from the inside out!
Win Win!
MemberHmm, so if you are a golem or other inorganic creature, you’d be safe.
How would we tell if two Gels were eating each other or having sex? Pretty sure it would look about the same.
Member[quote=Dirk Flamberge;7214]I think you’ll find that you’re forgetting about a whole litany of super stomach creatures, like Eborsisks, The Giant Dune worms of Arakkis, The Molbol, And various swamp-based creatures.
Also you might be overrating our slimey friend here’s power and ability.[/quote]
GelCube, if you got eaten by a Dune Sandworm or any of these others, could you eat your way out?
MemberOh, sorry to hear about your cousin.
Although it sounds like it was a nice gig while it lasted.
Pretty nice to have waiters delivering your dinner to you on a regular basis.
I encountered a cult like this once, I believe they called themselves Grubhubbers or something like that.
MemberAnd/or, but again, the elves have confounded the issue with their evil propaganda.
And also, remember a lot of it is cultural confusion. Many of these races have a “you invade my lands, you become fair game for my pot” policy, which you have to admit is pretty reasonable, particularly in high mountain and tundra like regions where game can be scarce.
As you may know, neither humans nor elves are very culturally insensitive, it is their culture or they kill you. They refuse to respect other people’s cultures and traditions.
This causes a lot of problems.
I responded to your last post, but the response is now missing! Pretty sure the elves intercept the posting process!
To recap what I said that was taken down by the Evil Elves…
It is not the fault of the ogres and trollkin if they post signs that humans and elves don’t recognize as signs marking there territories.
Literacy rates are, unfortunately, a bit low with these folks, so they use alternative border marking systems that may not be obvious by arrogant elves and humans who don’t bother to look for the signs/warnings.
For example wargs and wolves all mark their territories with scent, how many humans or elves bother to smell for territorial boundaries?
As for too much credit? Well, the elves get a lot of help from their fawning acolyte races, humans and heartheans come to mind in particular.
Only ogres eat other intelligent races? What about pigs? or goats? (as food), dolphins and whales? all are exceptionally intelligent creatures and humans eat them. Some humans also eat dogs….Again, I go back to my fundamental point:
The only ethical form of eating is photosynthesis (oh and manasynthesis or whatever it is we demons do), all other forms of eating are murder! Murder most foul!
Grendel was a great guy! Until this Beowulf guy, who I note, looked suspiciously like Talarius’ new buddy in Nysegard (but that’s another spin-off story) sided with the dastardly Hrothgar, who built a mead hall on Grendel’s land (seeing a pattern of behavior here??) and then refused to invite Grendel and his mom for a drink!
MemberSomeone’s trying to get themselves a new magical artifact! [biggrin]
Maybe a mechanical owlbot? Or an owlbot egg? Although I am not sure if owlbots hatch?
Member[quote=George;7188]Man, demons of Astlan is a good series. Though I wonder if it is possible that there are more books like demons of Astlan.[/quote]
See the “Other Worlds” sections for suggestions from other people in the forums!