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MemberYou could also call them the voice. Example (I am Tal Gor the voice of Tommus) and for a group of people they could be called the voices of Tommus. Or the voices of Doom.
MemberWhat about there age, for example what happened with the shaman Karth Death Cheater, he’s said to be extremely old so after his D’Orcing and gets reborn is he somehow younger or in his Prime.
MemberI don’t know Herald sounds like a title you give to one of your most badass minions. And priest doesn’t seem to fit. He should just stick to calling himself a Shaman
MemberThey might have at the beginning but don’t forget when Doom went offline so did everything else, so there was no point in having guards at the gate when it stopped working. They also needed all there people to help protect the Isle of Doom and fight against the stormlords and the unlife.
MemberI see that makes sense, but what about the D’wargs how did they get chosen and what was the criteria for the choice. On that matter what about the D’Rachnids
MemberI agree it kind of bothered me that they had to have all this preparation for a orc to become a D’orc when they had orcs fighting and dying all over the multiverse, I kind of pictured it like the soul being taken to or transported to some hidden chamber at doom from where they were and being reborn there. Or kind of like how the saints were created
MemberI Should prey to Hilda should be pray page 216
Tom shook his head in disbelief scriously Talarius how insancly big is your ego. Should be seriously and insancly should be insanely. Pg 57
She is clearly a skilled Enchantress and I have no idea what races she is . Beragamos pg 22
The do not take advice from the sheep. The should be they physicality 21
MemberI Should prey to Hilda should be pray page 216
Tom shook his head in disbelief scriously Talarius how insancly big is your ego. Scriously Should be seriously and insancly should be insanely. Pg 57
She is clearly a skilled Enchantress and I have no idea what races she is. Races should be race. pg 22
The do not take advice from the sheep. It should be They do not take advice from sheep. Pg 22
MemberAlso saw you mentioned the D Dragon’s in there, thanks for thinking of us!!![-o<
MemberI have to agree, while it’s interesting the book needs some more umph! Also a few things that seemed missing.
-in second book when Tom bonds with Tamarin to become her anchor we never did here the two of them discuss there contract and what it means for both parties
– waiting to see characters like Marcus the immortal, and N the sage of worlds, tho if it’s in the missing 20% then ok.
– there wasn’t much interaction between Tom and Rupert
There’s other things but will wait after I re-read and go over it in case missed something or misread something. Read the alpha late last night after work was already tired but couldn’t miss this. So I maybe mistaken by somethings. (Also found d some things misspelled but will put up later).
MemberSo today’s the day, I knew taking that month long nap would pay off. No need for that torturous waiting for the beta to start or in this case the alpha
MemberJust read book two again and was wondering what order are the D’Orcs. I mean when they were attacked by Liliths forces they easily crushed them, and I figure that there were second and third order demons in there, so was wondering if The D’Orcs were forth order or if they varied like regular demons. :-k
MemberYea Tizzy a heart of gold
MemberI think Tom exploring the limits of physicality with Tamarin is definitely needed, it’s a great stress reliever, and he definitely has a mountain a stressful things to worry about
MemberHumans are always excited, tho I’ve never heard one say SQUEEE!!! Around me it’s mostly crying and screaming and sometimes messing themselves ( weren’t they suppose to be potty trained) it’s all quite annoying especially when your trying to ask for directions