Forum Replies Created
Member[quote=LCSpartan051;6716]Tom probably isn’t a player, and being the current incarnation of the God of Oaths he probably never will be. On the other hand, I could definitely see him wondering what the strange sensation coming from his link to Vaselle is and possessing Vaselle “mid act”.[/quote]
I don’t know about that. He doesn’t possess willy-nilly. Still, like I said, Tom has a pretty intimate link with both Tamarin and Vaselle. If they get together, Tom will definitely get an education!
Of course, if he were a voyeur, he’d have ample opportunity, since he’s linked to ALL the D’Orcs. I bet he could tell how many are “gettin’ it on” at any one time if he wanted. Now that would be an interesting tidbit of information to pop up during a staff meeting.
Member[quote=The Author Guy;6703]Yes, but he’s a pretty new author, first book was in October 2016. Don’t think he has figured out the advantages of KU yet, nor price optimization.
Price a bit less, sell a lot more, make a lot more. And KU, as I keep saying is a great deal for authors…unless you have some magical way of getting your book noticed on the apple bookstore, BN or playstore.
Yes, you kind of have to be REALLY invested in the Kindle ecosystem, and/or be involved in the behind-the-scenes author stuff (like Tizzy Talk) to kind of understand the metrics involved. And a new writer is probably interested in getting the book out there.
Think I’ll wait a bit and see if the author will have a sale or something.
MemberNo, she’s just carrying it. Apparently, oozes in that world don’t “ooze”. Ah, damn my reading addiction. I went ahead and bought it. It was entertaining, and an interesting take on things, but many of the plot points seemed a little forced to me.
Still, it was fun to read.
MemberLover? No, not in this book, anyway. You’d think it was uncommon…until you do a Gargle Search for something like “tentacle love”. Apparently it’s not that uncommon in certain areas of some planes.
The ooze was described as warm, dry jelly. It’s name is “Jelly”. Frankly, he seems far too human to me.
Now of course, being a djinn, Tamarin’s plan (as it is with most young djinn) is to experience all material sensations, and do so with her master. However, he has been, to date, otherwise occupied.
On the other hand, Vaselle is Tom’s Warlock (familiar and Tom can possess him). I’m thinking maybe T-A-G can do a “Demons After Dark” or maybe “50 Shades of Red” and get really kinky in the spin off series.
[/quote]Oooooh. I just had a vision of Vaselle and Tamarin getting it on in their forge workroom, and Tom (with a pretty intimate link to both of them) getting a mind full from both sides.
Like I said in an earlier post, Bess doesn’t seem at all interested, and in fact seems pretty intimate with her pantheon, so as things stand now, not seeing that (though I’m disappointed in no cat-girl hanky panky).
Lilith…oooh, noooo, Bad Idea. There’s crazy, there’s “Misery Crazy”, and then there’s Lilith. We’ve seen some glimpses of something besides The Crazy in Bk 3, but it’d still be a Bad Idea.
Really, Tom just needs to get his granite on…stones thrown? What is that phrase humans use? :-k
MemberHmm. That looks interesting. Though I wish it was on KU, or that it wasn’t quite as expensive.
Member[quote=EyeDeKay;6671]Perilous waif by E William Brown, author of the Daniel black novels. [/quote]
That was an interesting one. It was a different take on the future, but I can definitely see how we could get there from where we are now. In fact, in a lot of ways, it made a lot MORE sense than many other sci-fi futures.
MemberNo, his family are dragons…they just aren’t nice (by human standards). The MC is more human-y. Personally, I liked the bloodthirsty back-stabbing dragons in his family.
Member[quote=Zeravar;6624]This is making Book 4 seem much more interesting….. hmmmm, could there possibly be a plot twist where Talarius dies and is brought back as a Demon of Doom?
Also, thanks Tizzy for the hints on how to hide spoilers.[/quote]BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, the hilarity that would ensue!
Member[quote=Tisslils;6633]When is CoA going to be released? Any estimated dates?
Are there going to be Cameos from our main storyline characters?[/quote]
I thought CoA:ItW was supposed to be released Jan 31st, but I don’t see it yet. Probably be Soon™.
Can’t see that there’d be any main character cameos at this time, though there’ll likely be some mention of the shenanigans around Freehold. Iskerus mentioned in Bk3 some of the goings-on in ItW before he got drafted to Nysegard.
MemberLooks like Book 2 of Ascend Online will be released March 31, 2017.
MemberI’m sure like mortal astronomers, mortal wizards use observation and inference. They likely have spells that observe movement of mana in the astral plane (and other planes), and use that information to infer possible locations of other worlds and planes. Next would be direct observation of said worlds and planes. I’m sure it takes years of research, spell creation, and observation to get to that point.
Member[quote=Zeravar;6607]I’d like to know what Talarius is gonna do. I mean, it’s just been confirmed *SPOILERS BELOW* that his God knew what they were doing in Naajar, Noatar, and those places but did nothing. Also, he’s been declared an “Apostle of Doom.” Is he gonna leave Tiernon to work for Tom? Or is he gonna stay with Tiernan to see if he (Tiernon) can redeem himself in his (Talarius’s) eyes? [/quote]
I don’t remember Talarius being made an Apostle of Doom. Did I miss that? Well, I’m halfway through a re-read of Bk3. I’ll just be sure and mark it when I see it this time.
Member[quote=Christopher Cope;6616]Here are my options for what happens to Talarius:
1 – He remains a loyal, if much more critical, and vocal member of the Rod
2 – He switches loyalty to Tommus
3 – He becomes a member of the El Ohim, seeing as that’s about the only method that gods can be officially taken to task.
4 – He becomes Mellisance’s personal foot rubber
5 – Due to a refusal, or inability to accept all of the Truths that’s been dumped on him, he decides to throw logic out the window and become a disciple of Tizzy. Ruiden assumes golem form and becomes a scarecrow in Tizzy’s weed garden.[/quote]Hmmm.
1- Likely. Though I think he’ll be MUCH more critical. In fact, this may be the best outcome for the Rod.
2- Possible. He really is starting to see Tom as a model of Honor.
3- Possible, but I don’t see this as likely. Just doesn’t seem in character. Not at the moment, anyway.
4- No. That train has left the station. For him, and especially for her. Her Stabby Toy, maybe.
5- ROFLMAO.Gelcube
MemberHa! I am pretty voracious. Comes with the territory.
@Dirk > Sorry, I can only eat inorganic stuff. I could, however, use the gold to buy more books.
…I really have a problem. Is there a Reader’s Anonymous?