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Member[quote=EyeDeKay;2899]Tizzy him walking doesn’t make sense as in the first book book tom had to carry him while they escaped lenamare’s school. [/quote]
Yes, he did seem to be in about the same physical shape as a normal human boy about that age. So probably unlikely he walked all the way to Lenamare’s school. Still, I doubt there would be many farmers that wouldn’t give a small boy a ride. And from what little Rupert DID say, it sounded like he did travel for a bit.
As for being a omnivore, you’d be surprised at the number of adventurers that decide that a Gelcube is fairly harmless. Mighty tasty. =p~
Member1) Is it just me, or does anyone else hear in their head “Apostles of [b]DOOOOOOM[/b]!!!”?
2) I’m really hoping we get the skinny on Rupert and his mom in this book. We know NOTHING about her. Name, rank, serial number, plane of birth, or plane of afterlife.
3) Jenn is going to FREAK when she finds out about Tom(Edwyrd) and Rupert. Heheheheh. Hopefully there will be a balling (that just [i]sounds[/i] bad) for sale afterward.
4) Telarius’ wife. Sounds like a job for…[b]SUPER TOMMUS[/b]!!!
MemberYes, I’m sure Gastrope and Tom both will do a jig to hide everything. But the truth will come out…and it will be quite funny.
You know, Jenn and Gastrope just need to start swapping pseudopods, or whatever humans do.
I think Talarius is starting to like you, Tizzy. I’m sure teasing him about his lost and damned love will endear him to you even further. :-”
…oh, and Apostles of [b]DOOOOOM[/b]!!!
MemberOh me, oh my! I thoroughly enjoyed that! I actually missed the preorder somehow. Got involved with playing Wonder5 Masters, and forgot all about the IMPORTANT stuff. Well, having just finished book 2, I’m already getting the munchies for book 3. SO worth it.
MemberOk, about to finish THH for the third (fourth…fifth?) time. I keep loving it. When I started hearing about Hilda before THH came out, I wasn’t sure I was going to like her. But I think the scene of her in Wargtown cinched it for me. I like her. Hope her and Trisfelt actually get a chance to create a relationship beyond the friendship they have now.
I think I’ve started changing my opinion on Rupert. In ITA, I was thinking maybe he was Tom’s brother. After all, we only know that Tom’s dad died in an accident about ten years before ITA. If Tom’s dad was summoned at that time, he COULD have conceived Rupert in nearly the correct timeframe.
BUT, now that the World Gate has entered the picture…and seeing how I watched many of the SG-1 episodes, I see another possibility. Now I’m thinking Tom really IS Rupert’s father…or WILL be. After all, Tizzy continues to call Tom Rupert’s father, even though he knows good and well he can’t be at the moment. I mean, what good is being The Concordenax if you don’t KNOW things, right? I can think of several ways it can go if this is the case. All of them quite amusing…well, for us, not for Tom. 🙂 IF that’s the case, then that means Tom won’t end up the Eternal Virgin Demon Prince (R).
I mean, seriously, I still remember what *I* was thinking about nearly 24/7 when I was seventeen. Heh. What’s the point of being the Dark Overlord of the Abyss if you can’t have a few groupies over to your pad?
Member[quote=The Author Guy;1573]
So…if I can finish it in March, figure April/May for Beta and Editing. Meaning June-ish for release.
[quote=The Author Guy;1573]
At this moment, I am working on the 2nd Edition of Book 1 as well. It is currently at an editor, getting a proper/professional editing. I am also trying to solicit new cover art…for it and Book 2.
[/quote]Guess I’ll have to buy The White Album again.
MemberForget that! LASER EYES!!
Oh, I can see the first time Tom does this. He’ll get super angry, and BOOM! Lasers from his eyes! Everyone will just look at him and go…hmm, that’s new.
MemberSo your aura is an aura of awe full ness?
2018-11-11 at 19:11 in reply to: What is it like to be human, but to live for millions or billions of years? #9553Gelcube
MemberGeorge! You know, I haven’t seen him in a while. Wonder what he’s up to now?
And I’m aware of the Gray Goo, I just wasn’t aware there was such a technical term for it.
A good representation of it was in Walter Jon Williams’s “Aristoi”. It was called Metaglap Nano. Very insidious stuff. Gelcube
MemberSometimes I can’t, but my reading goes through phases, and right now I’m into light stories that make me laugh. A story who’s main character gets reincarnated as a vending machine? That gets a laugh. 🙂
True, there’s a lot of those stories whose MC simply makes me insane. But if the MC isn’t a complete moron, and the story is interesting and funny, I’ll give it a whirl.
MemberYou know, Tom’s been doing much better than any PR team lately. If he keeps it up, he may have every FoE faction behind him, and maybe even some of the FoG.
You could call it the Forces of Tom, or maybe Forces Apart Ran by Tom.
Member+1 for Awaken Online, The Iron Druid series, and Fred the Vampire Accountant. Iron Druid has a lot of witty dialogue, and Fred is…hmm, interesting in an uninteresting way. Awaken Online is one of the better LitRPG series.
Member[quote=Tizzy;6589][quote=GameGraphix;6586][quote=Gelcube;6584]And what the hell is up with Anderle? He’s been putting out a book a month for years. Does the man sleep, like, at ALL?[/quote]
He’s probably a demon from the Abyss – they don’t need to sleep.
Tizzy – you ever heard of a demon named Michaleanderle???
Smells like brown sugar and vanilla. Very weird.[/quote]
Aha! Mystery solved!
I looked at The Contractor, but the blurb didn’t hook me. I’ll check it out. Thank The Slimy One I have Kindle Unlimited. At current book prices, my book budget would equal my food budget…and I have three cube-lets at home!
MemberI’ve bought every monthly bundle since 1999, except for January 2013. There was some switch of terms at Amazon, and that’s when Baen had to stop selling bundles after release date. I missed that one month. I’ve supported Baen because they really were on the forefront of ebooks. The ebooks on their site have always been DRM free in multiple formats. I heard their royalties to authors were higher on ebooks than print books, as well, though that could have just been a rumor.
For the same reasons, I buy a lot of indie author books, as well as subscribe to Kindle Unlimited. Well, that, and it’s the only way I can afford my reading habit. =p~