Forum Replies Created
You’re right next door to uncounted riches in gems, gold, and silver. You are as rich as you want to be right now.
On another note in the same song (or at least the next progression of the same chord…or something) ok, lost my train of thought. #-o
Umm, anywayz, so it looks like Apostles of [b]DOOOOOM!!![/b] may come out before the Chronicles of Astlan?
MemberEasy-peasy! You just do like I do and ALWAYS check the forums regularly. :d/
Once the humans get the internet implants where they don’t make you go all explody, I’m definitely going to be living here.
MemberLook out! It’s a Dizzy Tizzy!!!
MemberOf course his answers are sensible! Tizzy always makes sense to himself!
But I think you were mistaken on one point, yet also correct. I doubt demon summoning is illegal in Oorstemoth. You just need a Class E Summoning license, have licensed backup summoners, be bonded and insured, and have a State Customs Officer and lawyer standing by for contract negotiations after said summoning.
Not to mention the Summoning Tax, Notice of Intent to Summon posted in the local news, standard waivers and disclaimers from everyone within 150 feet of the summoning, and any pertinent patent license fees paid to the local Patent Office.
…of course, that’s just for a Class I summon.
MemberLilith is growing on me…kinda like a fungus, but still.
Exadork…not so much.
MemberToo deep for me. I’m pretty shallow (metaphorically speaking, since I’m a cube).
The thing that jumped out at me from that quote, though, was that passion for your goals. Tom’s only goal at this point is protecting the D’Orcs, and returning them to glory…which kind of means he’ll have to go on the warpath at some point. Probably sooner rather than later.
MemberYes, a Google search brings up [url=][/url], which is great if you’re looking for assembly and owner’s guides for M1 Garands (a most awesome rifle), but I don’t believe that’s what you were pointing us to. 🙂
MemberWell, not Tizzy specifically, but speculation is running that perhaps the Concordenax is their father, and perhaps Tizzy is the Concordenax. But…we know that’s crazy talk, right Tizzy?
MemberMy, Tizzy, you’re quite popular! They must REALLY want to see you home safe! But why would anyone want to harm you? OH! I get it, they send guards so you’re not accidentally harmed by your legions of adoring fans! See, that’s classy right there.
MemberHmm. I didn’t think of that angle. You’re right about that. Oorstemoth would be an Evil-er Evil Empire to them. Ooooo, I can see some amusing antics with that!
MemberYou said it! Getting more and more excited about [i]Apostles of [b]DOOOOOOOM[/b][/i]. Getting a little
…what’s the word…fidgety? Gelcube
MemberWell, you know, Tizzy, drug lords DO wield considerable power and wealth. In some countries on the Earth planes, they are the de facto governments. Don’t be too mad about being compared to one. As you very well know, many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view.
MemberWell, being the Power-Behind-The-Throne is definitely safer. The person in the Big Chair always has a target on his/her back (and sometimes front and sides).
MemberTell me about it! I’ve read four book this week so far. I’m desperately re-reading (is re-re-re-re-rereading a word?) books because I’ve quickly ran through my monthly book budget (and then some). Surely my cube-wife and little cubelings will starve if I don’t stop the plunge into the black hole of money-less-ness!
MemberI’ve thought SERIOUSLY about KU. I’ve already got Netflix, Crunchyroll, and Dramafever accounts. KU would just be one more.