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As mentioned some people can really only manage to memorize two forms; demon princes, which as we shall see in book iii, can have a large number of forms; as, for that matter can archdemons. I think we’ve seen several for Ramses. Bess has a lot, but she’s actually a goddess.
[/quote]Which makes Tom very interesting, as at the end of ITA, he didn’t go to a memorized form, he made up one on the spot that he’d never taken before. Sure, he had a glob of god-mana in him, but that didn’t seem to change the difficulty, just made it easier to do.
MemberHmm. I don’t seem to be able to edit my profile. I can see my profile, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to edit it.
MemberOk, I renamed my avatar image, and re-uploaed it via the site settings. Still doesn’t seem to show up. Maybe if I put it on the web and set it to a URL?
MemberHey, I noticed that line as well, but kept forgetting to mention it. That’s a VERY good question, and several good suggestions on the fourth player.
MemberBut…Tom doesn’t need lawyers for merchandising. He just needs his good friend Tizzy to help him get the stuff out there! I mean, really, who better, right?
Bobble heads, …wait, we’ve had this conversation before!
Forum Repeat! Semi-seriously, Tom really does need to get his promotional team together. Guess that’s what AoD will be about. After all, what are apostles but a really dedicated advertising team?
MemberDamn. No Doomlogue, then.
Hm. That might make it more difficult to get everyone out of there alive. Vaselle and Tal Gor especially. Though if the alvar gods are sending down a delegation, that might mean difficulty for everyone.
MemberCode/Shmode. I want to see reactions to the Great Battle (or whatever the D’Orcs are calling it). Especially in Murgatroy, Freehold, and the Courts.
The expressions on Team Tiernon when they get a copy of Damien’s balling of the battle. Priceless…
MemberSince he was under that net thingy with you and Rupert, I doubt it. Still, there’s lots of copies of THAT battle rolling around.
Or, in Cube…
Doomlogue!!! …maybe. :d/
Oh, I am SO.LOOKING.FORWARD to hearing how things roll. I’d forgotten all about Vaselle, Helga, and Bergie being there together and the warlock searching.
Oooo, I can’t wait!
MemberOooooh, I just had a thought! Gastropé kept mentioning his student debts in ITA, citing that they were why he signed up for Exadoofus’ army.
Weeeelll, Tom now has access to a LOT of ready gold and gems. Might Gastropé and Tom make a deal? Or Tom could just arrange to pay off the debts, thus securing Gastropé’s services? Oh, the possibilities!
How would that information get back to Tom, though? Gastropé would have to mention them himself. Maybe Tom could ask him how he managed to get stuck with Exadermis in the first place? Oh, but the mind reels at all the wonderful things that could happen owning Gastropé’s student debt!
Oh, I know. There’s mention that his first payment is coming due soon. I’m thinking he could get desperate for cash around then. Of course, D’Vil probably owes him some money for helping in the lich attack, so maybe he’s not that desperate yet. Darn!
One other thing. In ITA, when Edwyrd and crew show up in Freehold with “The Book” and return it to Lenamare, Tizzy is clearly there with them, and sees the book in question. So, is this not “The Book” that everyone thinks it is, or does Tizzy just not recognize it for what it is? Will Apostles of [b]DOOOOOOM[/b]! address this?
MemberNow really Tizzy, do you think Gastropé’s soul is worth that much? Besides, as your current AM, he COULD (theoretically) force you to give him the money for free. I think it would be much more fun to have him owe Tom. After all, he’s MUCH more afraid of Tom that you. Don’t know why. You messed up those ice dragons pretty bad, after all. You’re pretty fearsome! Still, Tom’s got that “overwhelming evil aura” going, so I guess that’s it.
Still, there could be so much fun with that!
And we really don’t know if that book Lenamare has is yours. We’re only assuming it is, because of all the nonsense Lenamare, Exapuss, and Ramsme have been up to with trying to get it, or at least get it open. The evidence that it’s actually your book is purely circumstantial. I actually think it would be absolutely hilarious if they were going to all this trouble for a book of potato soup recipes.
And I really doubt Tom would have to bust through any wards. He’s been in and out of there quite a bit. If he’d just take our advice, yank on that binding link, and fade in behind Lenamare and off him, he could just pick the book up and go. Pick the right time, and he could get Leanonme, and Jehenna at the same time…while they’re doing that human-squishing-together thing.
MemberBah, you can’t have a thread here without it being jacked a time or two…or six.
MemberWooooo! Yeah!
Gotta do the Happy Cube Dance!
MemberNo, generally we don’t splatter unless we haven’t eaten in a while. Then we start to lose cohesion and start getting runny. Eventually we just turn to dead slime. Really slick stuff, too. I think dead Gelatinous Cubes are sold as something called “personal lubricant” in some planes. Don’t really know what that is, but that’s what I’ve heard.
Member[quote=Gelcube;3272]Easy-peasy! You just do like I do and ALWAYS check the forums regularly. :d/
Once the humans get the internet implants where they don’t make you go all explody, I’m definitely going to be living here. [/quote]
Ooooh, that’s an idea! There’s definitely some high tech stuff in Mt. Doom. What about implants? Do those work, when you can regenerate?