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MemberIf Orcus is so opposed to unlife that the 5S consider him working with them to be antithetical then which in Book 2 does FOE includes necromancers? Even if working with them is bad news and they never want to do it again it does imply that Orcus led armies of unlife (sort of) via his necromancers.
and this was within the last 50,000 years.
MemberBk2: Exador shrugged. “I am sure Mephistopheles does. If Orcus hadn’t bit the dust, he wouldn’t be in the Triumvirate today.”
This implies that Orcus was part of the Courts of Chaos rather than just a separate political group. Now, I admit that he could have easily broken away, but if Meph becomes a member of the Triumvirate after Orcuc’s death then Orcus didn’t leave.
However, Mt. Doom per book 3 was setup in opposition to Lilith and the Courts.
What happened to Trolg, the orc combat pilot aboard the Nimbus?
Bk2: “Further, the reversal of Excrathadorus Mortis gives me great pause. You know my history with it, before I brought it to Astlan?” Sentir looked at the other avatars.
Bk2: Sentir Fallon sighed. “Talarius bore Excrathadorus Mortis by right of being the most senior Knight Rampant.
Bk2: Hilda shrugged, too tired to prevaricate. “Talarius was awarded with being its keeper nearly a decade ago. This extremely sacred blade was used in Etterdam by Sentir Fallon to slay the demon prince Orcus.”
However in book 3 Tiernon states Sentir Fallon said that the dagger was lost since Etterdam. Book 2 implies that Sentir knows exactly where it is and that it had been regularly handed over to member of the church on Astlan.
Not only that but this fact appears to be regular knowledge to more senior archons who’ve been around a while.
So, not lost.
What happened to FOE? This was a big thing in book 2. Not just with the D’Orcs but others used the terms Forces of Evil and Forces of Good.
Trisfelt never shared his suspicions about Rupert being a demon with Jenn? It is implied they have been communicating thought it was never explicitly stated. Or did I misread?
Given the conversations in book 2 involving Beragamos it doesn’t seem to fit that he knew Orcus. I can’t point to any one passage, but his knowledge of demons, the Abyss, and the “true” nature of things does not fit for someone that is 300,000 years old since his last phoenix cycle.
Hilda’s bk3 thought about why he said nothing regarding Orcus in bk2 helps, but it still doesn’t mesh when you read them back-to-back.
I’m about 50% through book 2. More later.
MemberOrcus bringing a spy to a meeting with Tiernon’s folk when he is backed by D’Orcs? How would the D’Orcs feel about that?
MemberSpelling error + odd bit of redundancy.
Clearly the Five Siblings [color=red]had much to account for[/color]. “They [color=red]have much to account for[/color].” Tom said [color=red]allowed[/color], “towards yourself and towards Doom.”
[/quote]allowed -> aloud
Also, could you alter the search settings or show all posts settings? It caps at 100 posts and I can’t alter it. Without working search functionality is slow going back through my posts to see if any thing from the previous alpha / beta versions is still pending.
She shook her head and finally started moving into her apartment. Time to run a hot bath and break out a nice chilled bottle of sparkling. She was going to stay in tonight; Freehold could wait until the morning. Although, she would need to check her AARC (Avatar Automated Response Center), the small box in her study that acted as her proxy and principle interface with not only Tierhallon and the god pool and pantheon pools, but also with her Illuminaries and devotees.
[/quote]The AARC feels awkwardly introduced. I’ve been staring at it trying to think how it could be reworded, but I’ve got nothing solid. Maybe just refer to it has her reliquary and leave out the explanations?
“Although, she would need to check her reliquary. The prayers queue from her Illuminaries and devotees had likely backed up again. A saint’s work was never done and all this travel she had to do didn’t help matters either. Interfacing with Tierhallon, the god pool, and the patheon and doling out their mana to support operations on the Planes of Man was a all-day everyday effort.”
I’m just trying to view at from a worker’s POV. It’s basically checking email, so how I would I see it during a crunch time? Still, I failed to introduced AARC and tie to something a reader from Earth would understand like the reliquary.
“Orcus’ uncle.” Phaestus nodded. “Only one of my sister’s kids I ever liked. Well, Logoi is a decent kid, most of the time. [color=red]Also the only one to show up at her wedding— and the only one to finally put her away when it became necessary.[/color]
[/quote]The way the subject of the sentence is setup it implies that Logoi is the only to show to wedding and the only one to put her away when you meant Orcus.
MemberHephaestus looked up to find both Tom [color=red]an[/color] Talarius staring at him. “What?” –> [color=red]and[/color]
That caused all chattering in the room to go silent as everyone was struck by the [color=red]shear horror[/color] of the moment hit home. In many ways, it personalized the situation that those at the Citadel were in now. –> [color=red]sheer horror[/color]
“Doom, and the Tartarvardenennead, [color=red]is[/color] not a signatory to the Concord of Conciliation, this is for a number of reasons, including conflict with the Courts of Chaos, as well as the fact that the Tartarvardenennead is not technically a pantheon in the traditional sense.” –> [color=red]are[/color]
“As to our advance party, Arg-nargoloth,” Tom looked to the commander, “you are to be in command of Doom itself, your [color=red]second[/color] is going to Nysegard in command of the [color=red]second[/color], correct?” “That is consistent with our practices for last ten or twelve thousand years.” Arg-nargoloth nodded in agreement.
[/quote]If this is policy for the 12,000 years then why was Vosh, Orcus’s general, fighting alongside him on Etterdam? Surely Arg-nargoloth was the SIC and Vosh An-non was the commander, so wouldn’t Arg have gone to Etterdam while Vosh stayed behind?
Also, second –> second-in-command, and then the other second –> second regiment.
“Can you try routing to another Doomalogue? Try Astlan!” Vosh shouted as he stabbed his sword into the diaphragm of the avatar he was battling.“Crap! That’s not working either! I am unable to reach any of the Doomalogues other than the local one and something is wrong with that! We are completely cut off!”
[/quote]Change Astlan to be a world not in the localverse. Otherwise it conflicts with the new text about forcing links during battle would take too much concentration.
Our total forces are [color=red]one-fifth[/color] what they were at Etterdam, and we need to ensure that Mount Doom and the Isle of Doom are invulnerable to a repeat of Etterdam. –> [color=red]one-tenth[/color]?~22000 total at Etterdam. ~2000 D’Orcs left. Or are you counting Darflow’s people? I admit it roughly doubles but I don’t think they’re all that equivalent a force to the same number of D’Orcs.
“Well, we’ve detected a Holy Emanation of Tiernon, [color=red]there is not going to get anyone else outside of the ship doing that[/color].” Temerlain pointed out.
[/quote]Copy-paste error or did you mean to say:
“Well, we’ve detected a Holy Emanation of Tiernon, there is not going [color=red]to be[/color] anyone else outside of the ship doing that.” Temerlain pointed out.
MemberThat would be me. Loved SG-1, middling about SG-A, and disliked SGU which is weird because I liked Battlestar Galactica and SGU was similar.
In fact I’ve been rewatching SG-1 for the past several months. A couple episodes a week is a decent pace.
Another thing to consider is the when SG-1 came out vs. when SGU came out.
SG-1 was 1997-2007. Hercules the Legendary Journeys was 1995-1999. Xena: Warrior Princess was 1995-2001. A lot of the early seasons of SG-1 were set on primitive planets that share a lot of design aesthetic of Hercules and Xena. Later SG-1 seasons have a different off-world aesthetic that carried over to Stargate Atlantis, but with so much of SGU being on-ship and after the endings of shows like Lost and BSG I just didn’t want get invested in SGU.
Member[quote=The Author Guy;5506]I never watched SGA, but I have to say the SGU, Earth/Alien situation is much better than SG1 early seasons (I only got through season 1). That universe, I would also be willing to know more about. (i.e. stuff happening before they go through stargate)[/quote]
Oh that makes sense. Season 1 was a bit slapdash as they tried to feel their way through it. I started watching in season 2 or 3. It gets a LOT better with late season 2 / early season 3. The story is more cohesive, there is direction.
MemberSince you removed the bit about the aether and Oostermorth you also need to rework this:
“Could it be what Barabus told us about the Oorstemothian’s not knowing about the aether?” Gadius asked. [color=red]“If they are not aware of the aether, then there is no way this ship could be protected against aethereal penetration; unless they got extremely lucky with other counter measures.”[/color] “Perhaps, although that thought has bothered me less than the potential it opens up for our work in Oorstemoth.” Gaius replied. “I have not tried to shift. Doing so would allow us to determine if the ship is secure. If we shift and can leave the vessel, we can be fairly certain there is no such protection.” Gadius said. “Good point. Why don’t you try?” Gaius asked. “Because you are the one who loves the aether more than I and are far more versed in it. How many times have we had this discussion?” Gadius asked, his smile reflected in his humorous tone. Gaius chuckled. “Yes, and it is your dislike of the aether that probably makes you paranoid of the ship’s vulnerabilities.” “And you are not concerned?” Gadius asked. “I am now that you reminded me.” Gaius laughed. “So?” “Very well,” Gaius replied with mock resignation. Gadius waited, staring up to the bottom of Gaius’ bunk waiting for the knight to test the ship’s defenses. “Hmm, that is very odd.” Gaius said, sooner than Gadius had expected. “What is odd?” Gadius asked. “I shifted, and I felt the shift, but after shifting I was still in the material realm. Right here, not aethereal.” Gaius said. “What do you mean? You could not shift to the aethereal realm?” Gadius asked. “No, I shifted, or at least it felt that way; however, everything stayed the same. It felt like the material and aethereal realms were one and the same.” Gadius said
[/quote]edit: tbh, the entire scene could be cut. It is never expanded upon nor does it ever become relevant in bk3 as far as I know.
Baysir nodded and shook his head. “Possibly true, but again maybe we are over thinking this. We have no concrete proof that the cat arch-demon is the goddess Bastet, nor proof that Arch-Vicar General Exador is the same arch-demon we are dealing with today.”
[/quote]This occurs after Hilda returned to Freehold to have dinner with Trisfelt. Does this mean she didn’t learn about the re-raised wards on Freehold, or the attack, or the fact that Exador is suspected to be the same stretching back generations? If so wouldn’t the lineage show that Arch-Vicar General Exador, father of Exador, son of Exador, etc leads to the current Exador who is confirmed a demon?
Member[quote]Talarius took the pipe and clenched it between his teeth and drew in a breath, the red coals lighting as the oxygen flowed into the pipe and smoke filled his lungs. He turned to look back at the henge as the people started“ Perhaps,” [color=red]Hilda[/color] cautioned, “yet do not [color=red]discount to chant[/color] and dance.[/quote]
Not Hilda. Also, “do not discount to chant and dance” means?
MemberBy clean up do you mean defeating them or driving them from Nysegard? Once the Storm Lords are defeated and the Citadel is safe then you can stop. Having small pockets of unlife remaining behind, unable to get home? Well, that is okay.
If the unlife scattered throughout needs to be removed then that can be a cleanup task that happens in bk4. Something the various avatars can continue to assist with and serve as a means of bonding/friction between then and Doom as work alongside each other in less stressful circumstances.
MemberThen here is a twist. If a demon who is bound to an accursed master goes to an Outer Plane will their enslavement binding be broken for good?
Just pop over to an outer plane, lose the binding, pop back to the Abyss. If so, I’d imagine setting up a small waystation in the outer planes for demons wanting their freedom from an accursed master. Don’t know what it would do to his D’Orcs though given it was a consensual binding. Same I suppose.