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Member[quote=The Author Guy;2659]
So the question is: Final thoughts on the ending and the KoC1) Do we agree that getting rid of the beta 1&2 not-battle with the demons is good? Or do people think keeping that “integration” was better.[/Quote]
I agree.
[quote=The Author Guy;2659]2) Can the KoC battle be pushed to book 3? If not, I am thinking the publication will have to shift by another month. (not opposed)[/Quote]
While I would like to see the battle, I’m not opposed to pushing it to book 3…
[quote=The Author Guy;2659]3) If we push KoC battle to book 3, I am concerned about the following
A) I don’t want KoC to be too much of a “tack on” in terms of feeling. i.e. annoying
B) On the other hand I don’t want to give too much away about the KoC, because that could “deintensify” things.
->So I need to balance that: How much more build up/background do I need for the KoC stuff not to seem like an “annoyance”[/Quote]
With the Scene changes below, it’s better, but I’m not shure how much better (after I read your post’s about the KoC on the Forum).
Maybe an scene with Lillith where she hires them?Korwin
It is hard to answer without reading it, but if you just say that the KoC are a great danger, but don’t explain why, well, it could get annoying. So maybe two short examples of their accomplishments with some connections to what we know so far
[/quote]Well he did a few word here, about the KoC:[quote=The Author Guy;2660]Then at the end I have Antefalken chime in (still not smooth):
[quote]Vargg turned to stare at Tom, his face a very unusual pale shade of green; if Tom did not know that D’Orcs were incapable of fear, he would have sworn the commander was giving him a look of terror. “It means Lilith is sending in the Knights of Chaos!”
“Holy fuck!” Antefalken moaned and rolled his head.
“What in the Abyss are Knights of Chaos?” Tom asked.
“They are enforcers, mercenaries, freelance knights. They are not, however, demons but something else, something worse from other end of the multiverse.” Antefalken said. [b]“In legends they were occasionally employed by the Court to deal with rogue archdemons or rogue princes.”[/b] Antefalken shuddered, “I thought they were mere legend, they haven’t been deployed since the Great Demon Wars.”
“So what? The extra troops are all Knights of Chaos?” Tom asked. Vargg Agnoth made a very odd sound on the other side of the gateway. Antefalken’s eyes popped open wide.
“Concordenax forbid!” Antefalken exclaimed, his voice shaking slightly. “[b]One Knight of Chaos is a match for an archdemon![/b]”
“Ouch! How many do we think she’ll send?” Tom asked.
“It takes at least 13 to form a Maelstrom.” Vargg said. “And this looks like a big one.”
“Great.” Tom sighed feeling his stomach twist into knots.
Well, it would be an awesome start for book 3, but if you do it there will be no real highlight in book 2.[/quote]
I’ll agree to this. While [i]I[/i] could live with the ending, this point is very true. And going back to the Version 2 of the non-battle is not an solution either (IMHO), since that was’nt an real Highlight…Korwin
Member[quote=The Author Guy;2619]1)
Rogues & Asmeth are gone from beta 3[/quote]Ah, started with 2, endet with 3 (went back and read the ending of 2).
[quote=The Author Guy;2619]6.1) Bingo. They go back and forth/they take turns. No one knows this. And they are very close.[/quote]Good. I did not imagine things.[quote=The Author Guy;2619]But it’s basically a very powerful magical warship capable of inter dimensional travel. Think of it as a “magical” nuclear submarine that can impose Oorstemothian Law around the Multiverse, the same way US nuclear subs and carrier groups do around Earth. Same game plan.
They could, for example, cruise up next to the Courts or Mount Doom and open fire, much like US ships do with Tomahawk missiles and such.[/quote]I wonder how the safety features are handled in that ship. Could it be acquired/boarded?
[quote=The Author Guy;2619]Wish from a djinn? We start to explore that in beta 2, see Randolf and Crispin. We are just getting to know them and their rules.[/quote]So far we saw two bonded Djinns, both to rulers. Is that an coincident?
Also: Limits to wishes, would be the first thing I asked an Djinn if I got one, just saying. And with Tom wondering about the TV-Series he would not be out of character to ask.[quote=The Author Guy;2619]>Avatars and lies. Yes, this is a big issue that is coming to the fore; it’s all going to get tested as both Hilda and Talarius will have to reevaluate their allegiances over the course of the next couple books.[/quote]Hmm, at the moment it only sounds like there is one bad Avatar…
[quote=The Author Guy;2619]Tizzy has a book that he used to write in (a lot). He has misplaced it; but fortunately it’s very hard to open.
There is a book in Astlan that had been lost, but is now found, but very hard to open. It has something of interest to both Demons and Conjurors in it.[/quote]I would still like to hear (in book) what Leanamare thinks he has. So we can later see his face when he knows what he exactly had. (Somehow I don’t think, the book is exactly what he is thinking. Unless Tizzy’s written word is for some reason better to understand than his spoken word).
[quote=The Author Guy;2619]Sentir Fallon/Egyptian guys:
See [url=]timeline[/url]
-630 Post Vargosian (currently we are in 440 PV) so Rangers of Torean first show up on the doorsteps of the Egyptian guys about 1070 years ago. You can follow that in the posted timeline.
Orcus was slain in Etterdam (different calendar) in -3587 PV or 4027 years ago. 500 Years or so before the website timeline starts. Ragnarok happened several centuries before that.[/quote]
So the treatment of the Egyptians could have been because of the corrupting influence?
If yes, do the Egyptians know? If again yes, do their revenge plans include Lilith?Korwin
MemberBeta 3 versus Beta 2
I liked the non throwing away troops Lilith better in Beta 3, but I liked the non cliffhangery ending of Beta 2 better.
I would put the attack either in the next book, or give us an resulution of the battle.
Or at least only mention the Chaos Knights in Book 3, those are an mean teaser.Korwin
Member[quote=The Author Guy;2595]It would probably mean another 70-100 pages.[/quote]Well, I wont object to an additional few pages. :-” =d>
[Quote]Yeah, the Knights of Chaos are a rather mean thing to do. But I wanted to “wake things up” from the coma of the original last battle.[/Quote]The Problem [b]I[/b] have with them, is we get an Name and nothing more. I don’t know who/what/why/anything about them. Only an big question mark and then the book ends.How about an report about the impending attack with the numbers 2000+Knights of Chaos in this book.
And in the next book he gets an detailed report 2000 normal demons and X amount of Knights of Chaos?Naturally I prefer the extra 70-100 pages, but just in case you dont want to do them o:)
Also, the Forum works again!
Member[quote=The Author Guy;2369]So looking at what to best work on I thought I’d explicitly bring up the various plotlines
Major Plotlines
1) Hilda & the Host[/quote]Liked it very much. Especially that apparently one Avatar lied to his God (About the Wand of Orcus)
[quote=The Author Guy;2369]2) Gastrope’, Jenn, The Grove, The Nimbus[/quote]So so, at the moment it gets interesting the book ends…
[quote=The Author Guy;2369]3) Tom, the Abyss, Mount Doom[/quote]Liked it, even if it all was very easy for Tom. But that’s (apparently) because Tizzy preplanned it all.[quote=The Author Guy;2369]Secondary Plotlines
1) Nyjyr Ennead (Gods on Uropia)[/quote] Liked them, even if many questions are still open.
[quote=The Author Guy;2369]2) Vaselle & Tom[/quote]Got the impression, much trouble for nothing. Basically Tom agonized about it, but Vaselle is basically the same as the Orc-Shamans…?
[quote=The Author Guy;2369]3 a) Exador, Bess, Ramses & The Book[/quote]While Exador looked incompetent, I think its his payment for his hubris and liked it. Would have liked to see what the 3 are thinking the book is about.
[quote=The Author Guy;2369]3 b) Randolf & Crispin (+Lenamare) vs Exador[/quote]Liked it!
[quote=The Author Guy;2369]4) The Rogues & Captain Asmeth[/quote]Cut them out. (Sorry)
[quote=The Author Guy;2369]5) “The Adventures of Rupert & Fer Rog”[/quote]I’m ambivalent about this. Where nice reading, but did’nt really contribute to the story so far. But since you planned more for then, keep it.
[quote=The Author Guy;2369]6) Oorstemoth & The Rod->Inferno[/quote]I enjoyed the description of their society and look forward when they get into the Abbys with the Inferno and realize how big the thing is. Did not enjoy reading the speeches. Well to be honest, I did’nt read the speeches, but only skimmed them.
[quote=The Author Guy;2369] 6.1) Gadius and Gaius ??[/quote]I somehow got the impression that both are Unicorns who can turn into humans and one is the mount of the other?
[quote=The Author Guy;2369]7) Sentir Fallon, Lilith and Aodh[/quote]Looking forward to more. Especially if/when Sentirs God gets more information about what happened 4 thousand years ago.
[quote=The Author Guy;2369]8) The Elvish freak out will evolve from the Grove plotline,[/quote]
Looking forward to it happening.[quote=Rosver;2374]Major Plotlines
One thing (and is related to the Lenamare issue I post sometime ago), since Hilda is investigating, she has to answer the ‘Who’ question. Strangely she didn’t try to get the demon’s name when she can easily get it from Trisfelt, or at least try to.[/quote]Now that you wrote that… it’s a good question. Would be nice to get an answer *hinthint*…[quote=Rosver;2374]1)
This is one that has given me a lot of head scratching as it doesn’t make much sense. It didn’t even have a plot as most of the things that happen is just about them talking about something confusing. I actually forgot what they are doing in the book after I finished reading it.[/quote]I had no problem with this. They want to use the Demons as an distraction and/or tool to get back into Astlan.
What adventures?
To me, this various scenes of Rupert actually just highlight how irrelevant Rupert became in the story. This ‘adventures’ is nothing more than Rupert trying to amuse himself.[/quote]
Well they where training montages. But I would’nt call them adventures myself.[quote=Rosver;2374]6)
This is one plotline that is left hanging. We see the ship but since we don’t know what it do, or if it even works, we are left asking: What’s the big deal?[/quote]I think the big point will be, it’s a waste of money.
[quote=Rosver;2374]1) The Djinns. Nothing much happened and developed but them having connection and interest in Astlan, they seem to be big players.[/quote] Yes. This.
What can you wish from an Djinn? At the very least I would expect to wish for an Wizard and Animage Education, since they are apparently sharing memories the whole time…[quote=Rosver;2374]3) Hilda vs the Guild of Beggars. It seems Hilda has make some enemies and is related in a lot of detail. Just can’t see how it relates to the overall story.[/quote]Yes, would be nice to see some fall out from that one. Don’t cut this out, was very entertaining.
[quote=Rosver;2374]6) Tiernon and his avatars, and the Rod and the Church of Tiernon. Very minor but it seem the avatar of Tiernon seems unhappy with the Rod and the Church. The avatars have become distrustful with their followers that they send Hilda instead of relying on them. This is a rather large crack on the organization.[/quote]Don’t forget either on of the Avatars lied to Tiernon about what happened to the Wand of Orcus or Tiernon lies (need to know) about it to another Avatar of his.
[quote=The Author Guy;2377]
The Nyjyr Ennead are the Egyptian gods plotting to steal the book as part of their plan to eventually remove the Etonians (Tiernon and friends) from Astlan.[/quote]And that book is Tizzy’s? Do you want to confirm that? 😉[quote=The Author Guy;2377]Dante’s Inferno is a dark counterpoint to the Nimbus. It’s a ship designed to drill into the Abyss, or any other plane and server justice. They are planning to go into the Abyss, rescue Talarius and arrest (or kill) Tom. They are going to the Abyss in Book III. They will encounter demons of various parties and battle shall ensue.[/quote] Do they actually have an plan once they get into the Abyss or are they totally underestimating the size of the Abyss?
[quote=The Author Guy;2377]Sentir Fallon, Aodh, Lilith teamed up and forged the dagger that Tom reversed. The soul stealing dagger that killed Orcus. Formed by antimus, it has been corrupting the Church and Talarius who was carrying it.[/quote]So Lilith pulled an fast one on Sentir Fallon or is it an unintendend bonus? And had the Artifact influence on Tiernon himself? Timeline wise when where the Egyptian God driven off? After the dead of Orcus?
Member[quote=The Author Guy;2483][list=1][*]”D’Orcness Rising”[*]”The Rising D’Orcness”[*]”The Rise of the D’Orcs”
[*]”The Return of the D’Orcs”
[*]”D’Orc Destiny”
[*]”D’Orc Tides” (although then I will have to put the D’Orcs on a ship…that might be amusing)
[*]”The D’Orcness Before the Dawn”
[*]”D’Orc Skies”
[*]”The Inferno”
[*]”Dante’s Inferno”
[*]”All Abyss Breaks Loose” (this could be book 4 or 5 as well)
[*]”The Insurance Man Cometh”
[*]”The Battle for the Book”
[*]”The Return of the Rod” –this could apply to either the Rod (of Tiernon) or the Rod of Tommus
[*]”(and) The Temple of Doom” as in The Demons of Astlan and The Temple of Doom
[*]”The Doompire Strikes Back”
[*]”Doom Messiah”
[*]”Children of Doom” (This would be the Rupert Fer-Rog story)
[*]”Demon Emperor of Doom”
[*]”Heretics of Doom”
[*]”Chapterhouse: Doom”[/list][/quote][*]”Heir of Orcus” (Is Orcus copyrighted or whatever it’s called?)
[*]”Reincarnation Scam”
[*]”Heir of Mount Doom”
[*]”Heir of Doom”
[*]”Heir of the Doompire”
[*]”Doompire Rising”
[*]”Return of the Doompire”Korwin
Member~(83.8)[quote]“He is a threat to [b]use[/b]. The Anilords were a threat to us, and the various Ramses were particularly annoying.” Elraith [b]notd[/b][/quote]threat to us
noted.~(87.3)[quote]Gastropé shook his head slightly as if to clear it. He quickly spoke the words necessary to invoke his wizard [b]site[/b] and stared down to his chest.[/quote]sight
[quote][b]The[/b] floated over the cloud for perhaps a minute when Gastropé spotted what appeared to be a man in a long coat and large hat waving at them.[/quote]TheyKorwin
[quote]“Rested?” Barabus [b]as[/b] the Arch-Diocate.[/quote]asked?~(95.6)
[QUOTE]Tom’s jaw [b]and[/b] been wide open the entire time[/quote]had~(106.1)
[quote]As he entered Jenn [b]tppl[/b] a soft but sharp indrawn breath.[/quote]drew?[quote]“Would be shitty [b]businessorc[/b] if I[/quote]107.0
[quote][b]Hir[/b] delays were always due to poor time management and organizational skills, yet the witty diatribe of reasons were always fascinating and engaging.[/quote]HisKorwin
MemberVery quiet here at the moment.
Is there some new info about the ETA of book 2?Korwin
MemberD’ho, missed this forum and got no E-Mail (maybe it got into the SPAM-Folder?).
Is it to late?Korwin
MemberBeing able to read it!
MemberTizzy just noticed you blew your cover :-”
[Quote]Name: Tizzy
Rank: Arch Demon[/Quote]Korwin
Member[quote=Korwin;876]Late this year still an accurate ETA?
eARC? Beta Reading?[/quote]
New year, new book?
Member[color=red]Signature in [s]Red[/s] Blood[/color]