Forum Replies Created
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Iume;5743]Remove this line:Teragdor shook his head in surprise, apparently, they had forgotten to tell Iskerus that the demon who had kidnapped Talarius was the reborn demon prince, Orcus.[/quote]
[color=blue]Teragdor shook his head in surprise, he had personally told Iskerus that they suspected that the demon that had taken Talarius was Orcus. So that was a little awkward, Teragdor thought to himself. However, to be fair, Teragdor did not see the demon that had captured Talarius. There were two D’Orcs, a second knight and the wizard. [/color]
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Burien;5747]Wonder if Orcus had something similar for his shamans and warlocks.[/quote]
The question will come up.
The Author Guy
MemberYes, that’s at the balling dinner party.
He finds it very interesting/odd, however, he’s known Rupert for several years and has never detected anything. He is suspicious, but not yet convinced. He’s a very rational/pragmatic person and would want to do more research, this is why given limited time, he never brought it up to Jenn before she left, it was only a day or so.
The Author Guy
MemberHeh, Heh.[smile] I like that, now that they’ve got their lightning cables back. I’m sure Tizzy could get them the music, or recordings to listen to and learn from.
The Author Guy
MemberI don’t know how the Final Countdown got me here, but somehow, I now really want to put Hilda and crew in a situation where they are forced to build a “Stairway to Heaven.”
Of course, that would be nothing compared to them building a “Stairway to Gilligan’s Island”
The Author Guy
MemberOne thing to keep in mind about the other Doom’s.
Nysegard was the most heavily manned by D’Orc due to the Storm Lords, my guess is that the others had far fewer.
And if D’Orcus took say half? You might have only had a dozen or fewer D’Orcs with a largely mortal staff. If I were to guess, they would have hunkered down to protect.
I do think I should add something to the discovery of Doomalogues by Tom that a few of them had checked in, but by and large didn’t have the resources to aid much. For others, there might not have been that many shaman’s, maybe one or at most two, and if their contacts in Doom all died, they would not have had the links.
HOWEVER: You would think that there would be summoning stones for some of them in the Temple of Doom.
The Author Guy
MemberThat is basically what I was thinking….I love that movie, and yes, Captain Cranshall speaks an Oorstemothiscott-russian accent and has a closely trimmed grey-black beard and moustache.
The Author Guy
MemberThis is what I need to clear up with the discussion between Ramses and Exador about the AS.
The problem is, I don’t want to give it away too soon.
When the SL’s say time for Plan E, they do mean a previously defined plan, E for Escape, or it E(xit) or I could make it Plan X for eXit.
Actually that might be good. Perhaps I can have Exador remind him of the preparatory spells.
The Author Guy
MemberFound it: Here is corrected version.
[color=blue]“Is an Apostle of the Five Siblings similar to the Dark Apostle?” Baba Smert’ hissed.
“Not typically that powerful. It is a rank that is higher than a High Pontificate, but a bit lower than a prophet. Technically, prophets are often saints who were apostles when mortal.” Exador said squinting, “I would argue that the Dark Apostle was most similar to a prophet; however, their methods of ascension to power are quite different.”
[/color]The Author Guy
Member[quote=EyeDeKay;5710]If I remember correctly, it wasn’t that the greater demons name was Rupert, but that the demon was masquerading as a human boy named Rupert, was found out, changed into a greater demon, then Talarius chopped its head off.[/quote]
Not following that, at least not from Trisfelt’s perspective.
The Author Guy
MemberSo then, when Tom etal. burst the volcano open as the D’Orcs wing their way into Nysegard, should they be playing “Bat Out of Hell?”
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Burien;5723]Did someone says astrophysics survey?[/quote]
Can’t find it in the search of the page…
Although we were talking about physics, relativity, quantum string theory and such on the Amazon book 3 forum.
OH wait, took me a moment to understand the question: are you saying that they should have been doing some dimensional surveying etc to develop a navigation and coordination system.
Yes. Definitely, I’m going to assume they’ve got lots of books on it and have been building the navigational system. One would certainly hoped they would have tested that stuff, and run some verification on it.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Iume;5703]plane, not plain unless we’re grassland.[/quote]
He was saying plain as in very large field, it has 125,000+ people, some of who are quite large on it. But can change that to region.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Iume;5706]Talarius knows about the Concord and the Balance while Hilda nd Stevos had to be reminded?Did Stainberry teach him?Easiest to just swap Talarius for one of the D’Orc.[/quote]
Good point, unless it was discussed in the Abyss, say in book 2? This is the sort of stuff that Antefalken was talking about. He would know about it because he hung out at the Courts with Lilith a lot.
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Iume;5706]Overuse of flashed.Reword to:Within a matter of moments all of the runes flashed brightly and bright atunlight poured through the gateway.[/quote]
[color=blue]This was the second surprise runic gateway activation she’d had in a week! Within a matter of moments all of the runes flashed brightly and midday atunlight poured through the gateway.[/color]