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  • in reply to: Excrathadorus Mortis and sentir fallon timeline? #7693

    Oh, and in the original version, there was a World Trade Center instead of a Freedom Tower, just to be clear…but Trump Tower was there…

    in reply to: Excrathadorus Mortis and sentir fallon timeline? #7697


    I don’t know at this point. One argument by people on MSNBC who seem to be in shock is “The people have chosen chemo therapy to eradicate the evil. Kill everything.”


    I really do not like the woman, I’m a Bernie guy, but I voted for her simply because evil status quo is better than aboslute hell. But not that many agreed with me. I don’t blame Trump. I blame HRC, I blame Obama, I blame the Democratic Party, the Media I blame the Establishment of which they are apart.

    In short, I blame the Elites, whatever they are. Brexit, US, this is the French Revolution all over again. Anyone but an elitist money grabbing scumbag should have seen it coming.

    in reply to: Do new demons have to be bound the Abyss #7735

    Outer Planes are fine.

    Midgard/Material Planes: It is well known that there are spells and rituals that allow a mortal wizard/mana user to create physical bodies on the material planes.

    I.e. there are spells to “incarnate” mortals from one plane onto another after Astral travel. The best way is to create a body in a maternal host, much like an incubus/succubus does (i.e. baby). However, there are numerous other ways. This is how many demons arrive on Earth (or similar worlds)

    The question I was thinking about was the creation of an immortal form. For that, I think you would need to use the Abyss or an Outer Plane

    in reply to: Beta 1 – Chapter 144 #7352

    “Can you try routing to another Doomalogue? Try Gormeghast, Astlan, any other!” Vosh shouted as he stabbed his sword into the diaphragm of the avatar he was battling.
    “Crap! Those are not working either! I am unable to reach any of the Doomalogues other than the local one and something is wrong with that! We are completely cut off!”

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7502

    Which is why, if you really belong there, you never admit that it’s your first visit!

    in reply to: Forums randomly borken #7620

    Sorry on post, hate that.

    I don’t know why it’s so bad today. Going to go through the logs.

    It is quite possible it is the End Times Coming.

    in reply to: Forums randomly borken #7621

    The forum synchronizer is blowing up something massive. I am pretty sure that’s the issue.

    in reply to: Forums randomly borken #7624


    Just the stuff in the database, and just the stuff in the forums.

    The books themselves are just files on the server. The text content of the site is in the DB, the forums are in the db and the logs of the site and the logs of the forum are in the db.

    The only tables with full-text indexes are the Message, Topics, Forum tables.

    I have upped the memory, cpu, and doubled the IOPS on each of the virtual disks (they are on a RAIN).

    Going to keep monitoring, there is a forum upgrade available, but don’t want to do that while beta is going on.

    The biggest problem with migrating to a new forum platform (or web platform) is content migration, getting the history of the forums over.

    I supposed I could have a “historical forum” and a newer one, but that’s not ideal for search.

    Anyway, I”m next going to hack the forum log tables which are huge and basically contain craploads of debug information.

    in reply to: Excrathadorus Mortis and sentir fallon timeline? #7682

    This is quite interesting.

    Back, way back, in the day, when I took behavioral psychology (from the guy that invented the Nicotine patch) Sociopath was just the new “more accurate” term for sociopath.

    Clearly further research has managed to differentiate and identify the commonly misused definitions.

    So then, what is it when a person does bad things out of feeling trapped by necessity? They made a deal with the devil, so to speak and are forced to dig ever deeper trying to cover up their original sin, following a slippery slope to the Abyss?

    I’m going to say we don’t have enough information yet. (and that includes me) to fully decide.

    But, I do believe that such pathologies seem to be common in the circles he runs in.

    I don’t know if you can be a god and not be mentally unstable in some manner. Narcissistic, egomaniacal, massive co-dependence issues, tremendous self confidence issues requiring everyone to continually tell you how great you are and how powerful you are?

    Crap! Could the US be on the verge of electing a god as president? (being an apolitical site, I will allow you to decide which one is the god or if both are)

    in reply to: Excrathadorus Mortis and sentir fallon timeline? #7684

    I have always thought that, but this year is far far worse.

    Everyone I talk to on both sides of the “aisle” say the same thing.

    My parents and I agree on the election for the first time in 30 years. We all want to vote for someone else, (and someone with a chance of winning and who is prime time capable because there are some third parties who have their own issues)

    Nearly everyone I talk to desperately wants someone else. Only the most deeply invested people are actually enthusiastic about either candidate.

    in reply to: Beta 1 – Chapter 144 #7350

    Changed to Gormeghast, is that sufficient or should I do more?

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7500

    [quote=Mikey;5820]One of the differences between the Astlan series and many other fantasy series is that the concept of power levels is pretty subjective. You’re powerful, if people act as if you were powerful. People act as if you were powerful, if they think that they have reason to believe that you’re powerful. Reality is nowhere as important as perception.

    Elsewhere on the forums we have a discussion regarding the mirror. What does it measure? Mana radiation? The perception others have of you? Two very different possibilities.[/quote]

    And that has always been a goal of mine. Starting with the logic of how powerful you are when you first arrive, it keeps going on.

    This is how it is in the real world.

    For example, imagine if you will:

    {Not a spoiler, but contains graphic, unfun, real world facts}

    [SPOILER]A loud mouthed loser con artist who’s managed to squander vast sums of inherited money, but hides it well and manages to brazenly BS the world for years, convincing everyone that he’s a self made man, a financial genius who’s made billions of dollars, even though given the amount of money he started with, if he’d just stuck it in an Index Fund in the 70’s, he’d have 2x as much money today as he actually does have. If he’d taken all of it out of the Fund in 2008, at the bottom of the market crash, he’d still have 50% more than he actually has today.

    However, he’s good at spin, so he can convince people that’s “He’s the man with the plan.” “He knows how to fix things.” He doesn’t need to even tell people the details of non-existent plans, he can just say “Trust me! I’m a big success, just look at my gold furniture, my steaks, my vodka!”

    And people believe him and they trust him with their children’s future, and the future of the planet.[/SPOILER]

    Perception is every bit as important as reality.

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of very good-hearted, sincere people who don’t understand this. And a lot of cynical manipulators who do.

    in reply to: Beta 2 Released #7587

    I am thinking I may need to take the 9th off…I may need to find myself some demon weed and a willing wizard on the other side of the multiverse if things go the wrong direction.

    in reply to: Beta 2 Released #7589

    Thanks to Bernie, we’ve learned a lot in the US this year about the Northern Utopias!

    And if things go sideways, I am sure within a few decades you guys will have lots of really desirable sunny warm beaches!

    Very unfortunate one can’t buy property in Antarctica, now that would be an investment!

    in reply to: Beta 2 – The HALO #7600

    Great point.

    Updated! Thanks!

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