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  • in reply to: Excrathadorus Mortis and sentir fallon timeline? #7694

    Too bad you didn’t start with an Iain M. Banks style novel, we could all be living on yellow spaceships.

    in reply to: Forums randomly borken #7619

    It’s the tachyons, they are converging on this date.

    … and I lost a post to the bug.

    in reply to: Forums randomly borken #7623

    Is your indexer going through all the content, including the PDFs and the ZIPped EPUBs?


    One of the features of the series I’ve enjoyed is the lack of explicit infodumps, but as a result of a lot of finetuning to the Murgatroy: DOA + 3, Late Third Period section, it’s now just that.

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7501

    [quote=Jerry;5839]And a lot of cynical manipulators who do.[/quote]
    The first rule of the cynical manipulator club is that if this is your first visit, the drinks are on you.

    in reply to: Beta 2 Released #7588

    Well, if things go sideways, we’re looking for Microsoft professionals (.NET / SharePoint / BI) in most of the Scandinavian countries. Comrade.

    in reply to: Forums randomly borken #7614

    Logging into a relational database…

    in reply to: Forums randomly borken #7616
    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7499

    One of the differences between the Astlan series and many other fantasy series is that the concept of power levels is pretty subjective. You’re powerful, if people act as if you were powerful. People act as if you were powerful, if they think that they have reason to believe that you’re powerful. Reality is nowhere as important as perception.

    Elsewhere on the forums we have a discussion regarding the mirror. What does it measure? Mana radiation? The perception others have of you? Two very different possibilities.

    in reply to: Beta 2 Released #7586

    Going to take the 8th off so unrelated emotion won’t screw with your writing?

    in reply to: Forums randomly borken #7609

    A picture is worth a thousand words:

    First it’s borken, but after a reload, it’s worken’.

    Looks like some sort of an intermittent database connection problem, maybe?


    [quote=The Author Guy;5777]Well, my first thought was: Who in their right mind would let these boys fly an airplane?

    in reply to: Discrepancies from book 2 #7488

    Not to mention, Trisfelt has seen enough stupidity in his lifetime to know it follows certain patterns.

    If he were to mention a potential decapitation incident to someone, it wouldn’t be too long until all kinds of people would be conducting experiments in that category on the school’s young pupils.

    in reply to: Off-topic software discussion #7580

    [quote]I am just not a huge java fan, I love the theory of it, I love so much of what it introduced, but I was just too burned early on by horrible performance and its inability to talk with non-java things. And what I considered a crappy visual interface. Now all of this has been fixed, but it was eaten by the forces of evil, a couple times over so…

    On the other hand, I’ll still take it over C++ any day, I am in the camp that believes that the original C++ specification was a joke and that no one was ever supposed to actually use it. I mean, I did use it, I built a lot of stuff in Borland C++ well before VC++ existed but once I found Delphi 1.0 I said good bye to C++ and haven’t looked back unless forced to. Of course, I only use that for fun today, since very few people in the US use Delphi.

    I was surprised to find is written in Delphi. And it is a new, modern program. It’s a great SFTP/FTP/FTPS server. My first clue that it was delphi was it’s crappy help file. Delphi programmers never seem to have time to write documentation. [/quote]

    Ever since people started actually listening to what I’m saying, my technology choices have been more about keeping the correct strategic doors open for my clients.

    For example, the open nature of Java, starting first from the open-standards and implementation alliance fronts, and then graduating towards open source, has meant that for each product, there has been a viable competing alternative. This has meant that the real negotiating power of my customers, towards COTS vendors and contractors, started from a good place, and has grown ever since.

    Not only that, but their investment in employee skills (also on the contractor side) has included a much greater ratio of general, reusable skills, such as language, POSIX, protocol standards to product-specific skills, than on the Microsoft side of things.

    About twenty years ago Linux started to get more popular as a server operating system, culminating now to a over 90% market share, especially in the cloud space which is growing the fastest.

    Now my clients are all heavily invested in using the cloud and developing cloud products. In that space, relying on Windows as your operating system would mean that you would be utterly in the mercy of a single vendor, which has a history of radical strategy changes at CEO departures.

    Let’s see what the future holds. The current .NET Core development looks promising, I’ve even developed a Hello World .NET Core web application completely on Linux, using the provided Docker containers and the JetBrains Rider EAP. Rider should soon be in public beta, it’s already pretty reliable.

    If you have time, take a look at Kotlin and TypeScript/ES2016.

    in reply to: Doom Box battle anthem vs. Lilith #7565

    Or “They’re taking the D’Orcs to Nysegard.”

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