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MemberWould Lenamare’s teleportation trap work on Tom’s portals?
I can’t see how it would.
I see three possible options:
1. it does nothing and Tom can open a portal to Lenamare’s location with their link
2. it shifts the location of the portal to the vergian time stasis, which then tries to freeze the whole abyss and then burns out or
3. it shifts the location and then doesn’t open.Option two would be the most interesting, but option 1 seems the most likely, since unlike a teleport, he isn’t aiming towards specific coordinates, he’s feeling across a link and opening a portal when he finds his target.
If Tom can reach Lenamare, this is a major hole in his defenses, since anyone who can find a link or an object linked to him will have access to him.
I guess if you had been there( at the end). It would have come up since it would have been such a big dealBradyman
I personally have never been summoned by a shaman, and to be honest, it’s been a very long time since I’ve been summoned, except by my current Accursed Master, Gastrope’. I think he was the first wizard to summon me in aeons. Which is a bit odd…
[/quote]Who summoned you from Tom’s cave while Boggy was telling Tom about how he killed his accursed master in chapter 27 of Into the Abyss?
Not trying to be nit-picky, I was just listening to it and I remembered this post.Bradyman
MemberEven though Tech doesn’t work on magic planes and magic doesn’t work on certain tech planes ( like those crummy earths) can Tom use the Abyss to cheat? He could have a starship blast a bunch of plasma or lasers through an Abyssal gateway, into Doom, and out another gateway onto Nysegard and just obliterate some undead. Or would the planes somehow interfere with each other, disabling tech on the tech side and magic on the magic side, until the gates were closed. And if this happens, could Tom somehow weaponize it? Creating anti-magic zones in the middle of magical battles. Or the opposite once he starts interacting on tech planes.
MemberSo it has to do with the mana and what the gods do rather than some aspect of the planes themselves blocking magic? ( obviously there will be some exceptions somewhere)
So instead of a magic/tech block, the gateway would just help magic in the tech plane?Completely off topic, but will Tom ever reconnect with the “Sleestack Wizards” the time since he last contacted them shouldn’t matter, since time flows so differently there. I feel like they could be very helpful with travelling to hard to reach planes, if Phaestus can’t get there already with his worldgates.
I wouldn’t be surprised if, with his millennia of free time, he didn’t put in the work necessary to reach those planes and build a gate while he was there.Bradyman
MemberOkay this is a really old post, but I don’t think the psychology of millennia old beings is the same as that of mortals. Age really makes a difference. In my opinion, a 100 year old retiree who spends all of his time on one hobby is very different than someone with Asperger’s. Now multiply that by a million or a billion. They have tried everything, and know what they like. Tiernon might have experimented with chaos back in his college days, but now he’s an adult and knows that he’s all about justice. Phaestus might have once spent a couple millennia just destroying stuff, but he decided that building was more his style. And it’s not like they only do what they’re famous for, that’s just what they are worshiped for and what they advertise. Phaestus isn’t going to advertise when he binge watches a TV show, or gets high with Tizzy, or develops a top secret prison in the abyss, but he will tell people about the weapons he made, or the building that he designed. Its all about building the brand.
MemberThanks, as long as T-A-G doesn’t quit on us entirely, I’m happy.
MemberBy someone had to do it, I meant that it had to have happened for wizardry to reach the level it has. Obviously it didn’t “need” to be done, except from the wizards’ point of view.
About baby demons, that could be another reason that wizards are so hated. Wizards are much more likely to summon new demons, except for special cases like d’orcings. Shamans and animages are less likely to bind a being against its will. Especially with how the d’orcing went, it should be pretty obvious that you are dealing with just a human ( or other) that got caught by accident. Shamans especially seem a lot more likely to summon a traditional, known demon than try to bind a new one, in the extremely rare cases they need a demon ( again ignoring d’orcs).
So theres a bunch of demons running ( flying) around hating they’re first masters for binding them, and then sharing their names, and pretty soon its, “all wizards are evil.” Look how quickly Tom was convinced.Speaking of Tom, Tizzy, where were you during Orcus’s last battle. I’ve got some theories that might involve you and your monkey pal.
MemberIf animus and antimus are like matter and antimatter, how can a dhampyr like Rede exist? If he’s half and half, shoudn’t he implode, or explode, or fall apart, or some other form of dying? I get it’s incubus magic, but that brings up another question. How can an incubus, made of whats basically pure animus, apply the antimus seed.
How will going to the abyss affect a Dhampyr? I’m pretty sure it was said somewhere that going to the abyss temporarily depolarizes animus and I think there was something about it maybe having a negative effect on undead, but I’m unsure since the undead army used an abyssal switch. But how would it effect a Dhampyr? I can imagine it doing nothing special, besides allowing them to ignore the need for blood, or killing them ( unlikely since Tizzy took Rede to the abyss), or allowing them to go fully one way or another, since their two halves are depolarized, when they repolarize there might be a way to influence it.
Are they not truly a form of antimus at all, but instead some type of neutral animus already? That could explain a lot, but I’m not sure if it has been contradicted in the book. If this is true, he might be able to feed off of antimus similar to how he feeds off of the animus in blood. Dhampyrs might be the key to defeating the undead. It makes sense to me, even if his animus isn’t neutral, he is half and half, and if he can feed off of one, he should be able to feed off of the other. The only issue will be finding a way thats not disgusting to him. Phaestus and Volund should be able to hook him up with something. It would be awesome if Rede could become powerful by fighting his father’s people instead of joining him.
MemberI realize you have a lot going on, and I don’t want to seem like I’m trying to rush you, but do you have any time estimates at all? I’d be happy with a, ” check back in six months,” and anything more specific than that would just be amazing.
Its probably Tizzy’s fault that we don’t know the exact release date, its probably in his missing notes.
MemberI just want to make sure I don’t miss one of your books. I hate finding out that I could have been reading a book for a couple weeks but just didn’t check. As long as you’re still writing I’m happy. It would devastate me if you quit and I never found out what happens next.
MemberAre there any updates? I want to give you my money.
MemberI’m pretty sure that the Concordenax is a person, since it is mentioned at at least one point that only a few demons were left that had seen him.
Tizzy’s notebook is just his notebook. It doesn’t make stuff true, he just writes what happens and what he plans. Prophecies require a deity to make them happen. For the book to be able to make stuff happen, someone else would have to help it, which defeats the purpose of the book doing it.Bradyman
MemberIn the Apostle’s of Doom, when Hilda and some Nysegardians talk about the moon and moons of their respective worlds, I’m pretty sure they confuse a new moon with an eclipse. Rassnon claims that,”A new moon is when Atun, Nysegard and Tarth are all aligned at the same lattitude and the shadow of Nysegard covers Tarth and it is invisible in the night sky.”
This is an eclipse. Which would only occur during a full moon. A new moon occurs when the moon, Tarth, is between Atun and Nysegard, not the other way around.Bradyman
MemberMy theory right now is that Tizzy isn’t actually Tizzy.
Tizzy has been around for almost forever, and has presumably been annoying people for at least that long. My thought is that the Concordenax got fed up with him and killed him and tried to devour his soul. Tizzy then somehow possessed him. When the concept of devouring souls came up, Tom was told that the victim can sometimes fight back and even take over, or worse. So Tizzy is almost two full demons, which could explain his appearance, insanity, use of powers he claims not to have, and the many historical instances of someone named Tisdale ( or a derivative) saving the day, among other things. The demon weed could help his multiple personality issues.
I didn’t explain it very well, but it seems reasonable to me.