You don’t need to be too disappointed.
Beta Demonhood is not for everyone. As I explained at the last one, and will again, Beta Demons are creatures that travel alternate timelines.
For example in various places, but in particular book 3. I talk about how it’s easy to plane travel to different worlds, but swapping timelines, getting to alternate Astlan for example is very difficult. It’s a minimal frequency shift sort of thing. Plane traveling spells don’t work, however some time spells can force you to swap to other timelines.
Beta Demons live and breathe in alternate timeline space. They see and experience things that might have been, might never be.
I.e. they are privy to other versions of reality where things might turn out differently, some things never happened, people make different choices.
And this can be very disconcerting for some readers.
For example, Beta Demons from the Heavenly Host know what is happening with Captain Asmeth and the people who stole the book; no one else does. Yet.
They also saw a timeline where the Knights of Chaos did not attack at the same time as Lilith’s troops. Where Jenn and Gastrope’ snuggled on a roller coaster ride through the mountain. Something they don’t even remember now.
So, for story purists, who don’t like seeing how sausage is made, Beta Demonization can “spoil things”
On the other hand, Beta Demons are also like gods in that they can shape the destiny of characters and the story.
My point being is, it can be fun, but it’s also sort of like seeing actors acting on a green screen set instead of the Death Star. Or seeing a different cut of a movie. (which is literally what it is)