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Well…this may take some work, I’ve never arranged a supernova before, but…
Actually, your soul technically is immortal already (unless eaten by a C.o.D. or similar) so the deal with Nick was for your body to be immortal.
Now if only there was someway to separate your soul from your body…I could then take your soul and your body would continue to live (may need some astral life support) :-” then your deal with Nick would be in place for another couple billion years and I’d have your soul in the meantime.
I’m thinking I’d be OK, to let you out of the contract after a billion years, so then you could go to Nick when the supernova goes off.
See, it’s called deal making/negotiating….
You see, we demons, Nick included, are very flexible in terms of working with contracts.
MemberWho’s he going to believe, you or his bestest buddy in the whole world! Sweet, innocent, friendly little me?
Besides, how would a Type II who needs a ride to get to and from Astlan, ever get to Earth? (please ignore the fact that I am posting at you)
Obviously you can avoid the smokey stuff, but you might want to adopt a police dog to sniff your baked goods!
They don’t call it Devil’s Food Cake for nothing!
Oooh…that’s really a great idea…new recruiting tool!
Tizzy’s Cupcakes, 100% Devil’s Food Cake!
MemberWell, clearly none of your friends are mortgage lenders or work for credit card companies, banks, investment firms or tech startups otherwise they would realize that this is simply Standard Operating Procedure in the business world.
Hmm, spoilers?
Well, as you can imagine, people finally realize that I am the true protagonist, and it’s revealed that I’m dating both Bess and Lillith, being doubly endowed, I need double the babes.
<--looking furtively for lightning bolts, acid, fireballs, etc-->
Antefalken has a very embarrassing moment when Asmodeus requires him to sing his favorite song or Tom and Rupert will be killed permanently, and Antefalken’s voice breaks causing him to stumble mentally and fumble the words and the 14 book series ends prematurely halfway through book 2.
Oh, and then Boggy and I get married to fulfill Tom’s dying wish that we be partners in love as well as business.
But then, Lillith and Bess get jealous and kill Boggy permanently, and then they start fighting each other, over which one gets me and then…oh..OH…
Uh…sorry need to go…
MemberWell, I am sure you can get plenty of crazy people on Earth…but I don’t think Astlan has as many demented people.
For one thing they don’t have prescription drugs to treat them…so they tend to wander around and eventually get in the way of an Orc, minotaur, harpy or something else that kills them, and maybe eats them.
Yes, you could lie.
And Exador better hope Tiernon never finds out.
One thing that people are afraid of in Book II is if some “people upstairs” might come down to Astlan. if so, will they think it odd that there is this guy name Exador messing around in the situation, and he happens to look exactly like a guy named “Exador” that used to work for them, and that for some strange reason got lost on the way to “Tierhalion” (or whatever it’s called) after death?
MemberWell, just because you don’t know your true name doesn’t mean you don’t have one.
Earth has VERY low mana levels. Almost as if some greedy deity created a huge church and went around sucking up all the mana on the planet so magic wouldn’t work any more.
Well, I’m pretty sure there a few quasi-monopolistic deities running around with insurance plans. Including one that offers 3 completely different plans!
I do know of some that offer reincarnation…that’s also popular in Astlan.But yes, in Astlan if you don’t have an agreement with a deity, you are pretty much on your own. Of course, if you are a high level necromancer you just turn yourself in to a Lich, and the rest of your family into revenants or similar.
I also heard stories about wizards that went around trapping the souls of people in swords and other magic items. Hence–Intelligent Swords….
Never seen one myself though.
I know I wouldn’t like it if my pipe kept talking to me…
MemberHmm, good point.
I’m not sure I agreed to keep other people’s memories…it’s just that they sort of come along for free when I eat their souls for a snack.
Oops…hope I’m not giving anything away about what I’m doing with my payment…sure…demon army, that’s it…not turning them into jello pudding snacks…
MemberInteresting question. In particular for some of those demons that have split personalities…can’t think of any off the top of my head, but I know there are some crazy demons out there.
I think it would be sort of up to the demon on the names changed, like a father naming his children. Of course if the demon isn’t that bright he might not think to do it and some sort of auto designation would have to occur. Perhaps like in DID (Disociative Identity Disorder-AK multiple personalities) where each personality has a name, Sybil, Vickie, Peggy so maybe Sybil Prime, Sybil-Vickie, Sybil-Peggy
Although one should hope for better demon names. Sybil is good, but a demon named Peggy? That’s about as ridiculous as a demon named “Tom”
These new demons, they have no respect for the old naming conventions like my old friend Astaroth Nesferith Giger Prometheon or Buford Terrence Malachai Ezekiel…those were names…and easy to split up when their personalities finally broke down after a couple millenia of torture…
MemberYep, the Astral plane is fine for animus bodies….I mean technically the animus has some mana attached to it, holding it together…I suppose…but there is no matter on the astral plane, so no friction….
In the Abyss, you would think Animus would dissolve even quicker than on the Planes of Men. Doesn’t seem to happen. At least not to demons.
Demons regenerate very fast in the Abyss, as do humans–if they are in a more temperate region without a lot of acid in the air–this is one reason they can be tormented there for a very long time. Certainly this is true when they are brought bodily into the Abyss. Presumably a soul snatching demon would have to create them a body for the Abyss—so they can torture it The same is true about the Planes of the Gods, although usually if you can get onto the god’s plane via the official channels (e.g. after death) a heavenly body gets created for you
I would have to say it’s part of the mystery of the Abyss…it’s a very weird place and doesn’t quite fit in well with the regular multiverse scheme.
MemberActually your word choices are interesting, particularly if you pay attention to how the wizards use those phrases.
There are the “Planes of Men” which are all the various alternate realities of the physical world, the conflux of the 5 Elemental planes.
The elemental planes are: Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Spirit
In wizard speak, they often refer to the manifestation of “Spirit” in the planes of men as “the Element of Man” etc.
It’s basically the way the the elemental plane of “fire” (or any of the others) aren’t really just fire…they are also lightning and plasma and all sorts of things. Fire the stuff that burns wood, chars flesh etc. Is just the “manifestation” of the raw element of fire on the planes of men.
Same for the various forms of “Air” Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide; and “Water” water, acid, blood, wine, vodka and “Earth” dirt, marble, granite, quartz.
So you will see wizards talk about the Element of Man, but what they real mean is a significant concentration of Spirit manifesting on the material plane as to engender sentience…
To be honest, they’re sort of winging it on this front, but it works for them.
MemberThanks for the suggestion!
I’m going to run right out and try it…I just gotta get me some priests.
Wonder where to get one? I don’t think they sell them at 7-11 or Walmart…hmmm…maybe Amazon? Will they be Prime eligible? Priests are heavy, I really need the free shipping!
MemberWell, first, have you heard Hasselhoff sing? He is (was) a huge singing sensation in Europe…the land of Eurovision…
Plus he’ll bring his talking car and Pamela Anderson…who was a pre-Kardashian, pre-Paris Hilton celebrity. Have you seen VIP?????
Are your friends talented and wise?
Although if they are friends with someone who wants to sell their souls…then they probably aren’t very wise…so I guess you don’t have to answer that.
A good friend will work. Significant Others also work. Although, since you might end up spending all eternity in the Abyss together, you will want to make sure that they are really “Signficant.”
Memberyes, it was most amusing.
I can say this because: Not only have I read the next book (I dictated to the author) I actually lived through these events, all the books (naturally there are six hundred and sixty six volumes)
OK…there’s a spoiler…I live! Screw you Lillith and Asmodeus! I live through the books!!!!!
MemberI would agree…that sounds like what I told the author guy to write about the numbers and the logic seems good to me.
..just a moment, my pipe went out….
…..gotta light it….
waaahhh…..sweet….that’s better…..
what were we talking about?
MemberSeems plausible to me.
If you can shapeshift, then after several thousand years, you are the only person that remembers what you originally looked like because you don’t use that form any more, and no one can force you into it via summoning, then my guess is that whatever your most common form is would sort of become your “defacto” new form.
But then again…maybe not?:-k
It would be interesting to see, anyone want to try to force Lillith back into her original form? If so, please let me know so I can be on the other side of the Abyss.
MemberInteresting take. I think very plausible on the Tom front. I like the well analogy, that works pretty “well.”
On the god front, close as well, but I can’t say much since a lot of that is the topic of II and III.
However, one key thing in magic that is only barely alluded to on the site here, is the idea of a Mana Pool. A mana pool is basically a battery into which mana users pour mana to draw on at a later date. Typically they are made out of crystals, and are used hold mana for magic items. Thus magic items that cast spells get their mana from these pools, which have to be recharged periodically.
To recharge the magic item you have to take the item to a wizard (or priest or someone of the profession that made the item) and get it recharged.
Many of the amulets and rings that wizards (for example) wear are not “magic per se” but rather mana pools to give them additional mana reserves in combat. The wizard who makes the mana pool has a link to it and they can charge it or draw on it as needed.
There is also, I will say, an analog of this for deities and their avatars called a God Pool. It’s a giant well from which deities and their servants can draw power, and to which avatars funnel mana from priests from worshipers into.