Forum Replies Created
Your keyboard banging may explain why last time I saw T-A-G he had a moused sized dent in the side of his head. I figured he’d just done some body modification to have a place to carry his mouse on the go…but it could have been head banging frustration.
On the point of hero thieves…this is a real question in my mind. If you are a hero, you probably shouldn’t be pillaging other people’s possessions.
A lawful good person who finds a treasure chest, should responsibly put it in a lost and found location for a few months, and maybe post notices before claiming it for themselves.
In fact, the whole idea of a “lawful good” person going into a “dungeon” meaning an underground cavern/ruin in which “monsters” are living, and minding their own business seems down right like home invasion and armed robbery and typically murder. What did those non-human/or non-human-allied individuals ever do to that paladin to justify being murdered and all their possessions looted?
This is a huge complaint that those of us on the so called ‘Side of Evil’ have against the so called ‘Forces of Good’
I think all this good vs evil crap is just about overly self righteous people doing whatever they want and justifying it by calling themselves the “good guys” and their victims the “bad guys”
MemberWell…that sort of depends on what you call demons since there are other denizens with quite different shapes that aren’t exactly demons…basilisks, dragons, nightmares, etc…
But about anything you can wake up screaming thinking about is around, somewhere.
As I’ve mentioned though, you don’t find a whole lot of 100 foot plus tall demons since it’s really a pain to interact with other demons and to find furniture that doesn’t get crushed.
What, they just going to stand in that swamp or 1000 foot deep chasm? Some of these demon pictures by various artists just don’t make a lot of practical sense.
Of course, you do find impractical demons, typically shape changed that way as a punishment from an overlord.
MemberWell somewhere there is a discussion, I think in this post of what the levels should be…haven’t changed any yet…I don’t think…
At the moment:
Astral Onlooker is not registered in the forum/is guest
Shadow is registered for forum but less than 5 posts.
Sprite is 5 to 49 posts
Imp is 50 to 99
Fiend is 100 to 199
Demon is 200 to 299
Major Demon is 300 to 399
Greater demon is 400 to 499
Arch demon is 500 to ?
Demon Prince is there but has no number to reach, yet…hence some of the discussion on what levels should be.Tizzy
MemberI’m in the story and I find it incredibly funny. Which is why I have been sticking around despite the Rodlings threatening me with permanent death.
I am also laughing internally at Maou’s talk of shape changing dragons…if only he knew what was going on in Gizzor Del. He hit a real nail on the head there…but then that’s another story…
Again, not sure what the relation between Abyss dragons and Astlan dragons is…I sort of think it might be like humans and demons…not sure though…evidence, (orcs on dragons) is very very contradictory.
However, I should also note that in theory, only a “Paladin” can kill a dragon. That’s the mythology at least. All others get roasted by the flames etc. That’s who also likes to kill demons.
However, I should note, that this chap we have in the cave here, keeps getting really pissed when I call him a paladin. He says he’s a “Knight Rampant” not a “Paladin”…no idea what the difference is…I don’t actually note what a Knight Rampant is….if you ask me it sounds like a very lusty knight…but that’s probably just me.
MemberHmm, well this Knight Rampant certainly seems to act like a berserker! The guy tried to kill me permanently!
I consider that to be quite rude and irrational.
I am sure there are some damsels in distress out there somewhere at various points in time, but I am equally sure there are also dudes in distress who need to be rescued by female paladins…or damsels rescued by female paladins and dudes rescued by guy paladins….
Certainly, peasants are often in distress frequently.
However, I am not sure paladins (being noble and all) can even see peasants let alone make a determination of distress.
As for dragons…one might think so…however not sure what they would shape change to since they weren’t human in the first place.
I really don’t know how you’d tell.
There are dragons in Astlan that don’t eat non-dragons on site. However most do…
I find it safer to assume that any dragon any where is prepared to have you for lunch.
MemberI don’t think you understand what spam is.
It’s useless, wasteful and annoying email.
Clearly, if it’s coming from a demon, it would be none of the above.
As an FYI: you have more posts for me to answer, but I’m going to wait until tomorrow to read them.
If I answer too fast, the latest topics thing on the forum front page makes it look like I’m the only one talking, or that I’m talking to myself.
I don’t want to give people the impression that I talk to myself. If you do that, then people start spreading rumors and pretty soon it ends up in print somewhere.
Member1) Tom getting bigger? We sort of assume Rupert will. Hmm, hadn’t thought of that, he could end up being 18 or 20 feet tall! Not sure though if the first conjuring fixed his height or not. Good question.
2) I think a lot of people are going to assume he is bigger than a 4. A lot of people are going to want to know the secret of what he did. That’s almost as useful as Lenamare’s book.
3) You really are brilliant! Can’t argue with that. Of course, I can’t tell anyone what I know about the Concordenax, I have a great line on that topic, but I won’t get to say it until at least book III.Tizzy
MemberYes, this will likely cause confusion.
But it seems to me that most of the plot revolves around people being confused and misunderstanding the situation.
Of course, that’s often how a lot of wars start on Earth too.
The true danger is when most people are confused, and misunderstand each other, and then they realize that there was a simple misunderstanding and they start believing the other sides are also misunderstanding things, and that simple diplomacy might work…except…one of the multiple parties isn’t really confused and is simply using the confused assumptions of others to enhance their position.
MemberYes, armies are on the move…just not clear where they should be moving and who the enemy actually is…
But don’t worry, the confusion only gets worse…
MemberYes, you are correct.
They primarily think the enemy is Tom…and the other archdemons they found in the city…there is confusion as to if they are all aligned.
The big problem they have is, where to move the armies to…he jumped into the Abyss, would Oorstemoth seriously consider invading the Abyss to get him back? And what about the Rod? And the Rod’s bosses on high? And what about…oh wait that’s the third chapter of book ii…never mind.
I suppose, in a weird way, Lenamare should be grateful to Tom, this may distract the Rod and Oorstemoth from the book (which the Rod doesn’t really know about yet)…although Oorstemoth wants its historical artifact back.
MemberT-A-G is so so so so so so so so slow….if I knew how to type, I’d finish the stupid thing myself…sheesh..
Looks like he’s missing his year end sorta deadline. If I were to guess it will be about 1 year after the first book. So slow…so slow…He needs to stop going to that stupid skyscraper downtown during the day. No idea what he’s doing down there and I really don’t see what he gets out of it…
MemberAstlanians or other Demons in the Abyss?
Hmm…both have infinite paranoia so…
However, the big shot demons will always think they are greater than everyone else, so there are limits with them.
Same is true of Lenamare
Everyone else…well I think the ceiling is probably the height above ground in the Abyss that the hole Talarius fell through was.
MemberNo, you really don’t, but being a demon I will tell you anyway for the fear and discomfort it will cause you!
You see, when you signed up for the forum, you gave me what people on Earth call an ’email address’ in the Abyss we call that a ‘true name’
Now that I have your true names, I can create a binding to you so that I can project words into your brain and you “think” you are seeing them as my responses to your posts, however there is nothing really there on the website, since I don’t have a computer and don’t know how to type.
Also, even if I had a computer, which do show up in the Courts now and then, I’m pretty sure the Abyss sill only has a dial up AOL connection to the Internet.
Obviously, we keep it this way to torture people in the Abyss who need to get online. That and out (1/2) G cellular data connections. Although if the Demon Princes are feeling particularly cruel they’ll give a victim an iPhone and ATT as a provider. They’ll soon be begging for AOL!!!!!
MemberThat seems very risky if you ask me.
You’ve got all these true names, any one of which could be used by a wizard to summon you.
I’m glad I’ve only got one….makes me harder to summon.
You do know there is this group of royal Nigerian wizards out there always trying to summon people and entrap them. Seems like you’d be fighting off those spells all the time…
Memberwell, apparently Tom because it was only a face shouting at him that caused him to blurt out his name.
However, in his defense, if he hadn’t done so, the book would have been a LOT shorter…