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  • in reply to: Arad’s Plane of the Thirst for Knowledge #3677


    But again the Courts are Cooler, and the palace and buildings even more so.

    Plus, as you will learn in volume II we do trade with worlds where conditions are similarly nasty so we can get materials from those worlds, and those may look like Earth items, but actually be different materials.

    I think the key thing to realize is that there is not a single answer for every demon/situation. As I’ve said, things in the Abyss are pretty hodge podge, a demon finds something that works for them to accomplish a purpose and they stick with it. Two different demons may achieve the same ends by completely different means, which is why I can’t tell you every single case/possibility.

    I know you are going to be very disturbed by the deck of cards that Antefalken, Talarius, Boggy and Estrebrius are using to play Whist (and the marker as well).

    in reply to: Arad’s Plane of the Thirst for Knowledge #3680

    RE: Antefalken’s clothes.

    I think you misunderstand me, demons that wear clothes (or the vast majority of them) wear clothes everywhere in the Abyss, not just in the courts, how they do that is not based on temperature. You will see what I mean in book ii, if you pay attention, and I know from experience, you do. 🙂

    Do you really think Lillith is going to tour her gold and platinum mines naked?

    Have you ever seen Asmodeus when he wasn’t impeccably dressed?

    RE: Sex drive

    Most Astlanians assume that demons are sex starve fiends who want to rape, ravage and pillage, particularly young maidens and princesses, so their bodies come with the equipment to do so (also see the question of # female demons there are)

    But, Madfoxii is correct, the bodies are not truly detailed internally anatomically correct. Tom notices this with the dragon, and is concerned about it when eating food as a human, in particular, will he be able to process it.

    As a rule, things “work as needed” So if the demon and those who summoned him thinks he’s a hormone driven monster, than he is…otherwise not.

    You will note that a lot of the lesser demons aren’t particularly sex starved. I mean who ever heard of a sex starved Shadow.

    There are, however, some sex starved imps, but I again think that’s more do to their impish nature and they do it to freak out mortals etc.

    in reply to: What you look forward to in book two? #3726

    I suppose I could take them to my place, the furniture would be better, but the entertainment would be just as bad.

    My library consisted of a single book, and someone stole it recently.


    the djinn seem to focus a lot on interior design, but I think that’s because they spend so much time in their lamps and bottles, and they want to make them comfy.

    Plus they can just conjure stuff out of thin air, unlike demons….

    in reply to: What you look forward to in book two? #3728

    Did no one mention djinn in book 1? I sort of thought someone had talked about them. There was no djinn character though that you met.

    Djinn are not easy to spot, they don’t look like demons and believe it or not, they generally have legs and not just smoke under their belts.

    So not many people know about them. The djinn like it that way, for a lot of reasons that you can probably imagine. And those that do know about djinn, like keeping them a secret.

    Djinn are beings of Air and Fire, Demons are mostly Earth and Fire (sort of, it’s not an exact affinity)

    in reply to: What you look forward to in book two? #3730

    Not in volume I.


    But then there are no avatars in Volume I either.

    All bets are off for volume II.

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3100

    Well, I’m only one demon, I don’t know what others are doing.

    I know what I am doing, and that’s raising a demon army via email. How others collect souls…no idea, nor what they do with them.

    in reply to: Cover art book 1 #3329

    That is something I was seriously thinking about, and may still do.

    One thing that people have said that the current cover does do well is “stick out” in the Kindle Store, of course on closer inspection, they may run away but it does get attention.

    But, I also hate too busy of a cover and so many other things, a simple cover has a lot appeal. Demon head, pentagram, maybe flames? Horns? Or maybe a giant hoof ascending off the page?

    in reply to: Time Frame on next book #3476

    Ahh, so he’s a god…well one man’s demon is another man’s god!

    Now I just gotta find someone of whom, I am their god!

    in reply to: Arad’s Plane of the Thirst for Knowledge #3667

    Well, add to that you had Rupert a few floors down, or up, from the summoning chamber, busily wishing upon a star for the father of his dreams…

    However, that would probably be pushing it.

    in reply to: Arad’s Plane of the Thirst for Knowledge #3669

    That could also be a possibility. Although as you say, it’s getting out there, but who knows?

    It’s still better than time travel.

    in reply to: Arad’s Plane of the Thirst for Knowledge #3671

    I would have to believe such insecurities would be in his mind.

    Now, I don’t know, but given his rather “goody good” attitude, my bet is that Tom is a virgin.

    Now one could argue that a demoness is not the place for a virgin to start, but given that size issue and the shapeshifting concern, that would mean that a proportionately sized demoness would make the most sense for a first time. However, even a human sized demoness would be better for Edwyrd because if things suddenly double or more in size it wouldn’t kill the demoness.

    I have to suspect that killing your first sex partner by sudden expansion would be traumatic and might leave one with severe emotional issues.

    Unless one started with severe emotional issues to begin with.

    in reply to: What you look forward to in book two? #3719

    Are we talking about that book that Jenn was carrying around instead of her diary?

    I took a look at it, the title was “The Winds of Winter”

    Not sure what that is, but it sounds cold. And why such a huge number of people are trying to get their hands on it is beyond me.

    in reply to: What you look forward to in book two? #3722

    Eek…your account disappeared?

    Had you responded to the email and fully logged in?

    We get a lot of spam requests for accounts from a spambot that runs all over the place from different infected machines. They use real legitimate emails and even fill out addresses and phone numbers of people from all over the world.

    But, since they aren’t the real people, they can’t respond to the email to confirm there account.

    Every so often I go through and clean out people that never responded to the email within like a week or so.

    That could have happened to your old account. You can log in the first time, and even fill out your profile, but to login a second time you have to follow the link in the email.

    OR if you had gone through the email process I could have somehow screwed up. Sorry about that.


    I can tell you the fixing up Tom’s hole in the ground is a big topic of discussion, as a lot of us are stuck in it, bored. And there ain’t much for furniture. Although Antefalken just bought some cards at Hellsprings Eternal so at least there will be something to do. Boggy has another excursion planned for tomorrow, it would be nice to sleep, but we demons don’t do that. Other than Rupert. The tin can sleeps as well, but he’s still recuperating from Tom knocking the stuffing out of him.

    I might sleep…I drank quite a bit today…Antefalken was buying we just sort of hung out drinking, relaxing in the nice hot lava flows…really a pretty good day. Couldn’t convince the tin can to take a dip, bummer, I was hoping for some tasty boiled paladin.

    in reply to: What you look forward to in book two? #3724

    I am betting it would take a lot of “study”

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3096


    IMHO…gods are all jackasses, and they sort of make bankers and credit card companies look like amateurs.

    But, yes, if you were worshiping them, nominally or otherwise, and then say, try to leave, or really piss them off, they will put a binding on your soul to try to collect it upon your death (that’s actually part and parcel with being a worshiper–you go with them when you die). Now, typically you’d negotiate an agreement with a new god to avoid the lien, sort of like The Penguin going back and forth with Don Maroni and Don Falcone on Gotham…

    but if you decide to become an atheist, you are out of luck, since you’ve got no god or goddess in your corner.

    At this point, your best bet is to sell your soul to a powerful demon lord and become a warlock so the demon lord can have your soul upon death.

    Now true, that might not be pleasant either but, surely better than the wrath of a bitter angry god or goddess.

    Again, can’t stress enough, unless you happen to be a demon, or an elf or someone that can stick around for a very long time, atheism is a very very bad choice.

    It’s made necromancers out of more than a few atheist wizards trying to cheat death…

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