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That is a good point. They really need spoiler tags that can [SPOILER]hide the spoiler.[/SPOILER]
Actually, one really needs qualified spoilers, sort of like they do for TV Ratings with the extra letters for what is being spoiled.
It is actually the same with movie reviews, at least for the more in depth ones. You can do it with a blurb, but a detailed review is going to have some spoilers.
MemberI suggested just a pentagram. Or Horns.
And then a halo for book ii perhaps
However, T-A-G does not seem to be taking my calls.
MemberIt’s a soft brown leather cover no real symbols. See post somewhere in the forums where Rosver and I are going into all sorts of detail and posted pictures of what we were talking about.
T-A-G did think about doing a cover that sort of looked like a soft leather book cover with an embossed (painting effect) strap across the front…
I think T-A-G you are forgetting one thing in your generous all interacting all benevolent rant…
Most authors don’t have a demon slave that they can force to maintain their stupid websites and field questions from people.
MemberI am sure there is some YAD author out there writing teen ghost story romances along the lines of Twiglight and all the rest.
I mean if you can make vampires sparkle and werewolves cuddly and lovable, why not ghost sex.
I think you are missing the point. Demons are people too, and most/many were people. Sex is not just about procreation, it’s also about intimacy and sharing between two (or more) people–and it’s pleasurable and fun and all sorts of things.
So those demons that can, are going to want to have pleasure and share pleasure (and pain—lots of S&M, B&D down here)
We experience pain, why not pleasure? You do know that it’s a fine line between pleasure and pain. If you can experience pain, then you can experience pleasure.
They are the carrot and the stick.
It’s the masochist who is able to mix the two and turn pain into pleasure.
Pain, suffering torment, these are the core fundamentals of demon life.
Thus, the opposites of these must be equally core, so things that cause pleasure: SEX, booze, drugs, rock and roll (music) these must also be integral to demonic existence.
MemberOh and FYI, that’s a picture of Asmodeus from ADD Monster Manual (original, first edition)
That’s how famous he is! They’ve even heard of him in Greyhawk!
Memberoooh Demon Troll army….
We do see a lot of spam registrations her, but the email validation keeps their soul from being captured.
Collected souls have to both create a login and validate their email address.
They are then prioritized by the number of posts they make to the forum.
Those with the highest posts (e.g. rank on the left) will be harvested first.
So the thing is, keep in mind if you see a lot of colored lights and people chanting around you, you’ll know the harvesting has begun.
The main thing I know of that demons do with souls is either make more demons (for demon armies) and otherwise enslave them or torture them for eternity.
Actually, Antefalken does go into some detail on this in book ii when “briefing” or I guess is the correct term is “debriefing,” Talarius.
As a rule, you pretty much have to be “damned” to get here by some mechanism, usually as part of a bargain to sell your soul to a demon.
From what I’ve heard, the demon you sell your soul to can do whatever they want, typically they torture you for a few thousand years, and corrupt you further until you develop your own penchant and desire to inflict torment on others, at which point you sort of become a demon….I guess. Not really sure.
I know some dark gods eat souls, I am not aware of any demons doing that, but it’s perfectly possible.
Actually, I do know that Demon Forged Blades usually have souls trapped in them. That is how, btw, you get talking/intelligent magic items, whether you are a demon, wizard or other mana wielder. Intelligent magic items always have souls bound to them (trapped in them).
MemberWell, the artist who T-A-G is currently talking with just got back from vacation, so T-A-G is emailing him tonight/tomorrow to start discussions. So it may be a while.
The trick is in trying to balance the humor without looking too silly, T-A-G doesn’t want to look too much like Myth Adventures, Myth Conceptions etc.
MemberYes, you can draw and quarter people.
We demons are very good at such things.
Boggy, I think did a very nice job with his former accursed master and family.
MemberClearly you missed the discussion of my comfy furniture. One night in my guest bed and you will know…
You know that pink fiber stuff they use for insulation? That’s what I use as cushions on all my furniture. (no paper backing though)
MemberThe most common complaint of net fiction writers (both fan and otherwise) is that they get zero feedback, good or bad from their work.
It’s like typing into a void….
However, I am sure there are sites where there is a very interactive community and various haters. haters are more likely to speak up than people who like the work.
Member[quote]many just want you to give negative feedback[/quote]
Meaning if you try to tell them “I liked this” or similar they don’t want to hear it?
Or are they saying they really want an editor? And lots of fan fic needs lots of editing…
Yeah, I don’t know what the people who say the want feed back really want, and I think this is a common unknown that causes a lot of people not to feed back.
In some ways, this is one nice thing about GoodReads, for book books, readers can either do a review or just give a star rating, and if you are on a kindle, if you finish the book it asks you right away to rate it with stars.
That provides some feedback…of course it’s very painful if everyone gives you ones with no reason or explanation. But if you have a range of values you at least get the validation that someone read it and had an opinion on it.
MemberOK, that is very weird, it was a quote to what I was replying to, it was in the previous message, and I was quoting because I was trying to clarify what it meant.
but it’s not there anymore.The writer must have deleted it….although I thought I could see deleted posts…although that might stop after a while, e.g. during a nightly cleanup or something. Very weird.
MemberI’m a demon, I am very demographic!
The main reason demons need to be interested in sex from an Astlanian point of view is that Lust/Carnality is a sin, and therefore, since demons are the epitome of sin and the vile nature of mankind, demons must be into lust and gluttony and all such sins.
Actually, I think most Astlanian’s would be disappointed to find out that demons really don’t have that much sex. Certainly no more than humans on average.
Actually, it’s not particularly easy for a demon to impregnate a mortal. This is another reason they use incubae and succubae, they are built for this sort of thing and change change demon essence into something compatible with humans.
So while Antfalken does sleep around, and has fathered children it doesn’t happen that much, and Antefalken is also sort of a special case, he’s got some special experience in mortal/demon back and forth that very few demons have. I suspect that makes him more fertile than most. This is something that will be told in Tales of the Demon Bard…some day. It may also help explain his clothes…and why he wears them, why they don’t burn or dry out.
MemberWell, yes, he’s fathered a lot of offspring, but not that frequently. He’s pretty old. I’ve known him for a very very very long time.
Well, I can’t answer the vulnerability of the clothes without giving away explicit information that will appear (if you are observant) in book 2.
So it’s more like the reason he wears clothes in the first place is in Tales of the Demon Bard. Why clothes don’t burn will be possibly more obvious in book 2, at least for those wearing clothes in the abyss; and you will note there aren’t that many.
There are hints about his history on the map, and in the timeline.