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  • in reply to: Creating a Forum Avatar #5506


    After the last move of the website to a new hosting environment, the site is behind a more traditional firewall than it had at Azure and only Window FW before that.

    Unfortunately, use of “ inside the forum avatars is being interpreted as a DNS binding redirection which is causing the broken avatars. Not really sure why compared to other urls with that address format but it is…

    What does work, however, is gravatar (now owned by WordPress)

    What you need to do to make your gravatar show up as your avatar is the following.

    While logged in here,
    [list][*] Click on your username in the menu bar; scroll down and click on Edit my account.[/list]
    [list][*]Go to your site avatar and use the drop down to select “None specified”[/list]
    [list][*]Click update.[/list]
    [list][*]Go to your email address and make sure it’s all lower case. For some reason, Gravatar is case sensitive, or at least the forum is when working with gravatar.
    [/list]It may take a little bit for the forum to recheck your settings and clear the cached avatar information, but it will eventually.
    [list][*]Go to gravatar and sign in with your free gravatar/wordpress username and password. (You can have multiple email addresses under one account)
    [list][*]Add the email address you are using for this site to your list of email addresses
    [list][*]Upload your preferred avatar and link it to your email address.
    That’s all there is to it, you should see that gravatar as your forum avatar. If it doesn’t happen right away, wait a bit and check back. You can contact me if it never seems to change.


    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5233

    Presto Zappo Beta Demonazo!

    in reply to: Become a Beta Demon #3927

    I have authoritated you, Geiger Rat!

    BTW, I need to go to a very dark storage room to get some stuff, so dark even demon sight doesn’t work that well.

    Just curious but you don’t by any chance glow in the dark do you? Most any wavelength will do. Just a nice healthy radioactive glow is all I need.

    Thinking maybe you could just scurry along in front of me so I can see where I’m going.

    in reply to: Become a Beta Demon #3929

    I am very pleased that you decided to have monkeys instead of human children. I think it’s a very wise decision.

    The problem with human children is that many of them grow up to be wizards who enslave demons.

    On the other hand, monkeys grow up to be great martial artists, like my friend the Monkey King!

    [img=]Monkey King[/img]

    in reply to: Become a Beta Demon #3931

    In my opinion there are simply too many gods.

    We haven’t even touched on the gods of other races other than of course Phaestus and Nét (Aodh’s boss)

    However, more to the point, for the last several thousand years, the Etonians have been working on eliminating a lot of other human gods, e.g. the Nyjyr Ennead.
    We also haven’t seen a lot of the gods that are native to Norelon, the Narveson. They never had a large presence on Earth. They were there at one point, but were wiped out.

    On Astlan, some of those you mention are here in smaller groups, still. They are also around on other worlds in the localverse

    in reply to: Some thoughts about Book 2 #5038


    Interesting points. If you can shape shift into horribly disgusting forms; you know, like a human being, then you should be able to change your gender.

    However, I don’t know of too many that do. It’s not at all common. I have heard stories of gods doing, fairly often, so I’d bet demons could

    But I think you point on being comfortable in the form.

    Most cisgendered individuals would find it uncomfortable, but transgendered and more exotically gendered people could have fun.

    And, now that I think of it, there are definitely hermaphrodite and hermaphrodite++ demons; so…the answer is most likely yes for those that can shift; and/or shift easily. I am a ciscisgendered male myself; I can do a threesome with just one other person (I prefer the ladies myself–although Reggie is pretty temptiing, but that’s cause he’s an incubus, so he cheats).

    As mentioned some people can really only manage to memorize two forms; demon princes, which as we shall see in book iii, can have a large number of forms; as, for that matter can archdemons. I think we’ve seen several for Ramses. Bess has a lot, but she’s actually a goddess.

    Exador mostly looks like Exador (at various ages); and honestly, that is enough to scare the crap out of most people.

    As far as incubuses and succubuses or incubae and succubae, they are distinct, and a different form of demon. You can’t shape change into one of them; and if you are one of them, you could maybe look like the other one, but your powers are tied to which you really are.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5225

    3 decades?

    Must have been a very short class! 3 Decades, that’s like a single period at Demon U!

    Heck, I once spent 4 centuries in detention!

    OK, maybe a couple more times than just once.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5227

    Hey Oryn,

    Just got to thinking if you’re a demon of metal and radiation, I wonder what would happen if you and Geiger Rat got together?

    I’m betting you’d really set him/her off.

    in reply to: Verifying Account #5425

    Zip, zap, wap!

    You are verificated!

    What my minions are telling me is that there is that some email hosts are doing some checks that this current site is failing (DNS/reverse DNS lookup check)

    In theory, this got fixed a week or two ago; however you registered before it was fixed.

    Anyone else having an issue, post here or email me at Tizzy at astlan dot net




    That is a very interesting interpretation.

    There are things like that, that I have seen before. It could be, the only thing I know about it is from what Tom and Rupert have told me.

    But that would certainly be consistent with what it’s doing.

    I have to say, such a device, as originally constructed would be of great value in the courts.

    I have had this discussion with several on this forum when trying to describe the mirror and power. And your interpretation of the original intent correlates quite well. Power is not purely reflected by innate mana levels, it also incorporates ability to channel mana from other sources, as well as knowing how to best apply that mana.

    What’s the point of having lots and lots of mana if you waste half the mana with each spell? Highly skilled mana users often need less mana to achieve the same task than unskilled mana users. (this is an advantage wizards often have over animages) Thus someone who has less mana may actually be more “powerful” than someone with a lot of mana.

    This, you see, is the very complexity of the demon ranking system and why there is a great deal of difference in power between demons of the same rank.

    Why some greater demons can shape change and some can’t. And this is where the politics of the court comes into play.

    Once one establishes that one is of a certain level, testing and finely determining that level becomes very dangerous, and is generally not worth the risk of losing. Of course, Lilith and Sammaal will play court members off each other, trying to make such a measurement, safely, for themselves.

    You really don’t want to find out which one is more powerful, because it may not be who you think. And if you are one of the players in question, you probably don’t want to find out, and be wrong.

    So therefore, appearances are often as important as reality. The bluff equivalent to reality, at least until proven to be a bluff.

    For example, I think the obvious assumption is that in a hand to hand contest, Iron Man will beat the crap out of Captain America. But what if he doesn’t? That would probably be a big hit for the ego.

    Similarly, Batman has no chance against Superman.

    But maybe not, it depends on a lot of factors, who is more powerful in a given situation. That is why you really don’t want to try and measure this, if you are one of the two parties.

    Of course, being fictional characters, the writers can envision all sorts of playing field levelers in those two cases. You know like numbing Captain America’s fists so he doesn’t feel pain when pounding Iron Man in the “iron” jaw.

    However, in the Courts, demons don’t have the advantage of being fictional characters. We don’t have any writers to shift the playing field for us.

    And in fact, if they could, I am sure authors would try to tilt the playing field against demons, and orcs and D’Orcs. Just because authors are known to side with the elves and their allies.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5213

    Well your Socialist Hell Hole would certainly be a hell hole by my standards!

    I shudder to think about a place where the peasants aren’t scared to “death” about getting ill and not being able to afford treatment, or bankrupting themselves in the process. A place where they didn’t have to worry about a single stroke of bad luck could leaving them penniless, homeless and sleeping on the street with their children? A place where people could just go on lots of paid vacation and get spending money–makes me nauseous.

    Ugh. What a horrible horrible place! How are the Corporate Overlords supposed to make ungodly sums of money and grind the peasants into the dirt?

    Where is the fairness for them?

    Oh, and I’ve heard these Socialists Hell Holes often have these namby-pamby prisons where they “reform” criminals and turn them into once more law abiding citizens? No gruesome living conditions, no years at a time locked away in solitary confinement and never seeing another person. No fear of prison rape or torture, no waterboarding?????

    Seriously, what an incredibly dull place. Just thinking about it causes me to break out in a cold sweat. Well, OK, a 50 degree Celsius sweat, but for the Abyss that’s cold!

    BTW, the only kind of money I like is ungodly money, like we use here in the Abyss.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5215

    I think you are probably correct.

    That Illuminati pyramid on the back of US Currency has always seemed a bit creepy to me.

    On the other hand/side, do you ever feel like the eyes in the portraits on both paper and metal money are following you? I do.

    Of course, maybe I’m just over extrapolating, just because the Demon Prince Moloch issues coins imbued with the souls of the damned within his domain and uses them as spies doesn’t mean others are doing that.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5219

    You have no idea how long demons have been after that white haired chick to come free some demon slaves, but apparently she’s been horsing around again.

    Interesting note on the back doors. That is exactly what Vaselle has been making lately, this little things with a mana pool, item link, fire lighting spell, geo-lock, and “Rune of Unnoticing” that the shamans can plant at various locations. They’ll put them in a sheltered space, lock them in place, emit a low level (less detectable) Unnoticing and be ready to have the fire spell activated to create a small flame for Tom or the Shamans to create a portal.

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5221

    Yes, Tom has been very worried that he might be in a fight club sort of situation in volume iii.

    However, you can’t go wrong with an Army of Darkness. Boomsticks are great, but a chainsaw hand would be very nice in the Abyss, a lot of people end up with very tough old meat on their plate, a chainsaw would really help cut the meat up. And better yet, the roar of the chainsaw would drown out the curses and screams of the meat as you cut it.

    Unfortunately, we don’t Starz down here in the Abyss, so in order to watch Ash and the Friendly Undead, we have to wait for it to come on Netflix DVD service. Sure it’s on Amazon streaming but trying to watch it on my 56K modem is rather painful.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4864

    Yeah, he’d have to get it from Damien. Remember, he has the copy he got from the Oorstemothians.

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