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MemberHey ‘Cube, is this guy (the one on top) a relative of yours? Certainly seems to be a hook up of some sort.
[url=]Brain-eating slime by Tooth Wu[/url]
MemberSo this series also refers to a Dungeon Core (I think formerly a Dungeon Heart–in some book I read a century or so ago)
It’s that now standard terminology in the LitRPG space?
MemberAs I understand it, the Ooze is her pet at first, and then maybe her lover?
That’s an odd relationship progression, but then humans dating oozes is not that common.
MemberI get tentacle porn, it’s pretty much the basis of love with Melissance and her hubby, but do Oozes have tentacles? Pseudopods, yes, of course.
A warm dry jelly? That seems rather odd.
Are pseudopods that amenable for the necessary hand gestures to cast spells?
Also, does it speak telepathically? Or exude vocal cords and pump air through them?
MemberBummer, hate that when it happens, but perhaps it’s just part of the superior nature of slimes, oozes and gels, being a master race and all has its advantages, or so I would assume.
In terms of different character development, I think the Divine Dungeon does relatively well, yes, in book Cal, the dungeon, does go from unable to speak to fairly sophisticated in not a couple hundred pages, but lots of time is passing around him as it does. So their are lots of very explicit periods of weeks or months where he is very purposefully working on learning things and building himself out, learning how to make monsters etc.
I’ve got book 2, which just dropped into the Abyss, but haven’t got to read it yet. Busy running back and forth between Book 4 and CoA:ITA, it’s hard to be the most important character in two books simultaneously.
MemberI am not saying, one way, or the other, but it’s conceivable that at some point in the last few million years, Orcus and Lilith have already slept together.
And perhaps that might account for some of their “bad blood.”
Or maybe it’s simply because she’s an immortal sociopath pining over the husband that got away by becoming mortal.
Ooh, that could be a story!
“The Quest for Adam” Lilith’s search for the current reincarnation of Adam, so she can “demonize him” and have him for all eternity.
If you thought people trying to tell you that you were the “phoenix cycled Orcus” was a head trip, imagine a homicidal demoness trying to convince a mortal that he’s Adam (as in “And Eve”) reincarnated.
Ooh, think I’m going to pitch that to Clive Barker, what with T-A-G already overwhelmed and behind on his promised works. He really needs to stop obsessing about that archdemon that took over his planet. Trust me, I know archdemons, they’ve got the attention spans of demon gnats, D’Gnats, he will lose complete interest in this current endeavor within one or two human lifetimes….
Like they say, “If you believe in forever, then life is just a one night stand.”
So anyway, my buddies, the Cenobites really liked the work he did describing their adventures, so he comes really well recommended.
Member[quote=Christopher Cope;6700]You know the expression, “I wouldn’t sleep with you in a million years!”? Considering Orcus and Lilith have been around far longer, I’m sure they’ve hooked up at one point or another. If for no other reason than just to shake things up for a century, or millennia. I have a hard time believing there isn’t someone that Lilith hasn’t slept with over the eons.
As for Tommus hooking up, is there a D’Harmony service he can use?[/quote]
Pretty sure she hasn’t slept with the Demi Urge, but that’s about it. And I could be wrong on that, but I just get the impression that he doesn’t get laid that often, not that he couldn’t really stand to, think it would help a lot, but if he’s so picky as to give commandments to his worshipers about “Thou shalt not this, nor that” imagine what his criteria is for a lover?
It’s called Bonfire, sort of like a really big Tinder, but when you swipe right or left? That’s the side of the person’s head you smack with your hand.
MemberWhat is the dragon a foster dragon? I assume when you say people, you mean non-dragons.
MemberSort of, most of the nasty salads I know about are related to Audrey II, and she had tentacles!
MemberI think she’d have to pluck them off one by one…
D’Crabs would be very horrible for his partners….I mean, they’d be unkillable….eesh…very very unpleasant…
Member210 F. or 98 C.
MemberCertainly, plenty of lakes, ponds, although usually in more sheltered locations.
There are demonic plants, but they are mostly cultivated. Except for the sentient ones.
You know it’s a bad day when your salad tries to eat you.
You ever seen a carrot eat a rabbit? I have. Of course, it was a D’Carrot eating a D’Rabbit. Do you have any idea how long it takes to regenerate from carrot poop?
MemberLet’s see, on regeneration, the zero point/state is the first time you show up in the Abyss.
Wounds that are not healed on entry, heal perfectly, but things that are scars, generally will not. However, this depends on how you get there.
This is true for people coming through a portal with their physical bodies. Stumps generally don’t grow back with out some assistance (Unless it was just chopped off and bleeding–in which case you have active tissue to regenerate) It is possible to regenerate a healed stump that you come through with, but it takes conscious effort, time and mana, but you can grow it back, if you have the power/skill or help.
However, circumcision etc, stays like it is, and once lost, virginity can never be restored. [biggrin] Even if you consciously force regrowth (which you could do for both, presumably)
If you form a new body via summoning/demonization/etc. All bets are off. You come through as the collective imagined version of those sending you (or just you yourself if you can do it yourself as one might think the Nyjyr Ennead did) So you could come up to any zero sate.
It’s literally a land and air above/ground below swap, it appears that it’s an infinite cylinder, but not sure that’s true. We will see more of what happens in the opening of Book 4.
But, the rules of the plane that you swap to, apply to the newly swapped land, so the heat dissipates from over the Abyss, making everything nearby hotter as it gets cooler, standing near one in the Abyss is like standing next to an window air conditioner, at least for a while.
However, the swap lands do swap back eventually, either when another swap is initiated, or after a certain timeout, it’s not a permanent swap. At least not the one that Exador does. Not sure if there are any permanent ones. What I know, I learned from talking to Gastrope’ actually. It’s really something that wizards do, more than demons.
I mean why would any rational demon want to exchange their lovely red, rocky homeland for mushy black dirt and green veggies growing out of the ground? Specially when they’d all wilt pretty quickly.
MemberI believe I have you verified, you signed up on 2/3?
Interesting point on tornado’s. One should certainly see some atmospheric events…pressure differentials and such, the heat alone should cause one. Although if its an infinitely tall column hot air….not sure what would happen. Also, what if directly above the site was a moon? That would be awkward…
In the case of the citadel, there are a bajillion people around with wind controlling powers, shamans, avatars of krinna. They must have gotten a workout.
Not sure what Exador’s been doing about it.
Will need to look into that.
MemberNah, just within the patch of land.
Trees near the edge will get their roots cut, that’s the worst, short term. Inner trees? If the ground is moist enough, they may recover the next season after their patch of land is returned, same with other things in the dirt, like a very serious drought season.
It’s more like sticking stuff in an 210 degree oven than applying a blow torch So like a very slow roasted prime rib, or in this case, squirrel.