Forum Replies Created
MemberThe video stream from my spybots that infect your webcam while posting here are not working thanks to my crappy AOL dialup service…
Can you refresh me as to your chimeric species? And which parts are from which species?
MemberThen tell your friend Yerp to join the forums!
MemberI have to admit, that was impressive. [thumbup]
Send me a note when you are back up, I forgot to record it for MirrorChat and InstaMirror, so I’ll need to do it again!
MemberOr maybe he finally got a job….
T-A-G is very whiny about that sort of stuff. Really don’t get it. He complains about “living expenses” whatever those are.
It’s not like caves cost money. And eating and drinking are simply pleasures that one can do without.
About the only real expense is the AOL dialup fee to get on the Internet.
MemberExcellent point! Completely forgot Dogma, which is odd, because it’s not that frequent that the Demi-Urge exposes her true identity.
I know, a lot of Americans were disappointed to learn that God was a Canadian, which is a bit odd, given that her son was Judean, wondering if he had dual citizenship? Of course, it also annoyed people to learn that he actually had two moms, Alanis and Mary, now, given that we know that Alanis was raised Catholic, (i.e. God is a Catholic) which mother’s maternal line counts for determining Jewishness?
Cause if he was Catholic and not Jewish, Church dogma starts getting a bit confusing.
MemberWell, I do enjoy the feedback you get by putting the mic next to the speaker, that squealing is very erotic I have to admit.
So maybe…
MemberI love “Lucy”
I’m currently in Lucy withdrawal as it is on hiatus.
YPFIGTH is also great!
In terms of a movie: I think “He Never Died” certainly counts. On Netflix, probably on Amazon in some form.
Main characters are hard, however if you include major characters:
The Messengers (CW on Netflix)
Constantine (TV show & Movie)
Ash vs the Evil Dead (Starz–yes, supposedly they are undead–but they are actually demon possessed corpses which is why they are the Evil Dead) also associated moviesOf course, if, on the other handm you want Gods as the main characters, then you are required by law to watch:
The Almighty Johnsons (also on Netflix)
For the moment, that’s what comes to the top of my head, having watched them. I am not including Anime, in which case, the list really grows…
Memberif you include anime, you really need to include my buddy Ryuk’s series, DeathNote…
Yes, yes, peeps will try and tell you that Light is the hero, but that’s all BS, Ryuk is the only truly important character in the series, after all, it’s his DeathNote.
Sheesh, haven’t seen Ryuk in a while, we used to have lots of fun together, he’s also quite handsome, if I do say myself, a true leading man sort of actor.
MemberAh, yes, that makes sense since you all do parthenogenesis or actually no ovum either, you just decide to “split”
Hmm, sort of like some of the Olympians…
Do you telepathically stay in contact with your child-sibling-clones?
MemberYes, Beast Core as well, OK, so it’s not me just completely missing out.
I wonder if there is some game out there that has these cores? Perhaps that is what they are basing it on.
You know what also would have been fun…is if something happened to zap all the undeadites out into the real world and he/his game self and NPC’s could begin over running the “real world”
Hah hah. I love that conceit! “Real World” Everyone know the Real World was a tightly scripted, faux-reality series. Why Thomas Convent types always want to get back to that place is beyond me. Bleck!
MemberI’m not complaining, willing to try give it a go.
I do think loyalty to ones underlings is very important. Particularly since I always end up as an underling.
One of these days, I want to be the Dread Dark Lord Tizzy….
MemberOf course, to be perfectly honest.
Underling, lacky, toadie is not that bad of a job…
If you declare yourself to be a Dark Lord, it’s like painting a target on your back for those stupid heroes. Talarius being case in point. They are always coming after you.
As a toady, no one really cares about me, so when things go bad, I can hightail it out of there with my skin intact.
Remember the motto:
[size=6][color=red][quote]He who flees and runs away,
Lives to flee another day![/quote][/color][/size]Tizzy
MemberEach time is a new and different Beta Verse! That way T-A-G hides the previous sausage makings from people who weren’t there. As a beta demon, you have permanent access to whatever books you beta’d. Assuming we don’t switch forums at some point, so permanent doesn’t mean what it does in the Abyss….but you only get to see your beta’s.
Tizzy, no wonder you’re called the Einstein of the Abyss!
Yes, when in doubt, stick to Tradition!I don’t know much about Dysnoma, sounds rather frigid. But! if she’s anywhere like Lilith or Bess, Tom and Dysnoma would make an incredible Couple, one made by the gods! Literally and specifically made possible by Zeus and Hera.
Hmmm… seems like it was encouraged on his Uncle’s side, the Nyjyr Ennead too. Lots of mother-aunt-sister-cousin-second-cousin-niece-wife kind of relationships back in Ancient Egypt. Pretty sure they sanctioned that… it would be rather rude for the gods to not practice what they preach after all.[/quote]Thank you for noticing that title of mine!
Yes, gods do sleep around, usually because they forget exactly who they are related to over the millennia, and boredom, and taboo. And of course Hypocrisy: What’s the point in punishing worshipers for a sin, that you aren’t free to do whenever you want. That’s the point of being a god, doing things that others are not aloud to because you are god.
Actually, I point out that Bess is already sleeping with both Exador and Ramses as well as Anup, who she actually likes. So, I don’t think she’s opposed to sleeping around, but not sure how loyal of a love interest she would be.
Tom does not strike me as a player.