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MemberOf course, the most obvious secret would be that he actually is who he says he is…but then Sam might have recognized him since supposedly Dante and Virgil were climbing all over him and apparently went through his belly-button or some such silliness.
Of course, the more awkward thing would be for Sam to reveal himself and force Dante to admit that his writings were all fiction…
Hmm, so I wonder where Virgil is? Seems like he should have been the Cartographer or something. Unless, Virgil is trapped in Sam’s dungeon or something like that.
That would be funny, Virgil trapped in the lowest level of Sam’s dungeon, half frozen in ice and gnawing on traitors! Hah hah!
Never liked Virgil.
Uhm…not that I knew him. Nope. Not at all. Never met the guy! Never mind…. :-“
MemberWow, that’s very weird, everyone gets sort of a first login “pass” on verification, you must have stayed logged in for quite some time….
You should be good now!
MemberMy potential insanity????
I prefer to talk about my potential sanity! It’s the rest of you who are unable to perceive the multiverse in its true form!
So you got like dragon heads? And I assume very versatile other parts if you can mate with anything. Hmm, that could be interesting. Very sure that Hesseforthalus would want to meet you!
MemberI like “Doombucks” going to talk to Tom and Volund about that, maybe rename our coins Doombucks.
They aren’t paper, of course, they are a very durable coin, the largest denominations have gems in them. For example the keg. Stands for kilo-goldpiece, it’s worth 1024 gold pieces. Used to be worth only 1000, but then we went digital.
MemberWell, if you need to get paid, you’ll need to flag down the cruise ship he’s currently floating around in.
Looks like a Typhoon class submarine with what appears to be 3 conning towers.
I hear he’s planning to visit Tom in the near future.
MemberWell, they didn’t actually have their shields up, silly Oorstemothians. If they’d had their shields up it would have been a different story.
As to the bodyguard? You might note that Sam was bothered by, and accused him of, “stealing his schtick” This implies that the bodyguard was purposefully impersonating/stealing Sam’s routine/persona of being a fallen angel. Which, if he was a fallen angel, would not be stealing Sam’s routine, it would be legitimate. So Sam does not seem to believe that Salvatore is who he says he is.
I also point out that Melissance has no problem sharing a cabin with her lowly bodyguard. Mighty progressive of her, and her archdemon husband.
MemberYes, the shields were mentioned as not having been fully brought up, technically a very huge breach of protocol for Oorstemothians. However, they really aren’t that used to such extreme ranged weapons. Normal fireballs/lightning bolts would have been suppressed by what they had up.
And yes, ‘Salvatore’ was goading Sam. However, it’s a bit risky for an archdemon’s servant to purposefully antagonize a demon prince. See Major Domo, who also knew who Sam was. However, an archdemon, aligned with, and close to Asmodeus? Much safer to goad. Demon Princes and Archdemons often run in the same social circles and play power games, given that there really aren’t that many demon princes and the line between archdemon and demon prince is far blurrier than the lines to everything lower.
MemberWell, it’s all rather iffy, and very political, but yes, they (he and Lilith) call themselves princes, first (two) among equals (ahem)
All of those folks have mighty big egos and for the sake of avoiding all out warfare…the Courts are, what the Courts are and names are what they are.
No one is really wanting to “test” the limits. All of them are slightly neurotic. The worst thing that could happen would be for them to push too hard and provoke a true test of power only to find out that they (whoever/whichever prince) is not as powerful as they thought.
True power among the princes is not just raw blasting power, but influence, and how much “power” others think you have. It is better to remain quiet and ominous and let everyone fear you, then to have to put your cards on the table and perhaps reveal you aren’t as powerful as everyone thought.
In your own world, it’s often possible for a mighty nation to be humbled, and proven less powerful than perceived and lose a lot of ‘face’ and influence.
The Spanish Armada comes to mind, but there are many more recent examples.
MemberDo they have purple wolves in this series?
That might push me over the edge to reading it…
And on that front, are they naturally purple, or do they bleach their fur and then dye it purple?
If they can dye it purple, what about other colors? I’d like to see a tie dyed wolf! Wouldn’t that be cool?
Not sure how easy it is to tie a wolf up in knots and then dye it, seems like a good way to get bitten but…no risk, no reward!
MemberSo is it humorous?
I like humor. As you are probably aware, I live in a set of worlds beset by high anxiety and paranoia. Everyone is always freaking out about other people’s machinations. It’s drama drama drama. About like living in a telanovela, but not as campy. Fewer catfights…ooh…I bet Bess could put up one heck of a cat fight against some one…hmm Jehenna?
Anyway, I find it useful to relax and read about some lower stress parts of the universe. Some place where people have a sense of humor and things are lighter and not so gravitas bound.
MemberVery odd, many of those books you mention also appear on Amazon next to DoA.
Do not get why. Those are light hearted fantasies full of joy and humor. Where DoA is all tragedy, conspiracy, paranoia and impending Armageddon. Very dark and gloomy. The book has only one empathetic character full of joy, compassion and a sense of humor. Now admittedly, that happens to be the protagonist. One of the few books out there with an eight-limbed chain smoking hero that everyone can relate to.
Had not heard of Unconventional Heroes, going to have to investigate.
You should paste it in a public forum where everyone can laugh at T-A-G!!!!
It won’t be the first time, nor the last time. [woot]
Actually you can post it in here too if you want. If it’s an actual inconsistency it has to be resolved at some point. Typically with seriously contorted logic.
Yesterday I went to the theatre and saw the most terrifying horror movie of my very long life. [omg]
I was left quaking in fear, and weeping at the horrible tragedy that befell the protagonist.
It was the story of this exceptionally strong, incredibly handsome and charismatic fellow living in blessed solitude within his lovely palace with a few trusted servants.
One day this burglar breaks into his palace. Being a nice, charming fellow, the protagonists simply imprisons the burglar in the dungeon rather than kill him, as would have been warranted.
A little bit later, this hideous, cruel evil witch comes to the palace and demands the burglar be freed. Being more than reasonable, the protagonist offers a trade, burglar goes free, witch stays. Of course, the protagonist is unaware that this foul woman is a wicked witch out to ensnare him into eternal servitude (like wizards to with demons).
She then begins, over a series of days, to enchant our protagonist, corrupting him and slowly distorting his personality. She forces him to fall in love with her, and then finally bespells him and transforms him into this hideous, shriveled, weasily sycophantic creature, forever sworn to obey her slightest command.
Agh! It’s a good thing I wasn’t at Doom, or I wouldn’t have been able to sleep! So it’s a good thing I didn’t need to!
I’ve been shaking in terror ever since I saw this movie. Horrible. Chilling.
All I can say is, if you have offspring, do NOT take them to see this, it will scar them permanently!
I’d suggest putting them in front of the TV and put in some sort of family-friendly movie in the player, you know, like the Human Centipede or a SAW movie.
Something lighthearted, stable, safe, relaxing and comforting.Tizzy
Very interesting point. Apparently he does. Which, of course, would contradict a heck of a lot of what wizard’s believe/know.
That would make perfect sense for a demon to say, but not a human.
Hmm, mmh, hmm…T-A-G and his beta demons have some ‘splainin to do…
Good catch!
MemberWell, it’s not me sleeping with her, it’s the Mountain (or whoever is under that helmet since his skull is supposedly on another continent).
I think it would be quite interesting, would he take the helmet off? Is there anything under it for her to make out with? Can he “neck” with her? OK, that’s now sort of a weird form of French Kissing, French Necking, assuming he has a tongue.
Is the helmet now like an exoskeleton?
You have to admit, this could be a very mysterious romance. Hmm, intriguing [scared]