Forum Replies Created
MemberThat’s a good question. There are couple of worlds where certain demons are particularly attracted to.
“Earth” or Earth variants and Astlan are two huge ones.
I think for demons this is because those two worlds are highly correlated. A great number of human originated demons come from “Earth” and most of them are sucked over by Astlanian wizards. The wizards, and before them, aniwizards of Astlan are well known to be some of the most conjury of all people in the multiverse.
So I think the affinity of conjured from and conjured to is what does it. Astlan is the place where many of the big demons (of the last 4 to 5 thousdand years) spent their most “formative” years and so that’s basically a place they fixate on.
You would find, I believe, that demons of other generations would be fixated on different places, it really comes back to where they were first summoned and Astlan has been the busiest summoning location in the last several thousand years.
More would probably go back to Earth, but that place is lower entropy and the mana there is has generally been “hoovered up” by the priests of the demiurge. So the place is a pain to do much with.
Of course then, the other question is, why are the Nyjyr Ennead hanging out on that crappy moon?
MemberOoh, rotten baby’s feet?
That’s a great scent! I am wondering if I can get that scent in an oil for my reed diffuser (notice the R–not a W)
If that moon smell’s like Rotting Baby Feet, I’m going for vacation!
MemberThou art well come!
MemberSo golems are discussed, the process is not that different for other arcane devices as for creating a golem and imbuing it with a spirit.
They escaped! Or someone summoned them.
They are much more active than your average gelatinous cube! Clearly a sign of demonic power!
T-A-G is still out to lunch. Although he is at least typing again. I would say “writing” is still too strong a term, not until I have an opportunity to read what he is typing.
His fall was horrible, he had like a bajillion tiny excuses about family in hospital with cancer, hackers running rampant over his client and destroying months and months of his work.
You know trivial details that are just sad excuses for not writing.
Drats on that last part “beta testing”, the first part got me excited because we’re going to be needing lots of blood for the ink in the Premium Tome when the book(s) is all finished.
Once all the volumes are written, I am planning to have T-A-G release a giant single volume Tome (you know the sort of giant book on a pedestal) and we are going to need blood for ink, and also if anyone wants to volunteer for the cover? We need lots of high quality leather.
Maybe when you are done “borrowing” the shell? I’m OK with hand me downs.
MemberNot so much. I mean, it is possible that some demon could reanimate/possess a corpse, there are “Undead” that are not “Unlife” that are spirits that reanimate corpses, but as rule, it’s easier to possess a living creature.
Ravens and crows are very easy to possess. You can’t imagine the fun we–ahem–some people–had “faking omens” from Odin! Boy that used to tick him off!
I miss Loki, so much.
As becomes very clear to the Storm Lords on their trip through the Abyssal Switch, the Abyss is not at all friendly to Unlife as it is completely neutral. It is the fastest way to cure a ghoul, it makes zombies very very sick, they literally puke up their guts. Assuming they still had any.
MemberYeah, getting zapped by raw [i][b][color=red]FIRE[/color][/b][/i] channeled through the Wand might hurt.
MemberActually, that’s why you just don’t generally summon any big demons, archdemons, princes.
Even if you think you have a spell that “might” hold them. They have so many tricks up their sleeves, they are always going to have a way to get around whatever you have prepared.
I think one key way of thinking of this is that they are all thousands if not hundreds of thousands or millions of years old and pretty much know every trick in the book.
A very old alvaran conjuror with a ton of experience would probably have the best luck against an archdemon, but would still be out matched by a demon prince.
MemberYou are hereby authoritated!
When the beta is about to start, T-A-G will post a link, and email everyone that has posted in this forum about it.
Anyone who clicks on the link will be magically transformed into a beta demon with betademonsight. Betademonsight allows one to see otherwise invisible forums and links on this website. There beta demons will be able to download a beta copy to read/review and comment on in the beta forums.
Be sure and read the current forum visible to everyone about the dangers of being a beta demon. Beta demons are able to alternate versions of reality, things that might never be and have the power to influence those maybe-verses. It’s like reality sausage making.
MemberAhh, it’s good to see young people, sub-millenials (meaning people under 1,000 years old) who have goals and aspirations and strive to follow role models.
Even a lot of millenials, people in their early 1,000’s, have few goals or plans for the rest of eternity.
Boggy, of course, is an exception, he approached me early on with various business proposals that have all been quite fun.
I am glad to see that you are also an exception. It gives me hope for the next million years or so.
MemberAnd now you’ve got me doing it, repeating myself, that is.
But on the other hand, I can’t think of anyone I want to repeat more than myself, so this is a good thing.
Sounds good.As the beta’s draw near (within a week or two of them) T-A-G will harvest all the names oe people who’ve posted in the appropriate forums for each book and email them and let them know.
There will also be an announcement in the forums, and in all cases a magical link, that when clicked will bestow Beta Demon powers on the clicker, allowing them to see certain alternate timelines, realities and possible futures.
MemberI understand, but carefully exercising, pushing against the light–that’s how you get stronger.
Sure, it may take you a few thousand, or ten thousand, or hundred thousand years, but eventually you’ll expand your cool darkness and be a giant shadow like Morthador capable of darkening an entire city in the middle of the day!