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MemberI will rewrite my reply later in the day today…I don’t know where it went…
MemberSo again, don’t know where my long message went, but reading again, not sure what I wrote was exactly what you asked.
Time mostly flows the same on Earth and Astlan and most of the similar localverses. Calendars are obviously different since different planets have different days, months, years etc.
But things are basically sequential through most of the planes that can easily communicate with each other. I.e. the Time Quanta are the same.
But, not necessarily, and this is part of why the Altrusians are so difficult to contact, there are other races in other localverses where time is not consistent.
This comes back to the earlier discussion (somewhere) about what worlds are easily accessible to each other and how some parts of the multiverse are too far out there to easily get to. It’s out in those boonies where time starts to get weird.
Actually, this is not my area of expertise, Phaestus and Volund are much better at this. This is something that world gates have to compensate for, so those two and their teams can explain such things better. Too much math for me to bother with.
As will be brought up in OOA:ITN, there are very strict rules in the Concord of Conciliation about intraversal time travel, however, the rules are looser for interversal time travel, because it is sometimes necessary to “effectively” time travel to get where you need to go, in other words to match up with non-syncrhonous timelines.
There is no day or night in the Abyss, so the CoC arbitrarily setup their own nights/days, Doom took the same time frame because people were going back and forth to the Courts (OK, Orcus was–not until much later did the Courts know about Mount Doom.)
The length of a day in the Courts/Doom is the same length as in Astlan, this was again arbitrary, but chosen since so many people were commuting there (willingly or not)
Since pretty much everything works in the Abyss, yes, an atomic clock would work in the Abyss, however, there could be some variances, so I am not sure the accuracy would be as good. But there are ways of compensating and one can use different decay chains from different elements, so there are similar devices in the Abyss/Doom that can be very accurate.
The World Gates, again, have a timing mechanism far more accurate than an atomic clock. Or at least more multiversally consistent and thus accurate.
MemberYeah, I would probably go with Bradyman to an extent.
You don’t specify how old you think Exador is, but he is considered a true prodigy, and both sides of this issue are brought up by other observers in future discussions.
A) Without him, even more incompetent people would not have gotten so far. I’m talking about you–Storm Lords!
B) His track record vs Tom and Lenamare is pretty bad.That being said, he did wipe out an entire adjoining nation in a fit of pique and terrorized Turelane for several generations.
To be fair, the truly scary one is Lenamare. Either that or Lenamare demonstrate’s Exador’s incompetence, depending on your perspective.
It is not inconceivable that someone who is truly evil and yet, supremely incompetent, might accidentally (with help???) raise to the highest heights of power and privilege (you know “Most powerful man on Planet X” etc). I mean, obviously, this would never happen on your Earth, but it does sometimes happen on some worlds.
Few things, both Exador and Ramses are very young, and up and coming, “fast track” archdemons, neither is over 5,000 years old.
Ramses is, of course, Ramses the Great/Damned/The Mummy etc. Bess and friends talk about how he got his (mortal/Pharaoh) ass handed to him by the Demiurge between a set of nasty plagues and losing most of his army in the Red Sea when Moses and friends fled Egypt. Talk about embarrassing!
Exador is about the same age, both are very young, and were very active within a few thousand years of becoming demons. This is, actually, quite impressive. So they are very good, but very young, as archdemons go. So we can forgive some stupidity.
But, Lenamare is a mortal, and yet somehow who manages to compete on a level playing field with Exador. Very embarrassing. Makes you wonder if Lenamare is secretly a demon prince. :-” [biggrin] He isn’t, just thought I’d freak you!
Trevin? More like Dame Edna crossed with Karen Carpenter at 90 than Dame Helen Mirren at any age. Or maybe Sylvia Fine (Fran Fine’s (the Nanny)’s mother) dressed like Barbara Eden in I Dream of Jeanie?
As far as Elrose, Conjurors have very little respect for Thaumaturge’s, Sorcerer’s or Enchanters. Basically, they only appreciate other Conjurors and Pyromancers. People that cause big, deadly explosions, or people who can summon others to create massive blood baths.
Phoenix Cycle will be heavily detailed in the future….
MemberThere are so many possibilities, when you include all the groups that do this, that I don’t have the space on the disk to write it all up.
Traditional D’Orcing is identical to what happened in Book 3, the most (extremely) common exception being that we weren’t planning on that D’Orc dying so weren’t ready. In that case, with really good candidates, we generally try to arrange have a Shaman to be standing by with an animajar (or two) to capture his/her (and the warg’s) soul, as needed.
But that’s us, can’t really speak for other groups. Animajars are very useful though, very useful!
MemberClose? Yes, if you mean close in Gormegast Galactic Units, you are within a GLY.
Which is pretty close in terms of ӔV travel times….
MemberYeah, this dragon business is very confusing.
You might call Abyssal Dragons, D’Dragons, but that technically would not be correct since they are not really mortal dragons that have been demonized.
Rather they are a race of aliens of a rather lizardlike nature, who when first summoned as a demon, take on the appearance of the Abyssal Dragons, which happen to look rather similar to certain species/races of mortal dragons.
I have to admit, that I don’t think I’ve seen a mortal dragon demonized, probably because there aren’t a lot of wizards of any race (other than dragons) who can speak the true names to truly bind them to the Abyss. I sort of assume that mortal dragon wizards are not myopic like Lenamare and friends.
MemberMind wipes don’t work with true names, many people simply don’t consciously know or remember their true name. So you can sometimes bind them with what they think is their true name, at least until they realize it is not and wake up and smell the dead wizard.
Summoning con-men demons can be tricky.
Or what about a member of the Umbrella Academy? Their true names are very ambiguous “Number 5” ???
The thing to keep in mind, I keep telling myself is that a true name is not necessarily the calling name or christian name or whatever you call it. In large part, it is a reflection of one’s internal self-identity.
People with DID present some definite challenges.
But yes, that is what wizards do with certain spells, they compel the neo-demon to give up their name, remember Lenamare did it with Tom. Tom’s true name was his full name, or at least it was sufficiently close that it allowed him to be bound.
See, there is the trick. Because so many demons come from Earth, where, particularly today, true names aren’t what they used to be and most people think of their true name as their given name and so “allow” themselves to be bound by it. And…well…this leads into many a long treatise that are gathering dust in the Council of Wizardry library.
Now, the interesting question that comes up from your mind wipe question. What about reincarnation? Lots of religions do it, do people keep their true names through reincarnation? This gets very tricky. And I’ll leave that to one’s local reincarnating deity.
That would be a good idea, assuming the dragon didn’t eat your kid. I am sure you could work out a deal, get 3 complex true names for the price of your fourth child being named “Dinner.”
Of course, as we all know, dragons love virgins, sort of like unicorns–weird fetish–but children too young to have sex are not sufficiently pure to qualify, yes they are virgins but they have many other interesting/tasty qualities (see Liltith’s drinking habits). But for dragons, I think they want sexually mature virgins.
So at say sixteen? Dinner is served!
MemberThat’s very close to the traditional sacrificial model as well.
I assume you have seen [url=]DragonSlayer[/url]? (not to be confused with Dawn of the Dragonslayer–which is decent, but completely different and much newer)
Probably the most classic wizard vs dragon movie EVER.
Of course, be sure to bring lots of kleenex, because it’s a real tear jerker of a tragedy. But then you can guess that from the title.
MemberWhat if I just reset the pwd on your old account so you have your history and rank?
Also each Beta sign up is new/different, so the main reason for adding a new account to the old/dead betas is if you want to go back and look up issues from them.
Which is fine, we can do that, but I’m thinking just resetting your old pwd would be best so you keep your demonic rank etc.
Was the old account the same email address, just different name? Because if so, when I reset, you should auto send you a link to original email.
If you want to use a newer email, I can update the old account with newer email.
MemberSo I believe (I mean, I know it’s you–but not 100% sure that was your most original one) your previous account just has 159 numbers fewer at the end of your username, i.e. half as many numbers.
I first clicked “Force Password Change” but that only seemed to force you to change password on next logon, so then I switched pages and Send Password reset link and clicked that. You should have gotten an email to reset it.
Of course, given the infernal bureaucracy here, you will then probably have to change you password again after you login after resetting it….
MemberSuper! Thanks (to me, not T-A-G)!
As you know, the characters seem real, because they are. This is a documentary of events that actually happened. I am narrating them to T-A-G and he is (incredibly slowly) transcribing them.
Actually, Trevin has no alvaran blood, but you are correct that she is not human (but she is definitely a diplomat), despite appearances. One might see her advanced age as the clue.
However, Elraith Castegones, the Senior Elder of the Grove is human and he is also centuries old, but that’s because of his druidic lore. As you probably know, druids eat a lot of granola and yogurt so….
Alvea, yeah that’s her main role, so far, but it’s been at most a quarter month, so she’s still within the legal mourning period for humans. I think, we demons don’t have mourning periods.
I personally find the tin can to be annoying, but he’s been useful to Tom, so….I won’t eat him. But, I’m sorry, the guy tried to kill me permanently on our first date. That’s rude if you ask me. Actually, I think that’s a serial killer sort of thing. Although since he was trying to kill a bunch of us permanently, he’s more like a mass murderer–or at least a wannabe.
MemberWell…I’m not saying that I didn’t…it’s really just a question of when I did that….
MemberI was, however, lying to Jenn about liking to eat babies.
I don’t like eating babies.
They are too mushy for my taste, kind of like a marshmallow with crunchy bits…
MemberThere people go again!
Why do people keep confusing me with the Concordenax? any time we’re in the same room together, it’s blatantly obvious we look nothing alike.
I have nice, young, supple, greenish-yellow scales, the Concordenax has a brown leathery hide and unlike super helpful me, is a trouble maker that no one has seen in a very long time! Including me!
I am forthright and forthcoming, and am always around to be helpful, while the Concordenax likes to play hard to get, and hide and seek and is very, very good at it.
That’s one reason I call the Concordenax a trouble maker, never around when needed! Makes my life very difficult!
MemberWell that’s because they were overwhelmed by the preposterousness of the Concordenax thing.
However, I am very fiendish, but only fiendish. And yes, my teeth are a bit long, but maybe some of us just don’t want to learn from our years of experience and want to stay we are.
The simple thing is, “with great power comes great responsibility” and since I vehemently don’t want any responsibility, I therefore do not want any great power, medium power or small power. Also, absolute power corrupts absolutely, so therefore, in order to stay pure, I must not accept any power.
I am but a simple observer of the universe, just like my old friend Nathan Brazil, we just like to sit around watching the worlds go by.