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  • in reply to: Beta? #7906

    Ah, Fair enough, yeah at a certain point i’d imagine making a list would be just as long and tedious as just doing some of the things you have to do on said hypothetical list.

    in reply to: This Just In! #7919

    Turns out there are secret wizards in the Earth Planes.

    Nicolas Cage Confirmed!

    [img=]Nicolas Cage, suspected Wizard?![/img]

    More News on the way!

    in reply to: This Just In! #7921

    Bulk Food Store is having a sale on crackers right now 😛

    in reply to: This Just In! #7923

    [img=]Mmmm….[/img]I personally like to buy those Popcorn Twists, love those things.

    in reply to: This Just In! #7925

    Could be, no idea if there’s even popcorn in it. Your guess is as good as mine.

    in reply to: Can Tom go Home? #6051

    Yeah i have to agree with Iume, SG1 is great, SG:A i never really got into, and SGU i didn’t really like. I’ve never actually seen BSG, surprisingly.
    I never had that early period of dislike for the beginning season, so either i just really like it or i had clouded judgment or something i don’t know.

    My viewing path is a bit stranger than other since i’m a early 90’s guy who didn’t really have consistent computer usage until mid 2000 and then gradually switched from TV to none at all half a decade ago, so there are a lot of obscure things i’ve seen and things i should’ve seen that i have not seen.

    also Canadian Cable had issues back in the day.

    And yea, since Netflix was forced to stop people from seeing other regional Netflix content with VPNs it’s not that great anymore, at least in places with less coverage and “copyright” international usage crap, fucking stupid that is.

    Oh by the way i can’t find a way to add my avatar Via the forum, only the website, so if there would be a way to remedy that i’d be very thankful ^_^

    in reply to: Countdown Beta? #5420

    Yeah could i request an Avatar Purge? can’t seem to find where to change/remove my forum avatar, but i think i got the main page avatar working.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4794

    [quote=Mikey;3187][quote=Iume;3185]I’m getting withdrawals here.[/quote]

    There are too many writers all hung up on Aristotle’s conception of tragedy (good people get fucked, let’s all revel in the sadness) compared to Tizzy’s more Hegelian approach of pitting “good” against “good” and their inability to share points of view being the tragedy.

    But let me quote myself from another forum: Astlan (J. Langland), Fimbulwinter (E. William Brown), Portals of Infinity (John Van Stry) and Gilán (Scott Duff)[/quote]

    ah, i’ve read almost all of those, good reads.

    Mikey, what is Gilán about? and could you please link me Gilán or Scott Duff’s Site? thanks bud.

    in reply to: Rambles and Speculations #4797

    Iume, I’m not sure if that’s the same Duff, at least, i don’t see Gilán on his book list.

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3148

    You really should show your criticisms in a more objective manner because it just reads like: My selfish overemphasized views are so important that I’m going to say it was more than me who hold them as their thoughts on the book. Sounds more like people can’t handle pauses between the action like jittery children, also it hardly seems to be ‘helpful’ the way that you throw things out there like banging a stick against a tree like so much pointless background noise. I for one think there’s a difference between personal gripes and actual critique.

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3151

    Which is funny because I could’ve sworn i applied for that, but meh, not really complaining at this point since the books out and I like it. :-s

    in reply to: ETA: Next book #3141

    Well i quite liked the book, and although there is a lot of POV switching and unanswered questions running around my mind at the moment regarding some characters, I don’t find fault for it that it isn’t all resolved in this one book considering it isn’t a individual enclosed addition but more like a chain link of continuous literature. To be honest Rosver it sounds like you’re taking the counter-comments [b]Very[/b] personally for some reason, but it’s not my job or desire to question someone [i]ungeschliffen[/i] as you are, so I’ll leave it be. 5 stars TAG good read can’t wait for book III =d>

    in reply to: Name of Book 3 #4553

    Although it has most likely been decided at this point I’m gonna suggest [i][b]The Doom Chronicles of Tommus[/b][/i]

    Just for fun :-“

    in reply to: Name of Book 3 #4555

    Fair enough 😛

    in reply to: This book was epic. #4584

    Yes i really enjoyed Book II, I’ve already reread it twice although i did skim through the side views on subsequent reads since I’m more interested in Tom’s/acquaintances/abyss side, but that’s just me and not a reflection on the writing quality. You did a great job as expected and I’m already impatient for the next one. =d> =d> =d>

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