Name of Book 3

Welcome To Astlan Forums The Apostles of Doom Name of Book 3

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    Vote people vote @_@


    Beta Demons!!!! We need a name for Book 3


    If you are a Heavenly Host Beta Demon, login and vote for the name of Book 3. We are now on the second and final round.

    [size=8][color=red][b]I can’t release Book 2 until Book 3 has a name!!!![/b][/color][/size]


    Although it has most likely been decided at this point I’m gonna suggest [i][b]The Doom Chronicles of Tommus[/b][/i]

    Just for fun :-“


    Yeah, that’s a good one, but it was “decided” in that I put it as the last line of the story. As a Postscript.

    “The Demons of Astlan will continue in Apostles of Doom”


    Fair enough 😛

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