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  • in reply to: Fantasy – Book Recommendations #8605

    [size=6]Unremarkable. That’s the word! I was expecting a villain using [url=]The Evil Overlord List[/url], and got some tepid tea water instead.[/size]

    in reply to: Fantasy – Book Recommendations #8607

    Oh, was that yours? SO sorry.

    in reply to: Fantasy – Book Recommendations #8592

    [size=7]Love Prequel, but it’s been on hiatus for a bit now. Still very entertaining to read through.

    On the Urban Fantasy front, I recommend [url=]The Black Wolves of Boston[/url] by Wen Spencer. It’s amusing, action-packed, with enjoyable characters, and an interesting world. [/size]

    in reply to: Fantasy – Book Recommendations #8594

    Like brotha wolves?[/quote]

    [size=6]LOL, no, like wolves that are black colored, as opposed to grey, white, or purple.

    in reply to: Fantasy – Book Recommendations #8596

    No, there aren’t any purple wolves. That would be interesting. There is tie dye, but it’s a vampire’s hands when he tries to make shirts. Still, the book was quite entertaining. One thing had me literally laughing until I jiggled away from the desk (no falling out of chairs for me!). [-x

    in reply to: Fantasy – Book Recommendations #8598

    There is a good mix of humor and serious.

    Ha! Catfight. I saw what you did there!

    in reply to: Book Recommendations #8456

    [size=6]Reading Book Three of the Slime Dungeon ([url=]The Dungeon’s Child[/url]). It’s pretty funny so far. Doc really is kind of dumb. But his core is in the right place. Right next to his pixie’s house!

    in reply to: Fantasy – Book Recommendations #8585

    [size=7]Just finished re-reading [url=]Legacy of the Twice Dead God[/url]. MC gets seemingly overpowered in the first book, but the series seems to escalate well. Not sure exactly where it’s going in Book 4. [/size]

    in reply to: Fantasy – Book Recommendations #8588

    [size=7]Actually, he posted on his blog in January that he’s still writing the next book “Connections”. There were a lot of loose plot threads at the end of book 3. Hopefully the next book will tie some of them off. Really not sure where you can go after killing an elder god. Maybe the mall?

    What is it about super-powered teenagers that make them remain virgins? [/size]

    in reply to: Book Recommendations #8448

    Please return to your point of origin, or the nearest convenient parallel dimension.

    I never thought about that. What if the Tartarus AI falls in love with Tom?

    in reply to: Love Interests, Romantic Partners and Hook Ups #8276

    No, never seen it before. Seems kind of a picky eater, though. Might be a distant cousin, but to be honest, cube “family trees” tend to be…straight sticks, so not likely.

    in reply to: Love Interests, Romantic Partners and Hook Ups #8278

    It depends. If there’s plenty of food and space, we can form family units. And no telepathy, just cube-talk. Though Fiendish Cubes have something like telepathy.

    If we have to compete for food and space, we tend to eat the little buggers.

    And not all reproduction is asexual. Two cubes of approximate size and strength can sorta merge and produce cubelings, then unmerge. It’s not the same as you binary gendered beings, but similar in task.

    in reply to: Love Interests, Romantic Partners and Hook Ups #8280

    [quote=Tizzy;6735]Ooh, when you have cubesex, do you share a mental bond, like Vulcan Mindmeld or Martian Manhunter bonding, or Na’vi pony tail sex?

    Uh, no…that’s…uh

    No. Why would anyone do that?

    in reply to: Book Recommendations #8436

    Oh! I forgot about [url=]Overlord[/url]! This is a link to the original light novel. The first three have been translated to English. There’s also a one season anime that covers Vol. 1-3, and a manga series.

    in reply to: Book Recommendations #8444

    Yeah, +1 for Ancient Ruins. That was a different take on the “Dungeon as a MC” subgenre.

Viewing 15 posts - 91 through 105 (of 310 total)