Forum Replies Created
The Author Guy
MemberAh, cool.
The Author Guy
The audiobook version of Into the Abyss is now available to preorder on Amazon and most of the Audible apps/sites (if not then shortly) It will be released on 5/9/17
The Heavenly Host is scheduled for 6/9/17 and should be showing up before too long.
They are in audible format (rumors of iTunes and others are also out there, but not sure until I see them)
If sales of V.1 and V.2 are good, they’ll sign up to do V.3
It’s an audible book, so credits apply. I would assume that for owners of the kindle, a WhisperSync version will be available for cheap. However, won’t know that until it goes live, but I’ve seen Tantor books from other authors who’s kindle e-book I own offered more cheaply.
For your listening pleasure, v.1 clocks in at 24 hours and 38 minutes.
All that being said, haven’t heard it myself yet so excited to do so!
The Author Guy
MemberWait until after it goes onsale.
Assuming you have an ebook version you should be able to get it for $2.99 or similar per Whispersync.
Dungeon Born: The Divine Dungeon is also Tantor audio and since I own the ebook I can add the audio for $2.99 (prices may very) Same with others.
That’s the trick with audible/amazon, they do all sorts of crazy things.
They have 1 price that is list, to scare you into subscribing.
They have another “internal price” for people with a subscription
And then there is a price for people who previously bought the ebook or are buying both.
Given that I get 20% royalty, that could be $6.60, $4 or $0.60 who knows But really that’s how the paperback also works, I get something between $0.2 and $4.60 depending on how its sold.
I should hope that since a pre-order isn’t charged until the “book” is available” those that pre-order and own the ebook will only pay $2.99 or similar.
The Author Guy
MemberI was adjusting how backups were/are done and was having problems with backups overflowing and filling up the data disk and the forum, which logs all sorts of crap excessively was getting “disk full” errors and croaking. I hope I have it under control after 3 or 4 tries.
The Author Guy
MemberSo far, going so good after a few adjustments.
The Author Guy
MemberJoin the list by posting in this forum. You joined!
I know about Patreon for artists, I should have figured it would work about as well for authors.
I think the artists/authors provide exclusive or advanced access to patreons, the question would be: would such “gifts” slow down the books?
E.g. periodic shorts stories to patreons does take some time away from writing the main books.Nonetheless, it is certainly worth consideration.
edit note: When originally writing this post, I was apparently being possessed by Tizzy, however, having gotten out today and gotten some exorcise, I feel more myself.
The Author Guy
MemberHeh heh.
I think some of that is getting pushed off a bit. We’ve got these D’Orc squads closing in on various Dooms, so I think that, and battles surrounding them maybe eat up a lot of time. Also, it may take the Storm Lords [i]a bit longer[/i] to get back to Necropolis than they expected.
[SPOILER]As Exador tells them early on in book IV “what did you expect? You have to prepare both departure and destination points. We left in a hurry, remember how this was a foolproof plane? How many places do you think I have prepared where it will be night and your army not get barbecued?”
So they are not exactly somewhere convenient, and their army is in a really bad state after having gone through the Abyss, and are probably not going to want to do another switch anytime soon.[/SPOILER]
The Author Guy
MemberAll three are running neck and neck for wordcount; however, given that Doom’s Day (#4) is twice as long, it’s half as far as long.
This weekend, OOA (OOotA) has the most momentum, I suspect it and ITW will be neck and neck as to which gets to Beta first, which I sort of think will put the second place in line for Beta after the first one to get there, since I don’t think I want to do Beta for both at the same time, but we’ll see.
The Author Guy
MemberSo, had been working on ITW and Doom’s Day, but my mind keeps be drawn longingly to OOOA:ITN (Into the Night) [i] tentatively.[/i] or maybe Black Skies at Dawn or something on that line. (Sailing reference and the fact that the sky is black in space–mostly–unless you are staring into a nebula or a star, and if you are in a star cluster–well…I’m getting off topic
The problem, I am realizing with this book is that when you have a completely different measurement of time, lots of things have to change.
Most all science fiction sort of ignores this, assumes “Terran Normal” time. However, for a civilization that has spent thousands upon thousands of years in outer space, and are not from earth, that doesn’t cut it.
In particular when you have a metric calendar (and since Orks (well, physically intact Orks) have 10 fingers and 10 toes, metric/decimal would make sense.
10 Galactic Time Units/Galactic Hour
10 Galactic Hours/Galactic Day
10 Galactic Days/Galactic Week
10 Galactic Weeks/Galactic Month
10 Galactic Months/Galactic year
10 Galactic years/Galactic Decade
10 Galactic decades/Galactic Century
10 Galactic Centuries/Galactic MillenniumSo now, how far is a Galactic Light Year? What is the speed of light in these units, and then what are the rules for FTL in the new universe depending on your technology?
The point being is that it’s very easy dreaming story lines up, and you sort of forget all the intrinsic world building, or in this case galaxy building that’s required. Particularly since I’ve lived in the Astlan/Abyss part of the multiverse for so very long, all that stuff is done, written down, somewhere.
You forget how much has to go on behind the scenes. Of course, while time consuming, that’s some of the stuff I love the most I think. As a teenager I spent hour upon hour with paper and pencil (pre-computers) designing worlds, empires and medieval trading companies and trade routes. Eeesh
Even today, half the reason some of my other books aren’t finished is I spent all sorts of time in Visio designing buildings for the characters in SF stories, or plotting out journeys on Google Maps in a post apocalyptic world. It’s always something….
The Author Guy
MemberOh, yeah, then there is distance.
That’s why I like leagues. A league is the distance an average human (or similar) can walk in 1 hour. Doesn’t matter the time, doesn’t matter the circumference of your planet.
Doesn’t work in space, you can’t walk very far in space, in a Galactic Hour.
However, if you were then it’s the distance one can walk in a Galactic Hour (1/10 of a day)
So if we arbitrarily say that 1 GD is 25 Earth hours (for simple math) then a league is the distance you can walk in 2.5 hours which 7.5 earth miles (assuming a mile is 1/3 of a league)
On the other hand maybe they use klicks, that makes more sense…
But, what is the definition of a meter (and thus kilometer and klick)
Today, on earth it is: The meter is the length of the path traveled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1/299 792 458 of a second. Which seems a bit obscure, but it comes from the older definition as being the wavelength of radiation emitted by krypton-86, but that was taken because it was close to the older yet definition which was derived using a pendulum in Paris
None of this is likely to be the same in another universe or even other culture in this one.
See, fantasy is much easier because nobody cares what the speed of light is…
The Author Guy
MemberInteresting, good point.
However, historical events are such that, nope.
As Trig reveals early on, while people like his grandfather (from whom he inherited the stone) liked to tell tales of “The Doompire” and people know about it. It’s considered to be a myth.
The current consensus is that was a myth generated during the ‘interregnum” when the E-Corps and H-Corps invaded the Antilles Cluster trying to steal the cluster’s resources (think Avatar, but the Orks could fight back but not very effectively at first) It was a very brutal period starting a few hundred years after the fall of Doom and lasting a good thousand years before the Orks were able to finally able to begin evicting them during “The Cleansing”
It is believed to be a rallying myth to gather the horde back together and restore pride and honor. It’s very different than what many of the other Orc clans are dealing with, say in Astlan’s localverse. In Gormegast, the orks were able to restore their own glory, albeit at the cost of history.
The cleansing was over fifteen hundred years ago, and since then the Gormegast Horde has rebounded to great success (Gormegast is the planet of origin for all the Orks in the Antilles Cluster). They are not religious, although they are spiritual, with a form of rational ancestor worship and veneration (part of the shamanic traditions)
So, by and large, the Orks don’t believe in gods and supernatural beings. They know of them from myths and the Doompire is an important “myth” to them.
They are about to get a wake up call.
The Author Guy
MemberActually, it’s more straightforward, the speed of light in the the material realm is a limit, just as it is here.
They actually have both “gate travel” and hyperspace, however, hyperspace is actually the ӕthereal realm. In the ӕthereal realm 1) the speed of light is much higher and 2) matter and mass work much differently–see Gadius & Gaius story line–and the energy needed to accelerate a body is far far less 3) the big energy cost is in taking a large metal ship into the ӕthereal realm, once you are there, surpassing the material realm’s speed of light is relatively easy (again if you know what works for propulsion)
The Author Guy
Member[quote=Christopher Cope;6749][size=6]I thought it funny when I read a 2 star review of one litRPG book that boiled down to “Too much story, not enough game mechanics”[/size][/quote]
So, that person is clearly a GM, who loves reading the manuals to different games…I’m guessing hir idea of enjoyable non-fiction would be spending an evening curled up with the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.
As far as Pocket dimensions…something that was cut out of Book II was the Seas of Astlan storyline with three of the brigands who stole “the book” and are currently on Captain Asmeth’s ship sailing south along the coast of Oorstemoth.
They have a portable hole outfitted with bunkbeds and their chests, they open it up, climb down in, and have a draw string mechanism to close the hole behind them. It’s very safe camping, because from outside, their is just a tiny hole on the ground, very hard to find in the dark.
Of course, given the people inside, anyone finding the hole would be best off to leave it alone.
The Author Guy
MemberI loved Dungeon Keeper! Don’t remember playing it for that long for some reason…compared to Doom or MMORPGs later…you know, I think I still have the box for it in my pile of ancient disks.
War of the Overworld looks very interesting…however, that’s one more time suck than I need, I’m already overloaded with distractions…but it will haunt me….I’ll pray to Tiernon not to get sucked into it.
The Author Guy
MemberMost people will eventually get a clue and come around so that’s a good plan on your part.