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  • in reply to: Beta 0 Released #7003

    [quote=Burien;5333]-Nimbus peace talks – 2 cut Trevin explaining the Alvar treachery, leave that for Zargvarst – it makes Trevin look deceitful/complicit with the Alvar as it is.Let
    Zargvarst call Ariel out, then Trevin confirm Ariel’s treachery at dinner[/quote]

    This is the one I really want to investigate, because I don’t think that’s her intention.

    I think I’m good on keeping space constraints. Will review the others


    in reply to: Beta – Some Things and opinions #7086

    [quote=GameGraphix;5331]Jenn strikes me more as a tom boy…

    She has chosen a career as basically a herb / plant / earth mage (can’t remember the term off the top of my head) – which means she needs to go out into nature to gather plants – and is more then likely having to dig in the dirt mostly by herself……to me this is not a ‘glamorous’ career, where you can ‘look pretty’ when doing it..and be surrounded by admirers while she does it

    I would image that there are other magic fields that she could have gone into that are more glamorous – probably something to do with illusion or body modification – more focused on improving (or hiding) imperfections – in other words ‘it’s all about me’

    and I haven’t seen her do the ‘typically’ girly reaction it things – squeal, it’s a mouse….squeal, it’s a demon….or expect the males around her to take care of the mouse / demon

    also, she doesn’t seem to be very focused on her appearance…, ‘Oh, no I broke a nail’ from Jenn

    Off beat query – what is the gender distribution for mages??? Is it a 50% male / 50% female or is it more bias to one gender???

    Tom boys tend to gravitate to non-traditional female careers….I know when I first started studying IT, especially writing code – it was a male dominated field (90%) male


    I would think so to. Thaumaturgy is very much down in the field, it is not glamorous, it is not flashy, it is somewhat disrespected, it is the only school of wizardry that do healing magic. Thaumaturgy helps people in every day life, it’s very pragmatic.

    Many people going into wizardry find it too slow, too boring; however, it is actually incredibly powerful, but earth magic takes time for it’s efforts to be known, but in the end it’s unrelenting, both geomancy and the plants. Think of how nature reclaims everything man has built, eventually. Ozymandias, look on his works and…wait where are they? All i see is the desert?

    At some point, Trisfelt is going to get his chance to demonstrate the power of Thaumaturgy.

    BTW Do we all know that the poem Ozymandias, by Shelly was written about Ramses II, who is our Ramses.

    Now as for gender distribution, among humans (not other races)

    Wizardry is probably about 60 to 65% Male. However, the men tend to take the flashier/high profile jobs.
    Animages (in various forms) are probably 60 to 65% Female.

    Animagic is much more intuitive, in fact it’s completely intuitive and will power based, wizardry is much more rigid, rules oriented. Animagic is also more empathetic simply because of how it works with animus much more directly than wizardry.

    Wizardry is science/engineering so I suspect similar distributions as we see here for that.

    in reply to: Beta – Some Things and opinions #7087

    [quote=Iume;5330]Does anyone else think Jenn is an older Lisa Simpson.She is convinced she knows how the world works and is trying too hard to be an adult / mother.[/quote]

    I think that’s a very good observation. When I first “met” Jenn the Simpsons were in their first few seasons, so that wasn’t so obvious to me at the time, however, now, it’s very obvious, now that you point it out.

    in reply to: Beta – Some Things and opinions #7088

    [quote=Ben;5334][quote=Burien;5318]Reggie seems to have adapted fine, I understand it is in his new nature, but that should only make Tom think about it more. It might not be a big deal in demon form, but in Edward form he should have more trouble with hormones being that he is a teenager as well. He definately needs to relax, and i can easily see in Doom telling him to get laid.[/quote]

    Yeah I thought Tom didn’t seem as horny as you would expect a 16 year old lad to be. other than when he was marvelling at how big his junk was lol. Also he thought Reggie was hot so many times I thought he wasgoing to get it on with him![/quote]

    You know one of the reviews of Book 1 on Amazon was like a 1 star because of the pornographic nature of the book (and the demons I am sure) Demons and discussion of demon junk apparently really turned the reader off.

    As for Tom/Reggie? That fascination with the appearance of the Incubus is part of it’s magic, in fact the most powerful magic of the incubus, and a succubus as well. The evoke fascination, lust, desire in people, even those who would not normally be attracted to them.

    I point out that Tizzy was even being seduced when Reggie first showed up.

    in reply to: Beta – Some Things and opinions #7089

    [quote=Burien;5338]While romance isnt entirely nessesary, and the story is strong without it, it is a part life and hafl the fun of fantasy is the hero getting the girl, even if which girl dosent matter. Otherwise Tom will end up like Conan sitting on his throne looking constipated and forever alone. Just something unsatisfying about that, dosent half to be this book, but by the end of the series it would be cool.[/quote]

    The conan thing is very important…and I am sure romance will happen for him at some point, although being immortal, it might not happen in the time span of these books.

    The other thing to remember, among the immortals, there is no such thing as ‘happily ever after’ because ‘ever after’ is a VERY long time, and eventually people drift apart, particularly if they don’t have practical reasons to stay together (money, old age and care, someone to die with).

    Notice how infidelity is a major staple of almost every pantheon?

    in reply to: Beta – Some Things and opinions #7090

    [quote=Puck;5337]I remain firmly against Romance. : I The story is strong without it! Besides, its a problem he doesn’t need : I ugh imagine if Lilith got wind of it. [/quote]

    As much as some people have complained about the lack of romance, I’ve had just as many, if not more, be happy about the lack of romance.

    I think we are in one of those cycles where nearly everything requires romance. Even TV procedurals eventually start slipping romance in.

    I blame Sam and Dianne, personally.

    in reply to: Beta – Some Things and opinions #7092

    My first science fiction books were all Heinlein style YA SF, e.g. “Have Space Suite, Will Travel” also lots of the YA Andre Norton stuff.

    Romance was at best Leave it to Beaver.

    If you wanted adults? It was EE Doc Smith and a married couples that were platonic partners.

    Now of course, ERB had romance and such, but I found his stuff much later.

    I was also much older when I got to Heinlein’s adult stuff, but I’m not so sure that is so much romance as lust. I’d read Stranger and a Strange Land and even the Lazerous Long stuff, but when I read “The Number of the Beast?”

    I marched around my basement calling him a dirty old pervert, I thought he’d gone completely senile, I felt my youth had been violated or something.

    No idea why, I felt this way, particularly after Time Enough for Love, but there had been this 6 year absence and at last a new book and it shocked the hell out of me at a visceral level. Possibly because by that time I was much more cognizant of sex and it didn’t sail over my head for once. I was 15 by that point, almost Tom’s age.

    in reply to: Doom Busters & Other Issues #7184

    [quote=Mikey;5340]And in the right environment, Vaselle might well start rebuilding his personality on a sturdier foundation.[/quote]

    I really hope so, but his problems go back pretty far. He had his hopes and dreams as a child and they were all smashed, they destroyed his sense of identity, his purpose in life, so to speak.

    I find it a bit interesting that they were able to screen out Vaselle with his codependent personality issues, but they let Verigas in?

    Of course, I am pretty sure the real answer was that they had premonitions about his future…

    in reply to: Doom Busters & Other Issues #7185

    [quote=Giwdul;5341]That said, this type of tension does tend to wear off after several re-reads so I am not ‘feeling it’ as much as the first time through[/quote]

    Yeah, that’s a hard one, because with that sort of tension, you (or at least I) are always imagining the scenario in advance.

    I remember as a kid down in my basement layer (that no one else used so I took over for my DND & library) I’d be reading a new book and the anticipation would get so great that I’d drop the book, leap off the couch and sort of act out, or just march around, envisioning what I thought was going to happen. I had to march around/move to siphon of the building tension.

    Re-reading lessened that, mainly because after a few reads. you’ve played out all of your own scenarios in your head and have gotten accustomed to the author’s version.

    Not sure how to avoid that.

    in reply to: Doom Busters & Other Issues #7186

    [quote=Giwdul;5342]Had an idea for a cool Doom-Buster and a possible counter for it. I realize that you have already made the call about who/what the DB is going to be. I will just throw this idea out there. Maybe a piece of it can be of use.[/quote]

    Cool ideas, I really like both the solution and the vampyr dragon.

    I think I want to hold off on lava flows because I just used that one in the last book, I think the vampyr dragon I will bring out in a later book, mainly because the people most likely to get eaten are the ghouls and ghasts of the SL because they aren’t inside a giant stone fortress.

    But I really like that idea, just think the SL’s would use it somewhere that it will do more damage to the enemy than themselves. An unprotected city, for example, or the Isle of Doom itself…….

    in reply to: How do the Gods pay? #7227

    Well, that depends on the gods and the time period.

    The Olympians and some of the others with first tenants? They payed with magical assistance, supplies, mana etc to construct Tartarus, and then later Doom and then later yet, the Doomalogues. Also, someone needed to pay the Altrusians.

    So it was mana, politics, land on different worlds. And later on? most importantly? Favors. Clout. Think of Doom as sort of the Clinton Foundation of the Underworld, but ran by demons that have higher standards in terms of “right and wrong”

    All the stuff that Doom has, had to be surfaced later.

    To be honest, the payments that Tizzy is talking about collecting on is more about calling in debt. A lot of gods owe them these favors. At the time of Orcus’ death, Tizzy wanted to call in the favors and avenge Orcus

    in reply to: How do the Gods pay? #7229

    Yeah, that’s all coming up.

    One thing in the new beta is that I’ve upped Stainsberry’s presence, and people noticing his presence.

    In particular, Beragamos recognizes him as an agent of the Tribunal and reports on this to Tiernon, who is not amused.

    This is leaving the 5S trying to figure out if it is Orcus or the Nyjyr Ennead who called in the Tribunal. (When of course, as far as we know, neither of them did)

    Because technically, killing Orcus, grandson of Zeus was a Tribunal issue, and oddly enough, they didn’t seem to care about it 4000 years ago.

    Which is part of why Tizzy was wanting to release prisoners.

    in reply to: Beta – Some Things and opinions #7078

    So out of curiousity where on that scale would you put Jenn?

    in reply to: Some thoughts/ideas about links #7174

    That and history lessons going back a few million years…

    in reply to: Beta 0 Released #6984

    [quote=GameGraphix;5305]Just thinking about the Inferno and it’s run in with Mount Doom…. I can’t remember anyone actually telling Talarius that a flying submarine had turned up looking for him….when is he going to find out????[/quote]

    You are correct, well that will be one less thing to fix if we move stuff around!

    That’s part of the story in book 4 on his quest to find her. That’s a lot of fun to find out that Barabus has not only teamed up with Heron to locate him, but that they’ve also teamed up with Samael.

    Trust me, Talarius penance/journey is not over!

    Try digesting the fact that “the devil” is a rather pleasant chap and great conversationalist.

    For Sir Lady Serah’s sake, I hope she doesn’t get too romantic with Sir Samwell. For a Knight Rampant of Tiernon literally getting in bed with the devil has to be an ex-communicable sin.

    But If they do get romantic, the name of their son is well known: Damien–ooh wait—maybe they’ve already been romantic since we already have a Damien.

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