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  • in reply to: Beta – Some Things and opinions #7100

    Yeah, Vaselle and Teragdor could be quite the fun. I’d shoved that to the back of my head, now you have distracted me with thoughts of their meeting…..


    in reply to: Doom Busters & Other Issues #7198

    [quote=GameGraphix;5383]Do you want us to wait for Beta 1 first before providing this feedback – from the discussions it looks like there will be some significant changes between Beta 0 and Beta 1.

    When will Beta 1 be ready?[/quote]

    You can do earlier stuff feed back now.

    See previous answer right before this one, Sunday/Monday night for Beta 1.

    I know what needs to go into the battle for a doom buster, but I’ve got to figure out some steps to get there, not from the SL side, but in terms of what is happening under the current state of affairs, sort of bring the “cakewalk” part to sort of a mini-conclusion before the SL counter strike.

    in reply to: Talarius on Sondheim, during the end credits #7206

    The real problem for the other characters is that while they are old, Orcus was all senior to them by a long shot.

    And being D’Orcs/orcs, they are not particularly comfortable with any thing to “personal” so they are good for teaching tactics etc. But I don’t think they would be comfortable going beyond that. For one thing, they’ve never Phoenxied, (assuming of course, that’s what this is).

    Assuming this is Phoenix Cycle I would consider it like anyone that’s had the sort of amnesia that mainly happens in movies. But even when it’s in real life say after a traumatic injury, or a fugue state, the idea is that you get them in surroundings/situations and things start to come back, be supportive and explain the context, but don’t try to rush things particularly if there touchy things.

    I think their attitude is sort of summed up in the Tom’s bedroom scene as phaestus and volund leave. It’s a part of life for them, and they’ll help guide him through, even as Orcus has probably done for others.

    in reply to: Talarius on Sondheim, during the end credits #7208

    [quote=Mikey;5408]Besides, I’m starting to see where you might be going with this whole Orcus, Dis, Tommus, Rupert thingy.[/quote]

    Super! Please let me know so I can get there too! [smile]

    I think you said it earlier, is it true rebirth or is it a role that needs to be fulfilled and there is some knowledge that comes with the role?

    And in the grand scheme of things does it matter which it is as long as the office is occupied and there is continuity?

    in reply to: Talarius on Sondheim, during the end credits #7210


    I see glimmers of reality in the theory…:d/

    in reply to: The Djinn and Exador #7253

    Oh, that’s a very interesting point that I had not considered.

    It would make sense for Tamarin to be there, however, I am wondering if the interdiction might be a problem for her. Although Crispin is fine inside Freehold, he just can’t leave the plane. She should probably be OK, might not have all her powers.

    However, at the moment, Tom doesn’t know that Exador is involved.

    Let me think if there is something that can be pulled in/or how it should be handled.

    BTW: All your technical editing posts, I am looking at but not “fixing” or commenting on until after Beta1.

    Once that is released, I will immediately go through all of that so it’s done before going to editor.

    However, I am going to post to the thread so I can find them again. I look for my name in the hot topics list to know if I’m up to date on a topic.
    Doesn’t always work if there is lots of posting in the topic and I post something and someone else posts while I’m writing, I often miss until I come back and reread the topic.

    in reply to: The Djinn and Exador #7255

    Interesting point on the glowing nonstop, in the Abyss, probably, although I assume he can de-glow if he wants, but he’d still be getting a spidey tingle.

    Hilda and Beragamos did remark on the similarities to Lenamare’s as well as the differences.

    However, there would be no logical reason, at this point, to put 2 and 2 together.

    in reply to: The Djinn and Exador #7257

    Actually, no, they can attack Exador, or those aiding him.

    Now, could they attack the Storm Lords? Exador is aiding them, not the other way around.

    This would require deliberation and approval.

    But, if they wanted to try and take out Exador directly. They could, if the SL then attacked a djinni, that SL or group of, that would be unprovoked and spawn back on that SL and/or group.

    However, interestingly, I suspect the SL’s would know this and not seek to defend Exador by attacking any djinn.

    in reply to: Orcus and the Djinn #7273

    [quote=GameGraphix;5417]Because the Djinn are unaware about how Orcus died (because if they did I would assume that is the one piece of critical information that Tamarin would have be given before coming to Mount Doom and joining Tom) – I would assume that the Djinn with Orcus was trapped in the interdiction and died with Orcus…

    So the revelation about how Orcus died would finally give the Djinn a target for revenge for the Djinn’s death…..I would assume that the Djinn had not retaliated so far is that they did not have proof who or how Orcus and his Djinn died – so could not act….


    That seems to be the most logical conclusion. But there is more to know, who exactly attacked the djinni with Orcus? Aodh, Sentir Fallon, a SL or who?

    They won’t seek justice against an innocent.

    in reply to: Beta – Some Things and opinions #7094

    If you need an orgy, well Reggie’s having those daily in his room.

    Interestingly that got me thinking about Demon’s After Dark, and dealing with Tom’s love life. I suspect that as a huge nerd/geek, virgin, his own anxiety and insecurity, coupled with what he thinks are unrealistic expectations about him from everyone he meets, could lead to serious inner turmoil and shall we say performance anxiety issues. Depending on the race of his love interest, and what form he is in, there could be lots more anxiety. If a human and he’s Edwyrd what if in the heat of passion he swaps back to his true form and more importantly size? If demon? Does he even find other demons attractive?

    Dating he might take slow steps at but I think it’s going to be some time before he’s up for his first time.

    in reply to: Doom Busters & Other Issues #7195

    Either Sunday night or Tuesday night.

    Lots of stuff getting in the way, including traffic in my neighborhood. Apparently there is some sort of late season baseball games going on two blocks from my house this weekend. It takes me twice as long to drive anywhere as before, and it’s never been fast.

    It’s rather odd, I’ve lived in this neighborhood for like 21 years and they’ve never had ball games this late in the year before. Nearly always done in September…

    in reply to: Talarius on Sondheim, during the end credits #7204

    I can see that. Very similar.

    It’s been a long time since I saw that movie, in the theater. Kevin Spacey is a master of cynicism. Remembering this movie, watching the clips, I can see the future Frank Underwood. Guy did not seem to age much in 14 years. (1999 to 2013)

    in reply to: How do the Gods pay? #7233

    [quote=Iume;5361]So much good new stuff.All expected in Beta 1?[/quote]

    The Stainsberry stuff is introduced here, the stuff with the Council etc is a good part of the Tom/Talarius story for Book 4.

    in reply to: How do the Gods pay? #7234

    [quote=EyeDeKay;5362]I got a mythology question.

    So tartarus, in Greek mythology was a primordial god who didn’t do much as far as I know. other than you know imprisoning titans and what not.

    So Danu the alvar god is supposed to be Gaia the earth goddess from Greek mythology right?

    Well after the titans were thrown in tartarus Gaia awoke from slumber and swore vengeance against the gods.

    She then proceeded to get pregnant by tartarus and have the Anti Gods aka The Giants.

    So sense tartarus is not a God in Doa does that mean the giant godlike beings don’t exist?

    Regular giants obviously do. As does, before ragnorok jutonhiem where giants lived. [/quote]

    Sorry, When I said Danu was Gaia like, I meant in the modern sense. She’s an earth mother goddess.

    Tartarus, like Hades, Pluto and Orcus are gods and places both.

    I’m actually adapting the original Clash of the Titan’s mythology where Tartarus was constructed by Hephaestus.

    However, the anti-gods, the giants are coming into play. Because remember, Ragnarok was a war of gods vs jutunn, the true giants.

    There are mortal giants in Astlan and the other worlds. These are your fairly traditional ground based giants (not beanstalk type)

    The true Jotunn are the Titan/Loki style immortal giants.

    As you may recall, these guys were on Orcus’ side. Orcus has been referred to as an Atheist, all of whom question the order of the gods, some of whom want to overthrow it.

    I believe you have Praelgeis explaining this to Exador in the current beta, yes?

    in reply to: How do the Gods pay? #7235

    [quote=Mikey;5363]One wouldn’t expect the Tribunal to be quite so happy-go-lucky in matters of intelligence gathering, as the 5S seem to be.[/quote]

    Indeed, because they sort of the U.N. of Pantheons and obviously there will be lots of disputes and so one will need thorough answers to satisfy all parties.

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